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Big Names gone ahead, greatly missed already - Printable Version

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Big Names gone ahead, greatly missed already - ian huntly - 23-09-2009

I have just been notified of the deaths of three people who were true stalwarts in motorcycling.

Fred Hanks, the head of his own team with Fred, sons Norman and Roy and the rest of the family riding, passengering and administrating.

Who hasn't a Fred Hanks book in their collection. Who hasn't dashed out of the hotel to the shops to get the bang up to date TT Special just hours after the race finished. Who hasn't read up on the "Mountain Course" thanks to Fred.

Mal Carter who used to hold the fort at the Dougie Bay with his Pharoah team. We had drinks with him in the Texas bar and also stood and watched as Ron Haslam flew his model helicopter on the grass behind the hotel.

Fred Wallis the all-rounder who contested solo and sidecar (as the Hanks have) Perhaps Bill Snelling has a photo of Fred in his helmet ??

One going on is sad enough but to lose three is even sadder. Our condolences to all their families.

RE: Big Names gone ahead, greatly missed already - Bill Snelling - 23-09-2009

Fred Wallis

[Image: 19561318i.jpg]

RE: Big Names gone ahead, greatly missed already - ian huntly - 23-09-2009

I guessed you would have a photo of Fred...Thank you for publishing it. The helmet was very similar to a number used by racers during that era. Can anyone let me know the colour of the rim and stripe please.

I have just read on the Hanks website that ROY had a big one at Cadwell at the weekend...He apparently was taken to Grimsby Hospital with back injuries and a breathing problem...He then went to his local A & E and was found to have a detached rib and a broken finger !!

Can anyone let us know his progress and whether Dave is OK please ?