Racing at Errol

Racing at Errol
Can anyoine help out with a loan of any programmes from Scottish events, especially those from Errol?
I have some photos for the book which I need dates for, and programmes help.
One is of the McPhersons, Alan, Ian and Father(any of whom I'd like to contact), working on a Black Shadow in the pits, circa 1957, but I can find no dates for Errol that year.
Scottish Clubman magazines are useful too, and I'll buy them or pay for the information if need be.
26-10-2003, 05:31 PM

Re: Racing at Errol
I have a programmes from Charter Hall & Beveridge Park 1956 & bound volumes Motor Cycle/Motor Cycling.Also Motor Cycle News from the period for race reports & results if needed. Please contact if any of use.
26-10-2003, 06:18 PM

Re: Racing at Errol
The RW Thomson Room at Stonehaven Library has the complete Scottish Clubman series (except Number 1, I think) I have a few here, and you are welcome to borrow them. I can bring them to the KDMC dance, if you like.
26-10-2003, 06:50 PM

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