Race dates and Venues For 2003 in The UK

Race dates and Venues For 2003 in The UK
We have uploaded a Microsoft Word document for your own personal use, to download, to make sure that you do not miss any of the major racing events in the UK in 2003.

Click on the link and please be a little patient as it opens.

We may update this as the season progresses, or people inform us of events that are not listed in the download.

2003 Race Venues & Dates
09-02-2003, 01:06 AM

Re: Race dates and Venues For 2003 in The UK
I don't know if anyone else has had a virus alert whilst trying to open this document, I did, but my anti virus program indicated that there is a virus present. Happen to any one else?
09-02-2003, 10:06 AM

Re: Race dates and Venues For 2003 in The UK
Hi Rusty,

I have checked all machines for viruses, I have downloaded the file successfully on two machines with different AV programmes installed, I have scanned the machine and all its files, that this file was uploaded from and cannot find any virus. All machines used for upload are kept fully up to date with the latest AV updates and firewalls are used to prevent hidden attacks.

Perhaps it is the way in which you have your AV programme configured that is giving you this warning. Check to see if you have prevention for download of .doc files initiated in your AV programme.

09-02-2003, 12:43 PM

Re: Race dates and Venues For 2003 in The UK
Don't think its a virus as such, just the way the file is displayed, its not on a download but a display via Word, lots of AV's and FW's block word from accessing the web

Ride safe Ride free
09-02-2003, 10:13 PM

Re: Race dates and Venues For 2003 in The UK
Thanks for the advice, got it downloaded in the end OK!
10-02-2003, 05:13 PM

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