Charity events
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Charity events
Hi All,

It seems that we are seeing more and more charity events to raise funds to help out riders who have been injured, and their families who need help from someone with either cash for travel to hospitals, or even if its just for support.

Last night someone mentioned that its a shame that we see something for Nick and Mark, but yet nothing seems to be being done for John McBride. This is nothing against the great endevours of the fund raising for Nick and Mark, but goes to show that there are others that may also need to have the support of the people who love motorcycling and just don't get it.

Does anyone know why this is or if there is such a fund that could help the likes of people like John McBride that may not have the support that the likes of great people like Nick and Mark have.

This is just a thought and something to throw out there for discussion and maybe something this site can have great involvement in starting if there is nothing there in the first place.
When people say one thing and mean another its called politics, when organisers say one thing and mean another its called a mistake, when the ACU say one thing and mean another its called information.
27-06-2009, 06:57 PM
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George Offline
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RE: Charity events
There should only be one fund to help riders injured at road race meetings. Having to many funds will put many people off from donating or helping out.
The Joey Dunlop fund was set up for this very reason and should be supported.
The fund set up for Nick and Mark seems to be doing well but what about the other riders that have been injured, as you said John McBride may need help but nothing has been set up.
I noticed on A question was asked of the Nick and Mark fund if the funds raised could be split between others to which the reply was no, and for the life of me I cant understand why when we still have other riders in hospital and im sure thier families are finding it hard.

The MGP will soon be upon us and the Helicopter has to be paid for and this money has to be raised, and in the current financial climate its going to be hard. Maybe its about time the IOM Government take a look at the situation and sets something up that will benifit us all.
28-06-2009, 09:15 AM
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RE: Charity events
Seems strange to me too, but haven't heard that. It is a shame. I think the big problem is that we don't know if families are supported fully or if they get a maximum amount of cash and thats it from the funds. I have no idea if this is the case or if the families get all the support they need from the likes of the Joey Dunlop Injured Riders Fund. Maybe someone could clarify what happens so that we all know who to support fully and who to support every now and again.

I think the Helicopter fund is definately one I would always support. It has lifted many of my friends off the mountain and the benefit to the number of people who have survived just because they were able to get to the hospital in time is inmeasurable to the families of those whose life has been saved.

I have been told of a night for John in August and will ask Malcolm if I can post it on here.
When people say one thing and mean another its called politics, when organisers say one thing and mean another its called a mistake, when the ACU say one thing and mean another its called information.
28-06-2009, 03:10 PM
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RE: Charity events
George, I must correct some of what you say. Firstly there is already a very generous fund which helps riders, officials and others involved in all forms of motorcycle sport here on the Island. It is the ACU BEN Fund, administered by Wyn Evans. Many, many people have been helped over the years, and continue to be. The BEN Fund is under great pressure at the moment, with major demands on its funds and less money being given as people are hard up. There will be a big fundraising drive for the BEN soon.
I must also correct you on the Joey Dunlop Foundation which is not and never was a fund for the purpose you suggest. It was constituted to raise funds to provide an accessible building for disabled riders and others to stay here for the TT, MGP, and holiday breaks. It has acquired Braddan Bridge House and is in the process of having it adapted for that.
29-06-2009, 06:29 PM
George Offline
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RE: Charity events
(29-06-2009, 06:29 PM)thewitch Wrote: George, I must correct some of what you say. Firstly there is already a very generous fund which helps riders, officials and others involved in all forms of motorcycle sport here on the Island. It is the ACU BEN Fund, administered by Wyn Evans. Many, many people have been helped over the years, and continue to be. The BEN Fund is under great pressure at the moment, with major demands on its funds and less money being given as people are hard up. There will be a big fundraising drive for the BEN soon.
I must also correct you on the Joey Dunlop Foundation which is not and never was a fund for the purpose you suggest. It was constituted to raise funds to provide an accessible building for disabled riders and others to stay here for the TT, MGP, and holiday breaks. It has acquired Braddan Bridge House and is in the process of having it adapted for that.

The ACU Ben Fund and details can be found here.

Wyn Evans is a wonderful lady and can be contacted with any queries regarding the Ben Fund on 07624433540, the same fund is not just for road racers its for track racers , cart racers, off roaders etc etc, So the fund does need to be boosted or separated to help road racers where the most serious injuries occur.
The JDF fund was set up to create a hostel for injured riders and families which is much needed. Once the lodge is up and running I have been told that any excess funds will be used for the injured riders.

A central fund set up for all road racers will benefit all and not just a few, and if I only had £10 to donate I would like to see it shared and the effort required to split the tenner down and send it to 10 different funds would put people off.

