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MGP course changes - cargo - 28-04-2008

Not seen these on any other site

RE: MGP course changes - thewitch - 28-04-2008

Braddan looks a whole lot different as you will see today, Cargo... some people are insistent that the Braddan Oak has been moved, and I have seen postings on another site asking if it will be moved for the races!! It's only been there over 100 years!
The new Governors Bridge section opened this morning, and I haven't see that yet. It's not complete, so you will only be using part of the new road, I understand.

RE: MGP course changes - gary the nurse - 28-04-2008

yep-governors wer re-opened last night-and at present we're all using the old road which we're all used to-the roundabout is bigger at bottom and the dip is coned off, but for life of me cant see the new road being ready till after TT as it looks nowhere near finished, it looks like it will be far safer tho in long run and less of a squeeze

RE: MGP course changes - thewitch - 28-04-2008

I think they are saying they will be working on it until July?

RE: MGP course changes - Phil Windrum - 28-04-2008

Heard a few people who have been round the new bits and say it wont change any racing lines.
Anyone who thinks the Millenium Oak is bad should go to the Killalane and see Kearney's tree!

RE: MGP course changes - Hilary M - 28-04-2008

The oak tree is still ther at Braddan,in exactly the same place.Haven't been anywhere near Govenor's yet ,as the traffic round that area has been horrendous.As Helen says,the new road is not supposed to be ready until the end of July.If any of you are used to the M25 congestion,just imagine traffic backed up to Creg Ny Baa,solid,when you are trying to get to work in Douglas.Before you suggest going another way, all routes have been just as bad,believe me!smilie

RE: MGP course changes - orange - 28-04-2008

Hilary M Wrote:The oak tree is still ther at Braddan,in exactly the same place.Haven't been anywhere near Govenor's yet ,as the traffic round that area has been horrendous.As Helen says,the new road is not supposed to be ready until the end of July.If any of you are used to the M25 congestion,just imagine traffic backed up to Creg Ny Baa,solid,when you are trying to get to work in Douglas.Before you suggest going another way, all routes have been just as bad,believe me!smilie

And thats without TT traffic

RE: MGP course changes - DCLUCIE - 29-04-2008

Just to give you guys and gals an update, the New Governors Bridge section will be closed until well after the TT. THe new round about bit at the bottom end is well out of the way of the racing lines and also is made out of removable sections, so presumeably will be removed prior to the TT starting. The only thing to really look out for thats new all around the course is the new exit from Braddan which may feel a little strange at first with the ridge and flick from left to right being slightly less so may catch a few out first couple of times round, but should be fine after a few laps.

The most worrying parts for me is the chess board over the mountain. I think this has been mentioned somewhere else on this board, but it is a worry. There are large patches close together in a few places and of course they are not as flat as first expected. OK for normal day cars but for bikes at speed very very dangerous. Espcially coming into Kates and really from the veranda to Kates there are a few dodgy places. Don't really know what they were trying to prove but I think it would have been better in a few places to do the whole road (was tempted to put hole but managed to stop myself), and not just the patching.

My advice be really careful. I am sure Cargo will update you all about what and where just to keep you guys and gals informed.

RE: MGP course changes - cargo - 30-04-2008

It was quite amazing yesterday on one lap we saw the course as was next time round all the tarmac ws lifted in one spot...............Top of Barragarro on the in and on the exit.

And at Subly bridge it looks like a series of speed bumps once again right on the line and in the braking area one lap there was nothing next time round a dozen or so new bits of tar very strange and I hope they are flat and flush by practise starting.