Daytona 2006

Daytona 2006
Anyone going to Daytona this year, we are off in the morning and last year we came acrross Gail and family plus a few others. Our gang will be staying at the Fountain Beach right on Main street if anyone wants to meet up for a beer
05-03-2006, 11:05 AM

Have a great time, Colin. Gail will be too skint after that wedding! Haven't been for 12 years myself, but it's low on my list...far too far away from the racing to make sense of it without binoculars...better watching it on telly.
The best sights were off track...the couple (must have been 30-40stone between them) on a baby-blueWing, all in baby blue leather...eeeek.
The guy by the roadside selling guns, right next to another selling some hate-driven fundamentalist religion.
The flea market...the biggest autojumble you ever saw.
05-03-2006, 11:53 AM
Hilary M Offline
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We aren't going this year,Colin.Like Gail and David,we are skint.I must try ang get in some decorating jobs,lol.Have a great time,it may be a tad warmer over there!
05-03-2006, 12:41 PM
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