Boxing Day Mallory and all that followed (below)

Re: Just do it!
Tom. Fantastic he was a real character and certainly enjoyed himself and racing.
31-12-2004, 11:03 PM

Re: Just do it!
His memorial plaque outside Gwen's house is still there, and she looks after it.
31-12-2004, 11:55 PM

Re: Just do it!
Hi Tom,

I think that you will find that Fred was riding a Bantam that day with a 60 thou oversize piston. (normal rebore oversize which was legal for UK racing but not so at the TT)

01-01-2005, 09:55 AM

Re: Just do it!
Aaaaah! How the mists of time cloud our memory's.

"The Jury upheld the decision of the Clerk of the Course to exclude F. Launchbury from the results of the 125c for having an engine 1.2cc oversize".

Fred had achieved a race average speed of 84 mph,only beaten by the late Dave Simmons on the works Kawasaki and Kel Carruthers in the worls Aermacchi,I gotta say that must have been one quick bantam.

Actually the highest place Fred ever achieved on a Bantam was 20th in the 1967 125 at a race average of just over 73mph.

It definitely was a TSS watercooled Bulto, the pity for Fred was that probably most of them were a bit oversize, mine included, because the bores were near to the bone if not a tad oversize when brand new and they were notorious for wearing cylinder bores.

Fred was another dedictated rider with 28 T.T starts under his belt a and smashing modest bloke.

He had a bike shop as well in Raynes Park, London and had a greyhound or wippet that went everywhere with him.

Sadly Fred died from injuries received in an accident at Glen Trammon while having a good race for a leaderboard position with Tommy Robb on the third lap of the 1979 Formula 111 race.

01-01-2005, 12:32 PM

Re: Just do it!
I was with friends in the next garage to Fred that year; every time he went out it nipped out and a flexi-hone was much in evidence. The scrutineers even let them put the barrel in a bucket of cold water to see if it would shrink to below 125cc, to no avail.
01-01-2005, 03:51 PM

Re: Just do it!
We all had to do that at one time or another, but no one had any intention of cheating or gaining an advantange by having an oversize motor, 1 or 2cc would not make any difference anyway.

They were just a nightmare and sometimes lethal especially the 250, but they were quick and cheap to buy at the time.
01-01-2005, 04:03 PM

Re: Just do it!
I remember Ken Harding telling me that he was the scrutineer who measured Fred's bike. He dreaded telling Fred that the bike was a fraction oversize. However Fred responded by saying to Ken that he knew it was oversize, as he'd had to bore in practice after a seizure. He just never expected to finish in the first three. Certainly not the actions of a man setting out to cheat, unlike the fiasco in the 400 race in 2000.Yes Fred Launchbury was a real gentleman, and amongst many that are sadly missed.
On another matter, I agree with Russ Henley's sentiments about the Southern 100. Never fancied the circuit, did try it once, when Chris Day was hurt, good luck to those who ride it, and obviously enjoy it. Good job we are not all alike. Happy New Year to all
01-01-2005, 04:33 PM

Re: Just do it!
Hi Tom,

I stand corrected. Folklore that has come down through the years with regard to Bantam's, people have told me that Fred was on a Bantam. With him not in the results, due to exclusion, no one (well me, really) really questioned it.

01-01-2005, 09:31 PM

Re: Just do it!
I to stand corrected, Freds highest place in the TT on a Bantam was not 20th in 67 but 13th in 68 at a race speed of a touch under 77mph.

He was well in Bronze time and just missed a Silver, tramping on a bit on a three speed BSA or what? Especially taking into account the differnce in the circuit nearly 40 years ago.

01-01-2005, 10:03 PM

Re: Just do it!
I was watching from the wall at the pits when Nick raced the S100 and Chris Day was badly injured. I remember being absolutely amazed at how far the drag to the first corner was. I had never seen so many big bikes flat out all bunched together - I'd have to say I found it terrifying to watch.

03-01-2005, 04:57 AM

Re: Just do it!
And for those of you that don't know, this Garry Dickinson is named after the little Garry Dickinson, note they both had two rr's in Garry, unusual eh?
Both very talented riders, one before my time and the other always before me on the track!! :-(
Russ ;-)

03-01-2005, 06:26 PM

Re: Just do it!
I watched at the same spot one year, think it was the year before this incident, and i could not believe just how many bikes there were coming down the road together!, to this day , i swore the road was vibrating!, such was the no of big bikes altogether, to be honest, i think there was , and still is , too many bikes coming towards the 1st cornrr , so fast and so tightly bunched to gether, thats my opinion, it may not be shared by many, if any!
03-01-2005, 06:35 PM

Re: Just do it!
It is a dangerous course, although debatably (is there such a word?) no more so than Skerries, which scares me even as an open road.
At least at Ballakeighan, you have the option (used by us once) to go straight on in emergency.
All the major junctions offer this esacape, and it is used regularly. The scariest bit for me is the section between the black (bomb?)hole and Crossfourways. So fast, and so narrow. And, as a passenger, I never liked Church Bends through Great Meadow, but that was just me not getting to grips with it, I think.
Now Stadium....yum yum...and into Castletown Corner...salivating at the very thought!
The balance between encouragement and concern of the officials at the Southern is perfect. They are the best there is, anywhere.
I just love the course and the club.
03-01-2005, 09:11 PM

Re: Just do it!
03-01-2005, 11:54 PM

Re: Just do it!
It's the only place I've ever watched motorcycle racing where the riders are at full speed before the first corner. Which in my opinion is a very bad idea.

A short drag to the first corner allows a sort out and the riders can space out a bit and any crashes are going to be at a lower speed (and are probably a bit less likely to be catastrpohic).

With regards to Guy Martin - love him as we do he's got up from two potentially VERY serious crashes at the S100 in consecutive years. I hope he can keep it safe this year - anything else is a bonus.

04-01-2005, 01:06 AM

Re: Just do it!
In Guy's defence, the crash he had this year was caused by a faulty part which leaked fluid onto his front tyre. Hopefully that is the end of his crashing at Billown and everywhere else for that matter!

04-01-2005, 09:18 AM

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