New look to TT corner
Malcolm Offline

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New look to TT corner
[Image: iomonlinegif.gif]
As reported on the IOM Online Website on February 1

Another landmark corner on the TT circuit has been remodelled.

But work recently completed to alter the layout at Signpost Corner will have no impact on racing, highways director Richard Pearson said.

This £126,000 scheme involved relocating the mini-roundabout to ensure vehicles go around it rather than cutting straight across.

The previous alignment did not meet current design standards and there had been many reports of motorists cutting across the roundabout at high speed, particularly heading towards the Mountain Road from Onchan direction.

Removable islands and bollards have been installed on the roundabout’s approaches to slow traffic and deter motorists from cutting across the centre circle.

[Image: newsignpost.jpg]

These will be removed for the TT and Manx Grand Prix festivals.

Other works involved resurfacing the mini-roundabout and its approaches to improve the skidding resistance of the road which had become worn through braking and tight turning movements of the traffic.

The turf hedge has been set back to help improve visibility for traffic and pedestrians on the Hillberry Road approach from Onchan village centre and Bermahague Road.

A road surface water drainage system has also been installed.

Mr Pearson said:

‘Works are complete. The design and placement of bolt down islands were designed to accommodate racing and the events will be unaffected.

‘The work has corrected a defective junction layout but the main outcome was the re-surfacing the road which has also been successfully completed.

‘The extremely cold winter weather resulted in general frost damage to an adjacent section of carriageway that was not apparent when we planned this work. Whilst we were there we have re-constructed that section.’
Be right back. I am going to go find myself, and if I leave before I get back, make sure to tell me !! -
01-02-2011, 12:42 PM
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