Once you know how it's easy..................
You can't post a picture on to the forum directly from your comupter it must be hosted on a website first.
There a lots of picture hosting sites your own ISP may well also have an area for hosting pictures.
I use photobucket.................
You need to register and then follow the instructions for uploading a picture to the site. once you have uploaded you picture you will see below it a list of codes left click on IMG code and a little yellow pop up will say "copied"
Now just paste that IMG code into the posting you want to put on the forum.
Easy really.
If you see a picture on a website that you would like to share with us then right click on that image a pop up will appear look to the bottom of the pop up and click properties another pop up will appear and you will see the address or URL for that picture copy that URL in full by highlighting it and right clicking on it then left click "copy" in the pop up.
Now when you are posting this picture on TTwebsite forum look to the list of button below where you put the title of you posting you will see IMG click on that then paste the previously copyied URL after the [img] then click the IMG button again ( it will have a little * beside it now).
Then just click submit
You can ocourse add any text or question along with the picture but make sure that only the URL is between the [img]
[img] url address here[/img]
Hope that helps.
If you really are stuck you can just attach any picture to an e-mail and send it to me and I will do the rest. But please add some text or question or whatever it is you want to do with the picture and tell me you username...........I will post it on the forum
E-mail me here
Clear as mud really :wink:
And since it was Barry that prompted me to post this