JOHN LEECH -Programme!!

JOHN LEECH -Programme!!
Hellfire John, I'm sorry!!

Helen sent me your mobile no, since I had neither that nor an email address, and then under various pressures I forgot - then when I remembered I couldn't find the number!!

My address is 64 Central Avenue, Bangor, Co Down, N. Ireland, BT20 3AU, and I would be very grateful. . . . . . . . .

How're the Bouzukis going? I've had a mixed year since I saw you last - broken rockers and things.

See you at Billown next year?
23-10-2003, 09:31 PM

Re: JOHN LEECH -Programme!!
Larry i will be there! Billown i mean, Suzuki's are in the same state they left the Island! As for the K4 that is sorted now! Looking to buy my own 250 for next year! Any idea folks? I'll get that sent to you Larry!

Cheers John
26-10-2003, 02:35 PM

Re: JOHN LEECH -Programme!!
John, for a 250 you wouldn't go past a Suzuki, surely?

Anyway, look forward to the programme - thanks!!

See you in May - I've booked the ferry. Be there probably on the Sunday - have a few days tent holiday before the work begins . . . . .

Cheers, Larry D
26-10-2003, 04:16 PM

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