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We need the bridge ! - Printable Version

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We need the bridge ! - ian huntly - 07-05-2008

The Steam Packet Company says problems with tide levels at Heysham will mean disruption for passengers over the course of the next week.

In a statement, the company says restricted water depths at the entrance to the Lancashire port and prevailing tidal conditions will affect sailings for up to eight days.

It’s a worsening problem which has come to the fore in recent times.

The company says it’s working with the Mersey Docks and Harbour Company to improve the situation, but is asking passengers to be patient.

(from Manx Radio)

RE: We need the bridge ! - MV - 07-05-2008

Oh, for goodness sake!
Patience is definitely something you need travelling by Steam Packet!
Its bad enough having to drive from Hampshire to Heysham in the first place.
Serves s right for asking for Liverpool

RE: We need the bridge ! - thewitch - 07-05-2008

I've just come home on the train, and shared my carriage with a delightful couple, in their 80s, who crossed from Liverpool, having previously used Heysham. They got lost, as, apparently, did everyone else. No signs until far too late, and a convoluted boarding procedure. They were resolved not to come back, particularly as the Tourist Information Centre had NO information on events last week and this. OUTRAGEOUS, as there is a 2008 What's On booklet... my recent tourists will confirm this, as it's in my visitor's pack. However, by the time we got to Castletown, they had decided they might try again, and fly next time, and use our excellent public transport. Commission please, Mr Earnshaw!!smilie

RE: We need the bridge ! - cargo - 07-05-2008

The steam train is a great way to get to meet and talk to people.
Everytime we've been on it we get to chat with somebody interesting.

And of course once your on there there's no escape untill the train stops smilie

Helens tourist pack is great I can recommend it the maps were very useful to my newcomer...........

RE: We need the bridge ! - thewitch - 07-05-2008

Wish I had done him some for the Irish roads!
The flowers by the track at this time of year are amazing, drifts of bluebells, carpets of primroses, and beautiful shy violets in profusion. the wild garlic with its whirte starry flowers covers just about every other bit. can't smell it for the train smoke, though!
Come to the sunny Isle of Man... it's a glorious 70+ today.

RE: We need the bridge ! - GREEBA#94 - 07-05-2008

The flowers by the track at this time of year are amazing, drifts of bluebells, carpets of primroses, and beautiful shy violets in profusion. the wild garlic with its whirte starry flowers covers just about every other bit. can't smell it for the train smoke, though!
Come to the sunny Isle of Man... it's a glorious 70+ today.

Perhaps, Helen you should change your ID from the witch to Titchmarsh with that floral rendition.
I take it that 70+ is the temp not the latest IOM average age!!!


RE: We need the bridge ! - pykey - 07-05-2008

Here we go again the STEAM RACKET they couldnt hold a p~~~ss up in a brewery how long have they been sailing to the IOM? last year 1 hr plus to wait for luggage and thats the S100 and its was like that the 2 previous times so now i sail to Ireland never ever had problems.smiliesmilie

RE: We need the bridge ! - jasjas - 07-05-2008

Anyone know what is going on at Euromanx - flights cancelled, rumours of them shutting down? Just been trying to get something posted from Liverpool and was told to get it put on the boat instead otherwise it won't get here until Monday.

A bridge would certainly help.

RE: We need the bridge ! - pykey - 07-05-2008

My mate is supposed to be on euromanx on Sunday for the match but he says his flight might be cancelled.

RE: We need the bridge ! - thewitch - 07-05-2008

Oh, dear, that sounds ominous, and such a shame. I used to love travelling with Euromanx when they had the wee planes. You could watch the pilots working, and see out the front as well as both sides!
Hope nothing untoward happens... lots of TT people booked with them too.
NO BRIDGE or we'd have Pykey over here every weekend! Heeheehee!smilie

RE: We need the bridge ! - thewitch - 07-05-2008

GREEBA#94 Wrote:The flowers by the track at this time of year are amazing, drifts of bluebells, carpets of primroses, and beautiful shy violets in profusion. the wild garlic with its whirte starry flowers covers just about every other bit. can't smell it for the train smoke, though!
Come to the sunny Isle of Man... it's a glorious 70+ today.

Perhaps, Helen you should change your ID from the witch to Titchmarsh with that floral rendition.
I take it that 70+ is the temp not the latest IOM average age!!!


Oh dear... you've spotted it..... the gardener in me. My other passion.Good Witch

RE: We need the bridge ! - cargo - 07-05-2008

One wonders if Euromanx are under pressure from Manx2 and are failing to match or beat them on price ?

Mind you at least your luggage gets there Smile and you don't need new jocks every flight ????????

RE: We need the bridge ! - ian huntly - 08-05-2008

Just look at this....Looks like Hyde Park Corner in London !!

RE: We need the bridge ! - thewitch - 08-05-2008

Just looked out the window and it's very quiet off here! Last week I kept seeing the new IOMSPC boat... must have been doing trials.
Maybe I should get a Scarlett window cam!

RE: We need the bridge ! - MV - 08-05-2008

Now THATs a good idea!