2007 TT qualification times
Marco Offline

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2007 TT qualification times
I'm not able to find on the web the qualification times for 2007 TT races. Probably they have been published on the TTSC magazine last issue but I do not have it at the moment. Can anyone post them here? Thanks in advance!
22-05-2007, 09:07 PM
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Qualification times

TT Superbike Race / Senior Race 20 minutes 30 seconds 110.43 mph

Sidecar TT Races 24 minutes 94.32 mph

TT Superstock Race 21 minutes 107.80 mph

Supersport Junior TT Race 21 minutes 107.80 mph

The qualification regulations will only be waived at the absolute discretion of the Clerk of the Course
whose decision will be final.
23-05-2007, 05:07 AM
Marco Offline

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cargo Wrote:Qualification times

TT Superbike Race / Senior Race 20 minutes 30 seconds 110.43 mph

Sidecar TT Races 24 minutes 94.32 mph

TT Superstock Race 21 minutes 107.80 mph

Supersport Junior TT Race 21 minutes 107.80 mph

The qualification regulations will only be waived at the absolute discretion of the Clerk of the Course
whose decision will be final.

Many thanks for the reply, Cargo. Do I have to desum that there are no longer the "30 seconds" at desposal of the TT newcomers?
23-05-2007, 09:51 AM
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No mention of any kind of 30 seconds for newcomers.
Here is the full paragraph on quailifying from the regulations...........

To start a race, a Newcomer to the TT Circuit, qualifying for the first time must complete a total of at
least 6 laps on a solo machine or 4 laps on a sidecar machine. Newcomers must have signed on,
attended a briefing and a Newcomers course tour on Saturday 26th May, and commenced practice
including completion of a speed controlled lap by the end of Tuesday practice and should have
completed 3 laps by the end of Wednesday practice, or they may be disqualified.
All competitors must have signed on and commenced practice by the end of Wednesday practice
unless the Clerk of the Course grants permission otherwise.
Competitors who have qualified to start in any previous race on the Mountain Circuit (TT or MGP)
shall be required to complete a minimum of 5 laps for solos and 3 laps for sidecars, unless the Clerk
of the Course grants permission otherwise.
A minimum of 2 laps must be completed on each machine entered, one of which must be within the
qualifying time.
Any competitor who does not attain the required number of laps or qualification time may not be
permitted into the race.
All practices will be officially timed and count towards qualification (including race day practices).
Sidecars - Sidecar drivers must qualify with the passenger with whom they intend to race. In the
event of a change of passenger the driver must requalify with the new passenger.
Qualification times
TT Superbike Race / Senior Race 20 minutes 30 seconds 110.43 mph
Sidecar TT Races 24 minutes 94.32 mph
TT Superstock Race 21 minutes 107.80 mph
Supersport Junior TT Race 21 minutes 107.80 mph
The qualification regulations will only be waived at the absolute discretion of the Clerk of the Course
whose decision will be final.
23-05-2007, 10:02 AM

Cargo aint they the MGP times, if they were the TT times then some off those that were refused would have qualified, (Mr Boyd)
23-05-2007, 06:19 PM

The times I have posted are most definatly for TT 2007
23-05-2007, 06:25 PM

I cant remember which site it was on but it was stated by the powers to be that the cut of time 4 SB was 115 and SS 112

It was in one of the Ago/Boyd threads
23-05-2007, 06:30 PM

The times I have quoted are from the regs for TT2007

What you read on forums is often not the truth
23-05-2007, 06:48 PM

Seems I got it wrong a bit, but I was refering to this

Right... now I'm gonna answer this one and I don't normally like to get involved, but, here we go...

Firstly, the entries are decided by a Manx Motorcycle Club entry/numbers committee... the emphasis being on the word COMMITTEE, i.e a cumulative decision, which, I believe, does NOT include Paul Phillips. He works for the Dept. of Tourism and Leisure in the role of recruiting for, promoting and marketing the TT, he does not work for the MMCC and does not have any influence over their final decision. I'll think you'll find Caroline Etherington has more of a say than Paul.

