VMCC Festival of Jurby
Malcolm Offline

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VMCC Festival of Jurby
Taken from Gary's Facebook Page.

Gary Corlett

The 10th annual Festival of Jurby  once again proved very successful so thank you for the continued support from  our committee, volunteers and to all who attended on the day.

Of course, an event of this scale  takes a tremendous amount of organisation, which for many years has been done by  a small committee getting together just weeks after the previous event took  place to start gearing up for the next summer. However, after being in position  since the festival was established in 2009, a number of the organising committee  have made the tough decided to stand down.

As the event grows, we are seeing  heavier regulation come into effect, and responsibilities grow to surpass the  capability of the small team that organises the event. Keeping riders safe is  our utmost concern and in the current climate we’re facing additional  uncertainties with insurance for any non-Manx riders given changes to EU Medical  Cards.

Consequently, and pending professional advice,  the committee has reluctantly, and with regret, decided to suspend the Festival  until further notice.

The Vintage Motorcycle Club has  always looked at ways to promote the island’s strong history with motorcycling  and the tremendous machines many of our members lovingly restore and care for,  and for the past decade of the Festival of Jurby has celebrated this perfectly.

Our commitment to promoting vintage  motorbikes on and off island remains as strong as ever, and the committee with  be continuing with the many events we organise throughout the year, including  the Manx Rally, however this is a perfect time to reflect and refocussing our  efforts to look at new events.

VMCC Festival of Jurby  Committee
18-09-2019, 10:29 PM
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Chris_Sav Offline

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RE: VMCC Festival of Jurby
Wow, how disappointing! thanks to all those who have made the Jurby Festival the incredible success it has been.
[Image: chris-quill-blue.gif]Laurel Bank II Marshal, Classic TT & Manx GP
18-09-2019, 10:41 PM
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