Armoy - Local Community Backbone to Road Races
Malcolm Offline

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Armoy - Local Community Backbone to Road Races
[Image: armoyhdr.jpg]

As the SGS International ‘Race of legends’ draws near, the Armoy Motorcycle Road Racing Club has spoken about how support from the local community and businesses have been the key to their success.

Speaking ahead of the Armoy Road Races, Bill Kennedy, Clerk of the Course explained how local sponsors have contributed to proceedings:

“There are many ingredients to ensuring a successful road race: the riders and their wholehearted support by racing at our event; the sponsors and their very generous and committed financial support and the many members of the Club and volunteers that give freely of their time. 

“The local community and businesses are instrumental to our races and we would be lost without them. I can’t say more good things about the fantastic support we’ve had from different areas of the local and business community.

“For instance, there are a number of sponsors that have stuck with us over the years, Trevor Kane of Bayview Hotel is one of them. Trevor has been unswerving in his assistance with the Club and the races, nothing is too much and he has kindly hosted our launch over a number of years. Basically we take over the Bayview Hotel in Portballintrae, an absolutely beautiful spot, for most of a day and thankfully I don’t get too many complaints from him or his regulars.

“Other sponsors that have stood side by side with us over a number of years include; the Ballycastle Credit Union, Armoy Homes & Property Services, Armoy Construction Co Ltd, the Mermaid Club, the Diamond Bar, James W Hickinson & Co, Harrigan Fuels, Solitude Motors and PMA Contracts along with our title sponsor SGS International as well as Tourism Northern Ireland, Tourism Ireland and the now Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council.

“Each and everyone of these sponsors play an instrumental part in making the Armoy Road Races happen. I must take this opportunity to also extend a huge thank you to the landowners in and around Armoy as each year they kindly contribute the use of their land for the races.

“The Road Races bring a significant tourism and economic boost to the area and I think people have seen that, and that’s why they are keen to get involved and support the races. Local Armoy Companies, IJ Lynn & Sons and McAuley Car Dismantlers, have come on board this year along with Coleraine’s First4Printing, and Kells based Torquetronix.

“They have all been spectacular, with First4Printing also providing a very professional service in helping design and print our programme and we are really very thankful that the guys have given their support. A special thanks also goes to new sponsors, the Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club for their input in the Junior Classic Race.

“Companies and individuals help in many different ways. RiverRidge Recycling has been a brilliant supporter of the race in the past and will continue to support us by providing bins and skips again this year, with many other individuals donating their time and money to the club.

“John and Valerie Crichton, along with their grandson, Jonathan Reilly are just one other example and along with Chief Timekeeper, Richard Agnew, they come year on year to ensure that each and every working part is ready for this major national event.

“I’m sure there are many more I haven’t mentioned but nonetheless, my thanks and that of the Club’s are heartfelt.”

The event is part funded by Tourism Northern Ireland and Bike Week runs from Sunday 19th July until Saturday 25th July 2015 with the SGS International ‘Race of Legends’ featuring on the Saturday 25th July 2015.

Please support the Armoy Road Races by buying a programme.

They are available from the AMRRC office and the Petrol Station in Armoy from the Saturday 18th July 2015 and cost £10.00 or €15.

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[Image: armoypromo2.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 15-07-2015, 03:07 PM by Malcolm.)
15-07-2015, 03:06 PM
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