Tommy Clucas - R.I.P.

Tommy Clucas - R.I.P.
I have just received a txt message from The Island, that informs me that Tom, one of the Islands characters and red blooded racers has passed away tonight after sustaining injuries at Ballaugh in an accident earlier today.

My heartfelt sympathies go out his family and immediate friends. Tom you will be sorely missed.

All at TTwebsite extend our condolences and greatest sympathy.


01-09-2004, 11:28 PM

Re: Tommy Clucas - R.I.P.
Terrible news Malcolm condolonces to Tom's family RIP Tom.
02-09-2004, 07:45 AM

Re: Tommy Clucas - R.I.P.
Have you all read the last diary entry on Toms website.
That last paragraph ?
Much as I love this sport of ours, it does
give us all sad days from time to time.

Condolences to all Toms family and friends.


02-09-2004, 10:23 AM

Re: Tommy Clucas - R.I.P.
As I said on Manx Radio.....gutted
He will be missed.
02-09-2004, 11:26 AM

Re: Tommy Clucas - R.I.P.
Tommy was one of the great characters around the paddock, and there was never a dull moment when he was around. As well as being an extremely talented racer, he always took a genuine interest in the other riders. I don't think either Gail or myself ever had a conversation with him in which he didn't ask how her racing was going.

It's hard to believe that he has gone, but he died whilst living the dream of winning on the TT Course. He'll be in the history books for ever as the first man to record a lap at 120mph in the MGP, and those who were round the course yesterday will testify to the style with which he did it. I was at the end of Cronk-y-Voddy and he was absolutely superb through there on all four laps.

I would like to extend my deepest sympathy to his family and friends, and I hope that all his brilliantly-written diary entries on his website <A HREF=""></A> will be of some comfort to them, as they show just how much he loved racing motorcycles. Thanks for all the memories Tommy.
02-09-2004, 11:43 AM

Re: Tommy Clucas - R.I.P.
Very , very sad news!! My deepest condolences to his family and all friends.
02-09-2004, 12:11 PM

Re: Tommy Clucas.
Its so hard to type this message because words simply are not enough to describe how i felt this morning on hearing the news from the island.We met Tommy whilst sharing a garage at Croft on the 26th of June this year.He was working with his good friend Juan and came and introduced himself to us.We spoke about our son Ross who lost his life last year also whilst racing, but he was full of enthusiasm for Bryan to continue in the sport that we all love.Juan did really well that weekend and our Bryan finished 3rd in the supersport race also.It was a garage full of smiles as Alex was 50 on the same day.Tommy e mailed me after the weekend just chatting about racing and when we returned to race at Croft at the BSB meeting Tommy was parked opposite us smiling as always.Ironically we were both parked beside Andy Wallace too.There are no words to explain quite how i feel today but we will always remember Tommy`s cheery smile so full of enthusiasm whether he was mechanicing or racing.Our hearfelt sympathies go out to his family and friends especially Juan who has lost two great friends in as many weeks in Tommy and Andy.
Stella, Alex, Bryan and Grant Campbell
02-09-2004, 12:43 PM

Re: Tommy Clucas - R.I.P.
In my book you won that 600 Junior race.
It was always a pleasure to watch you in practice and on race days. You'll be in the history books forever as the first man to record a lap at 120 mph in the MGP.
This is a very sad loss for the Isle Of Man and the racing fraternity, another great rider taken from us.
Gone but never forgotten.

Sincere condolences to your family and friends

R.I.P Tommy Clucas
02-09-2004, 05:43 PM

Re: Tommy Clucas - R.I.P.
Don't forget Gavin Feighery guys, another brave man down and a friend of Tom's to boot.

It's a hard one this sport of ours but it has ever been so.
02-09-2004, 10:31 PM

Re: Tommy Clucas - R.I.P.
So sad to lose two lovely guys.
I was marshalling at the bottom of Bray Hill and Tommy flew through there looking absolutely magnificent and steady as a rock.
05-09-2004, 08:52 PM

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