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Going it alone on 'Green TT ' saves £95k - Printable Version

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Going it alone on 'Green TT ' saves £95k - Malcolm - 26-02-2010

Going it alone on the green TT could save taxpayers up to £95,000, the House of Keys was told.

[Image: iomonlinegif.gif]

Tourism Minister Martyn Quayle defended the decision to jettison TTXGP and to create a TT Zero event in its place.

Questioned about damning headlines in Motorcycle News about 'playground politics choking electric racing', the minister hit out at inaccurate UK press coverage.

Read the full report on the IOM On-Line website HERE

RE: Going it alone on 'Green TT ' saves £95k - George - 09-03-2010

And who will be paid the savings Censored

RE: Going it alone on 'Green TT ' saves £95k - Tomcat - 10-03-2010

The comments following the press article aren't exactly very favourable to the DTL, and it certainly doesn't appear to be a clear case in favour of their statement that it was a clash of times that led to their split with TTXGP.

I'd be interested to know how they work out it will cost them £95K less to stage an identical event this year, though I doubt somehow we will ever see a breakdown of costs showing where the supposed savings come from.

And will the teams ever see a penny of this £95K I wonder.