Secondly, The grids are decided on merit and merit alone, the Superbike class does not have anyone that has done less than 116mph in it, purely because of the strength of entry, the 600 class has no-one who has done less than 112, possibly even more. Ago, you have achieved neither speeds in either class... same goes for Wade. There is no conspiracy, just pure and simple calculation... full stop. Obviously, newcomers have to be estimated, but I am damn sure this is done rigourously and is based on pedigree, experience and merit alone, not how big their bleeding name is.

Thirdly, I think you are doing yourself no favours going around slagging off the very people you suppose has influence over the final decision, but least of all, you are doing yourself no favours with the MMCC themselves and neither is Wade with his interesting slant on the whole thing in the Manx Independent this week.

Fourthly, who cares if Paul has ever riden a bike or not?? This ludicrous statement was also quoted from another racers website, but that man has done more in the last few years for the TT, than anyone has done in the last 10yrs, and much of it before he was employed to do so. His life-long enthusiasm and first hand experience, through growing up on the course and making sure he knew everything and anything about everyone who ever competed, make him far more qualified than you, I or half the paddock. He spends tireless hours, researching, promoting and responding to insistant accusations from people he really shouldn't bother with, but hey, what does he know?! As a very learned friend of mine pointed out recently, Arsene Wenger has never played football... does that mean he can't manage Arsenal?? Don't think so, hey?! (P.s it pains me to quote anything remotely to do with football, but I thought that one spoke volumes)

Finally, I do understand it's not very nice to be turned down, I too was turned down for a TT in 2004 when I wanted to ride a 600 for the first time and they obviously thought I wouldn't be quick enough, which, when I got to the MGP and did 108.7 standing start, they realised they were wrong, but hey... *** happens. I also do not want to offend anyone who hasn't got an entry this year, because I know many of those who have been turned down, but, the fact is, time moves on and it waits for no man... even if their names are Ago and Wade or who-ever!

The reason I have replied, is because it really irks me when people slag off the very people who are actually doing something to try to improve the event (the TT) which has needed improving for a LONG time, and most of those who are now slagging it, are the same who were probably slagging it when they thought the entry was nothing special. This year, it will be special, and so it should be... it is THE road race to beat all road races in the whole world... ???.

Rant over, I wait for the backlash.

P.s The top ten riders get paid to enter becuase, they are just that... the top ten! Go figure... who does the paying public go to watch at any meeting? At BSB, do you think the paying public go to watch the Virgin Media Cup... hmmm. Maybe not.

23-05-2007, 06:52 PM
GriffMuss Offline
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Lol Lol OK so from what I've read, the entry for this years TT has riders capable of laps of minimum 115mph and I haven't looked at the programme. As whoever stated this fact, the entry is one of the strongest ever.
So how can anyone predict that a 'Newcomer' will do a minimum of 115mph ? Ok all they know about these 'Newcomers' is their background racing history. Be interesting to see every rider over speeds of 115mph.
What do you think ?
Roll on ALAND 2009, Island Games Xlll.
Yahoo, I've achieved 3 guidelines for the Island Games & I'm selected ! May see you after at the S100 & Jurby Road.
23-05-2007, 09:54 PM
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Jan Grainger Offline
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My thoughts exactly when I noted the 'newcomers' in each race.
23-05-2007, 10:58 PM
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Chris Thackeray Offline

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23-05-2007, 11:00 PM
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Come on Chriss get of Pauls Back, he was given the task to recruit riders for the TT, he has succeded in attracting some top riders and a few good newcomers. It was not his job to decide if these riders got an entry or not all he has done is over fill the pot so to speek. The TT has to have newcomers if only to secure entries for future TTs, maybe the only thing that could be wrong is the way newcomers qualify for the TT, in my opinion a rider should have completed at least 3 other pure road races (not car parks) before being considered for an entry to the TT.
23-05-2007, 11:08 PM
Chris Thackeray Offline

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Come orf with that old chessnut IM not on anyones back........not at all.
My point is if riders like Ago and Boyed are ok for 2006 then its right that they be there for 2007 dont you agree???????????.
As for the shi-te about speed of rider`s I remember that being put to a top a.c.u. bloke............Cooper??????????............ Make`s practice more Dangerous if you raise the quilifying time dont you agree????.
Plus FC my name is Chris............I dont have a lisp............
23-05-2007, 11:29 PM
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Here is something to think about, if the gap between the fastest rider and the slowest is reduced, then does this mean that there is more of a change that the number of starters on the TT grid increases due to the time difference?

