TT photo display
gary the nurse Offline

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TT photo display

Focusing on a century of the TT
Last Updated: 12:01pm GMT 28/03/2008

A major photography exhibition of TT race images shot by renowned photographic agency Getty Images, and curated by Murray Walker, will be launched in London on April 9.

It will then transfer to the Isle of Man where it will run from May 3 to July 12, to include the TT fortnight from May 24 to June 7.

Covering 100 years of TT races, the exhibition includes previously unseen archive shots and includes legendary figures such as Geoff Duke, Giacomo Agostini, Mike Hailwood and Joey Dunlop. Bob McIntyre's first 100mph lap is represented as well as the days when the TT included cars.

Murray Walker said: "In my view, the TT races are the greatest motorsport event in the world. The races have been an enormous part of my life from when my father raced in the 1930s through to the period when I commentated there for the BBC. This exhibition brings back many incredible memories."

The exhibition is open to the public at Getty Images Gallery, 46 Eastcastle Street, London W1 from April 10-19.
28-03-2008, 09:08 PM
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Phil Windrum Offline

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RE: TT photo display
Any idea where this will be on The Island. I know there is supposed to be another different photographic exhibition in the Villa Marina.
28-03-2008, 09:25 PM
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gary the nurse Offline

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RE: TT photo display
sorry Phil-that's as much as i know for now-am going to keep my eye open for any more news as it sounds like a must see
28-03-2008, 09:33 PM
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Bill Snelling Offline
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TT photo display - the third
I understand it will be in Ramsey, which makes three photo exhibitions this TT!
Seen some of their pics - some super shots.
Ours will be held upstairs at the Laxey Woollen Mill, Glen Road, Laxey, about two minutes walk from the Manx Electric Station (end of the line at the moment, risk assessment has closed the Northern end from laxey to Ramsey!)
Good parking at the Mill, but I regret that being upstairs we cannot offer entry facilities for physically disabled folk.
Entitled The Island Awheel - it feature 50 years of Ducati at the TT - plus sporting events on two, three and four wheels on the Island, from 1904 to date.
We have at least one racing Ducati on view, more if we can manhandle them up the stairs!
No entry fee, but we hope to raise funds for the MGP Helicopter Fund.
Might also feature a section on the riders who feature on the ttwebsite - if we can find out who you all our!
An opening invite will be made on the site when we have it up and running, hopefully before TT practice week.
(This post was last modified: 28-03-2008, 09:37 PM by Bill Snelling.)
28-03-2008, 09:36 PM
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Phil Windrum Offline

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RE: TT photo display
Cheers Guys.
The exhibition to run in the Villa Marina is called Sensory Overload which is already running in Port Erin I think. Will be a nice chance for all us blow-ins to see it too. It has loads of pics from last year's TT apparently.
There's always a decent exhibition in the St John's craft centre. The more the better!
28-03-2008, 09:50 PM
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