For Everyone To Read
Malcolm Offline

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For Everyone To Read
On the thread about the DED and the proposed TT World Series, or whatever it eventually gets called, I had reason to intervene over the content of some of the posts that were made, and here is what I said"- 

"I have no problem with balanced, structured and sensible comments on this. However, I  have already had to delete comments that some of you have made, as they have been very near the knuckle and highly contentious possibly even libelous, and I will have no hesitation in doing that again, if necessary.

Therefore, please be sensible with your comments, otherwise they WILL be deleted"

I edited one post on another Thread yesterday however obviously not enough. Perhaps I should have deleted this immediately.

I have to add here, that over the past month or so, I have noticed an ever increasing need to intervene in one way or another on posts that have been made from people who have recently joined the Forums, and who have never bothered to read the T&C's for the Forum, nor any of the various items of advice that I have posted around the site for everyone to read.

I have had enough, and this will not be permitted to continue.

In future any posts that are made that are contrary to the T&C's will be immediately deleted and there will be no entering into any communication as to why I have deleted them (read the T&C's).

Anyone who does so again will receive an official warning and any subsequent post of a similar nature will be immediately deleted.

Continuation of this behaviour will get you banned, not for a day, a week, or a month, but for good.

I don't know how many times I have to say this:



Final warning and comment on this matter, so be it on your own heads.

(This post was last modified: 16-03-2015, 11:46 AM by Malcolm.)
16-03-2015, 08:50 AM
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scaramanga Offline
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RE: For Everyone To Read
any thread conaining the ded always had negative replys over on the other site
they are not the enemy
we may all not like some things they come out with but they are not anti road racing

proud to own and ride a british motorcycle  triumph daytona 675 Hehe
16-03-2015, 10:47 AM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: For Everyone To Read
For Everyones Information:

I have already received communication regarding potentially libelous statements being made by people on this Forum since it opened up to receive all those who have moved across from

Never in the previous 15 years of operation have I ever received such correspondence. What does that tell you ?

Further, It is myself as owner and Administrator of the Forum  who is ultimately held legally responsible for permitting potentially libelous statements to be aired and viewed in the public domain, and that is never going to happen.

Refer to this recently published press item:-

The owners of Blackpool Football Club are suing a web forum for libel in the latest of a series of actions against fans making derogatory comments online

Is that sufficient proof for you ?

Or Perhaps

Please be aware of the following

Telecommunications Act 1984 (c. 12)

Part II Provision of Telecommunication Services

(1) A person who—

(a) ~ sends, by means of a public telecommunication system, a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character;


(b) ~ sends by those means, for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to another, a message that he knows to be false or persistently makes use for that purpose of a public telecommunication system,

shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale or both.

Read the Legislation HERE

The above which is listed within the T&C's of this Forum and of which everyone who signed up to use this Forum should have read before using the Forum.

The Forum operates on the basis of all Posts that are made, being - balanced, structured and sensible.

When posts that are made, are not and are contrary to the T&C's of the Forum in whatever form that takes, then I take appropriate action, whether you personally like it or not.

This Forum is and always was for everyone to use, but that is becoming something that I may have to reconsider for the future. No Pseudonyms, No false Email Addresses, Probationary membership period etc etc.. Is that what you all want ?

My closing comment to those who dislike the manner in which I moderate this FREE Forum, and much as I regret to say this:  

Please go and find yourself another Forum that suits your needs and requirements, and one that will be prepared to stand the cost of all judicial actions and repercussions taken against that Website/Forum for permitting libelous posts and comments to be viewed in the public domain.

Someone asked me in a previous post this morning if I was somewhat tetchy over this matter. You better bloody believe that I am.

16-03-2015, 03:51 PM
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