Track Day Advice
bsa499 Offline
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Track Day Advice
I'm currently in the process of renewing my National Road Race licence for 2024 and as I haven't ridden competitively for ages plus I'll be riding my BSA B50 I thought of trying out both the machine and myself at one or two track days. The problem I have is that although my B50 is a reasonably competitive Group 2 machine I'm certain that, initially at least, both it and me would be blown away by modern machinery. I've never done a track day and I certainly don't want to be 'in the way' so the advice I seek is are there track days available that are suitable for classics? I live in the North West of England so the more local to me the better. All sensible advice will be gratefully accepted.
27-11-2023, 11:38 AM
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captainsparkledotcom Offline

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RE: Track Day Advice
3 sisters may be worth a look? 
I know they have ACU "test days" & it's pretty twisty, so corners are everything, as opposed to top end speed.
I know you're a seasoned classic racer, but maybe I can pass on some of my limited advice?
I had some good times at Oulton park, once against an old 350 Honda, said he'd raced the Manx, I was on my Speed Trifle(sic) & had the speed, but he passed me like I was stood still going into the corners. I'm not particularly fast, by the way.
 if you start in the "slow" group for the first session, then move up during the day I think it'll be fine.

Once, my friend booked us into the fast group at Oulton, "we've done some trackdays, it'll be fine" he said "we'll be a rolling chicane" said I.
After the first session I was hiding in the van & the organizer came running up to us saying "what the hell are you doing, you're like rolling chicanes.."
So we moved down a class & it was OK then.

There always seems to be someone on an ancient 250 Honda G5 or similar with good tyres on, that blows nearly everyone away!
27-11-2023, 02:56 PM
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bsa499 Offline
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RE: Track Day Advice
Many thanks Cap’n. I’ve had a look at the 3 Sisters website and it looks very promising. I remember winning the Preston Club’s classic championship at 3 Sisters in 1992 on my trusty BSA B50. The awards ceremony was held in Preston and my trophy was presented by a very young Neil Hodgson who’d just won the British 125cc Championship. I still have the trophy somewhere. I think winning that championship really helped me to get an entry into the 1993 Senior Classic MGP which was highly oversubscribed at the time. How things change!
30-11-2023, 01:03 PM
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Smokin Haddock Racing Offline

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RE: Track Day Advice
Here you go.
01-12-2023, 12:42 AM
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