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GARRY DICKINSON UPDATE - GarryD - 06-09-2008


Hi everyone, this is Gaynor Garry’s girlfriend with an update on what’s been happening recently. As many of you already know Garry has now been out of hospital for around four weeks, having spent just eleven days in total in hospital after his near fatal Scarborough accident.

He had a check up last week with his consultant Mr Tadross at Doncaster, they took x-rays of his many injuries, had the staples took out the wounds and the casts changed. But this was after he tried to con the plaster technician, that the casts weren’t to be replaced, sending the whole dept into chaos! All the fractures are healing well but there is still a long road ahead, the Drs and staff are amazed at his recovery so far saying they have never seen anything like it before.

Garry’s memory is still very sketchy which frustrates him a lot; in general he is doing well and behaving himself, well most of the time. We would both like to thank everyone who has been phoning and texting, it is a great help and comfort and keeps us going. We are planning to attend Scarborough in two weeks and catch up with our many friends.

Once again thank you all,


RE: GARRY DICKINSON UPDATE - The Bag - 06-09-2008

Garry, your memory will be sketchy for ever now mate, its nothing to do with the crash, its your bloody age!!!!!!! Tongue
I've got an MGP programme here, I was gonna send it but I'll bring it to you in a couple of weeks.
Glad all is going well, I wouldn't want to have been one of those poor souls in the plaster room, can we open a book on what you were calling them smilie smilie

RE: GARRY DICKINSON UPDATE - thewitch - 06-09-2008

With his history of escapes, I think Gaynor needs one of those big dog cages to keep him in. smilie
Russ could feed him scones through the bars.smilie
Get well soon, Garry, things are quiet without you.smilie
Gaynor, you deserve a very very big medal! (Preferably chocolate, I think!)Youtheman(well, WOman)

RE: GARRY DICKINSON UPDATE - 2 stroke nod - 06-09-2008

Good on ya Gaynor for keeping a strict eye on the G-man

Garry - despite the injuries, I hope to see you back over for Skerries next year, I'll keep a good spot for the both of you behind the hedges.

Russ - next time you see him....give him a tickle from me!!

RE: GARRY DICKINSON UPDATE - alf885 - 06-09-2008

Gaynor, I'm so pleased to hear that Garry is doing so well. I wish him all the best on his road to recovery. Well done both of you.

RE: GARRY DICKINSON UPDATE - Hilary M - 06-09-2008

Garry has regularly sent me texts following my injuries,and they really do help morale.So, lately, it has been my turn to do the same for him. We all know he will recover, especially with Gaynor's help, but it will be slower than all we bikers expect.Take care Garry.

RE: GARRY DICKINSON UPDATE - Shaun Harris - 06-09-2008

Hang in there Gaynor, and say hi to Garry for me please

RE: GARRY DICKINSON UPDATE - Helena Finnegan - 07-09-2008

Thanks for the update Gaynor, please give Gary my best wishes you really are a saint keep up the good work.

RE: GARRY DICKINSON UPDATE - racytracy - 08-09-2008

Hi Gaynor & Garry,

I met you at the Ulster last year at the Ballymac on the Saturday night. Glad Garry is on the road to recovery. I'll be at Scarby Gold Cup, so I'll say 'Hello'.

Take care, look after yourself & Garry.
Tracy xx