Forget it I will answer that myself, No, you can only fit a certain amount of starters in the time allocated. The problem is that the fast riders are so fast it is reducing the time that they are taking to complete a lap. This then puts a strain on the time difference between them and the last man off the line. As everyone knows catching the riders with a slower time is dangerous from two perspectives.

1) that if the speed difference is great, and that if the quicker men are catching them sooner the risks increase for ALL riders. No matter what you say its all on time at the TT and the faster you go the more chance you are of meeting the, please don't take this the wrong way, slower riders who set off at the back of the grid. But if the speed difference is reduced this makes it safer as the first rider doesn't catch them as fast.

2) If the first rider is dissadvantaged because he comes accross more slower riders, to the rider further down the list who may be just as fast , will he take more risks to pass them? Lets face it, racing is racing and they want to win as much as the slower riders just want to beat their personal goals. But this is also reduced as the speed difference is less, or hopefully, so its a fairer race.

I don't know if this makes sence, but I have tried.......... so hopefully this will be good for the TT.

I still would like to see a support race though for those who don't quite make it on the grid.

Oh god did I just support Paul....... hang on I think I have a temperature...... whats my doctors number.......
When people say one thing and mean another its called politics, when organisers say one thing and mean another its called a mistake, when the ACU say one thing and mean another its called information.
23-05-2007, 11:57 PM
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Chris Thackeray Offline

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Simple................let 2 go off the line together problem solved dont you think.
24-05-2007, 12:11 AM
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Sam Pato Offline
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24-05-2007, 04:42 AM
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Chris Thackeray Offline

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Milky Quayle was not part of this process???

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Me - I'm just looking forward to the best TT entry in years.


Maybe some of it was bad advice.
But I do wish paul well.

Im looking forward to this years TT too as much as my first visit in 1976.
24-05-2007, 08:44 AM
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irishago Offline

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TT Qualifying times
FC Quoted Secondly, The grids are decided on merit and merit alone, the Superbike class does not have anyone that has done less than 116mph in it, purely because of the strength of entry, the 600 class has no-one who has done less than 112, possibly even more. Ago, you have achieved neither speeds in either class... same goes for Wade. There is no conspiracy, just pure and simple calculation... full stop. Obviously, newcomers have to be estimated, but I am damn sure this is done rigourously and is based on pedigree, experience and merit alone, not how big their bleeding name is.

Just to let you know Colin their were a number of Manx Riders who where turned down who have achieved both above speeds in their classes and some both have done over 113mph on a 600 and riders who have lapped slower have been granted entry,s . As for myself i think i should have been given the chance to qualify as i think i would have and people banding about figures of 115 for Superbikes and 112 for Supersport thats not what it states in the regs if they where going to pull a stunt like that their should have been an amendmemt sent out to that fact and how can you say any newcomers is going to achieve the speeds to start with.
Not all Newcomers are going to be as good as the likes Conor Cummins or even Cameron Donald. As i have stated before they should have let everybody practice and those that didnt make the fastest 85 in each race could have had a support race as like in Ireland at Dundrod. 100 Years of TT Racing and only 4 solo Races how special is that. Yes i feel a little hard done by as i have invested the last ten years prepairing for TT 2007 and as things stand at the moment it looks like ive riddden my last TT. This is not to say i wont be putting in an entry for TT 2008 i wish everybody all the best for TT 2007 Irish Ago.......
24-05-2007, 09:08 AM
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thats not my quote read it properly, the writters name is at the bottom its copied from another site.

By the way you can do the MGP if you get your entry in early, I hear they are about to change the rules. Oh I forgot no rule exists about a TT rider returning to the MGP its a Gentlrmens agreement only.

Good luck in what ever you do
24-05-2007, 07:00 PM

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