BSB clashing with the TT

BSB clashing with the TT
What event will clash with the TT next year?
22-09-2004, 11:46 PM

Re: BSB clashing with the TT
The round on the 4th and 5th of June is still `To Be Confirmed`
23-09-2004, 08:27 AM

Re: BSB clashing with the TT
Werent we to expect that there would be NO Superbike clash with the TT?
Wasnt that discussed when the new classes were announced?
I for one, would be reluctant to go next year, if the entry is not "quality"
Any other comments?

Mike (MV)
23-09-2004, 09:23 AM

Re: BSB clashing with the TT
The TT will take place every year regardless of whatever happens around the world.
The TT stands on its own and those true enthusiasts for road racing will always go, if they can.
My advice to David Cretney when they were asking for opinions, was for the IOM Government to take control of this unique and remarkable event and for them to call the shots, and people would respect them for it.
They moved away from the ACU and this year's event was a great success, with new records and very close racing.
The nay-sayers having been proven wrong and should stop casting around for other problems and get solidly in behind the TT, which we all love, or we wouldn't be looking in on this website.
I am damned sure where I would rather be at the end of May in 2005.

23-09-2004, 12:33 PM

Re: BSB clashing with the TT
My comments were based on the assumption that there would be competitors at the revamped TT riding Superbikes, in the true sense of the word.
That assumption has lead me to think that there would be a degree of cooperation permitting Superbike riders and teams to do both, should they wish.
If that makes me a nay sayer, fair enough.


23-09-2004, 02:36 PM

Re: BSB clashing with the TT
Sorry Mike, no offence meant.
What I am always on about is, if teams or riders or organisations choose not to come to the TT,
or organise there own events at the same time, then good luck to them.
The TT will still go on and be successful.
I am a nay-sayer (one who refuses) in regard to believing that many racing motorcyclists still
do not regard a win at the Isle of Man to be a crowning achievement.
And I hope you don't 'refuse' to come next year.
23-09-2004, 11:11 PM

Re: BSB clashing with the TT
wot does it matter if it clashes???how many bsb riders bother to race at the tt??rutter,palmer aint the loss it used to be.
23-09-2004, 11:20 PM

Re: BSB clashing with the TT
Ok, Don Martin.
No real offence taken, by the way)
I think what I was trying to get across here was that when the class changes were announced, it was in part to ATTRACT the big teams.
I agree completely about the TT and its uniqueness. I think I have proved my interest and loyalty!
No, the only thing that will stop me coming is my finacial situation, and that hasnt happened yet!
My situation is such that it may be TT or house.
So far, the TT is ahead!

24-09-2004, 09:57 AM

Re: BSB clashing with the TT
I believe the shed at Foxdale may still be available, if you need a house! Check with Gail!
This clash kind of reinforces what we all said, namely that the reason "teams" were not coming to the Island wasn't because the classes were wrong. they jsut didn't consider the TT relevant. We do, and the classes riders want would guarantee the entries. Sod the "teams"!
24-09-2004, 10:42 AM

Re: BSB clashing with the TT
That shed sounds tempting.
Actually, I have less than 3 years to go til retirement (If I can afford to!) maybe the
horses home will have me?

Your comments about the classes, was what I was getting at all along!
So, if the riders dont get the classes that THEY want, what is the POINT of classes for Superbikes whose riders will be elsewhere.
I thought when the classes were announced that they were wrong.

We will, of course, have the usual suspects and stalwarts, but minus thw 2 strokes and 400s.
Whatever, roll on June!

Mike (MV)

24-09-2004, 12:00 PM

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