20,000 Birthday

20,000 Birthday
With 19,946 messages posted on this forum to date i guess sometime next week will be the TT Message Board 20,000th post birthday!

I was wondering what has been the longest thread so far? (admin?)

Maybe if we all add to this one it could be close?

I know im a TT fan because.............
Everyone of my friends and family know who Joey & Robert Dunlop, David Jeffries, Hizzy and McCallen are.

I know im a TT fan because.............
I am on this web page thinking of something else to write at half past midnight.

Your turn.
29-07-2004, 12:29 AM

Re: 20,000 Birthday
I know I'm a TT fan cos I'm skint from being involved!
29-07-2004, 06:47 AM

Re: 20,000 Birthday
I know I'm a TT fan when I carry a day-sack stuffed with binoculars, mini radio, heavyweight fleece, gloves, woolly hat, wet weather suit, midge repellent, sun block, sun hat, survival rations for a week, and wallaby trap, during 2 weeks in June.
29-07-2004, 09:03 AM

Re: 20,000 Birthday
Perhaps this is a really good time to thank that great TT fan Malcolm MacDonald, who makes this all possible.
Rosa, do not fall prey to Wallaphobia it is just something that John Foster has put about and it makes me hopping mad.
29-07-2004, 09:30 AM

Re: 20,000 Birthday
That repellant doesn't work. They're even turning up on Islay now. Oh...maybe it does...maybe that's why they are on Islay.
29-07-2004, 09:36 AM

Re: 20,000 Birthday
I know that I am a TT Fan because I actually got the meet The Witch!!!!!
Yes, special thanks to Malcolm for holding it all together.
29-07-2004, 10:14 AM

Re: 20,000 Birthday Posting
I must be either a TT fan or completely mad because I have been coming to the TT since 1947..
I wonder just how much money I have spent keepng this annual visit going..

If I multiply what I had to spend this year by the no. of years I have been coming, a lottery win would not cover it !! Anybody out there with an abacus ??

However I would have it no different.

.The Isle of Man and its associated two and three wheeled events have helped me to make good, lasting friends from all over this planet and I hope to keep on coming as long as I can draw breath........(coming to the Isle of Man, that is !)

Then you can dump my ashes up at Brandywell or Keppel Gate !!(Or Both cos I'm a big lad !)

This message board is excellent, for not only do we all join in joy, but also in sympathy, in pleasure, and in sadness, in nostalgia, and in forward planning. So that's MY contribution.
Any further comments ?

By the way please join me in remembering the irreplaceable Steve Hislop this weekend.....It's a year already !!
29-07-2004, 02:53 PM

Re: 20,000 Birthday Posting
Got your drift Ian, but us guys who go racing across , and have done for 30 years, are still in the hands of the dreaded steam racket even us manxies have to pay to get of or back on devils island, monoply huh thought that was a game or did the steam racket invent it???
29-07-2004, 08:43 PM

Re: 20,000 Birthday
I know I'm a TT fan because I have a IoM TT banner across the windshield of my car (probably the only one in OZ) which enables me to attract 'lots' of men. Problem is they are mostly old blokes. lol. However you would be amazed just how many people in my part of the world know about the TT - some even having ridden there - and I thoroughly enjoy standing by my car with them, chatting and reminiscing.
30-07-2004, 10:55 PM

Re: 20,000 Birthday
Almost forgot....and I know I'm a TT fan 'cause I log onto this site every day and treasure all the contacts and friends I have made. Thanks Malcolm.
30-07-2004, 10:57 PM

Re: 20,000 Birthday
Jan in the UK vehicles with a TT banner on the drivers windsreen wont pass the MOT why? because they impair the drivers vision.
31-07-2004, 07:28 AM

Re: 20,000 Birthday
Really? My banner runs along a little strip across the top of the windscreen and because it is opaque green it doesn't impede my view and actually helps keep the sun from my eyes. But you guys wouldn't know about sun, would you. Just kidding, Pykey....honestly. lol
31-07-2004, 07:43 AM

Re: 20,000 Birthday
Jan, I hope you mean "Transparent" green, to allow to see through it.
31-07-2004, 10:04 AM

Re: 20,000 Birthday
No kidding Jan i used to have one on my van but when i took it for the MOT i was told to remove it, in fairness the inspector said you can put it on later but he wouldnt pass the vehicle with it on.
31-07-2004, 04:45 PM

Re: 20,000 Birthday
Oh, I do mean transparent....but even if you couldn't see through it I would need to be so tall as to not even fit in the car. It's interesting that Pykey mentioned the MOT problem, it's never been an issue here thank goodness as then I would have to think of some other way to promote the TT and my passion for it. One simply couldn't wear a TT T-shirt to the office every day (as much as I'd like to).
31-07-2004, 10:14 PM

Re: 20,000 Birthday
Hopping mad???? I'm hopping HAPPY!
Thanks to all the wonderful friends we've made through this site.
A very special thank-you to Malcolm for all that he does to keep this site going AND free for all of us to enjoy.
His motto truly is, for love of the sport!
Here's to the next 20,000! Harry and Elizabeth
01-08-2004, 08:20 PM

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