If funds were set up for every rider or official hurt at this years TT, do you not think it would create bad publicity for the sport ????.

I have edited this post to remove any mention of the funds details. after a request from Wyn who would rather discuss a competitors needs in person rather than see those that are not up to date of how the fund works rip the fund and the help it gives apart on internet forums.

The only details that need to be known cab be found on the link posted
(This post was last modified: 01-07-2009, 04:58 PM by George.)
30-06-2009, 07:49 AM
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tripod Offline

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RE: Charity events
I agree with George that there should be a central fund and if there were I would support it. What is needed is someone to set up and run the fund, would George consider doing that.

The reason that there is such a push for funds for Nick and Mark is
1/ because of the very serious injuries and the time they will be in hospital and off work.
2/ because they are sidecar racers and their friends are sidecar racers and they know that help is needed now so they are prepared to put themselves out to help.

The people who are organising the fund raising for Nick and Mark have also raised money for other causes over the years so they have helped other people.

Please note I have nothing to do with the fund raising but I will be contributing to the fund and also to the fund for John McBride.
30-06-2009, 08:41 AM
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RE: Charity events
Interesting debate as it seems that there is no central place to go to for support or even advice as to what you can or maybe able to aply to for help.

I wonder what others on here think?
When people say one thing and mean another its called politics, when organisers say one thing and mean another its called a mistake, when the ACU say one thing and mean another its called information.
30-06-2009, 06:03 PM
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samthesidecar Offline
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RE: Charity events
(30-06-2009, 07:49 AM)George Wrote:
(29-06-2009, 06:29 PM)thewitch Wrote: George, I must correct some of what you say. Firstly there is already a very generous fund which helps riders, officials and others involved in all forms of motorcycle sport here on the Island. It is the ACU BEN Fund, administered by Wyn Evans. Many, many people have been helped over the years, and continue to be. The BEN Fund is under great pressure at the moment, with major demands on its funds and less money being given as people are hard up. There will be a big fundraising drive for the BEN soon.
I must also correct you on the Joey Dunlop Foundation which is not and never was a fund for the purpose you suggest. It was constituted to raise funds to provide an accessible building for disabled riders and others to stay here for the TT, MGP, and holiday breaks. It has acquired Braddan Bridge House and is in the process of having it adapted for that.

The ACU Ben Fund at present stands at £80k in the fund, agreed Wyn Evans is a wonderful lady but she too would have a very limited access to ACU funds, the same fund is not just for road racers its for track racers , car racers, off roaders etc etc, So the fund does need to be boosted or seperated to help road racers where the most serious injuries occur.
The JDF fund was set up to create a hostel for injured riders and families which is much needed. Once the lodge is up and running I have been told that any excess funds will be used for the injured riders.

A central fund set up for road racers will benefit all and not just a few, and if I only had £10 to donate I would like to see it shared and the effort required to split the tenner down and send it to 10 different funds would put people off.

If funds were set up for every rider or official hurt at this years TT, do you not think it would create bad publicity for the sport ????.

The ACU Ben Fund supports car racers? All the others I can understand.

30-06-2009, 06:33 PM
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George Offline
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RE: Charity events
A question may be asked within Government on why we still have a situation like we find ourselves in now. After speaking to one of the islands MHK today, he was under the impression that a scheme had been set up to take care of problems like this after the fiasco over an American sidecar rider that was seriously injured a couple of years ago. He was also under the impresion that all competitors are covered by insurance to cover this sort of situation. He intende to checkit out and get back to me in the near future.
30-06-2009, 09:53 PM
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George Offline
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RE: Charity events
(30-06-2009, 09:53 PM)George Wrote: A question may be asked within Government on why we still have a situation like we find ourselves in now. After speaking to one of the islands MHK today, he was under the impression that a scheme had been set up to take care of problems like this after the fiasco over an American sidecar rider that was seriously injured a couple of years ago. He was also under the impresion that all competitors are covered by insurance to cover this sort of situation. He intende to checkit out and get back to me in the near future.

Insurance is now part of the signing on fee so riders under the ACU are covered, alternative insurance is also available for riders from other areas.
01-07-2009, 05:01 PM
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tripod Offline

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RE: Charity events
(01-07-2009, 05:01 PM)George Wrote:
(30-06-2009, 09:53 PM)George Wrote: A question may be asked within Government on why we still have a situation like we find ourselves in now. After speaking to one of the islands MHK today, he was under the impression that a scheme had been set up to take care of problems like this after the fiasco over an American sidecar rider that was seriously injured a couple of years ago. He was also under the impresion that all competitors are covered by insurance to cover this sort of situation. He intende to checkit out and get back to me in the near future.

Insurance is now part of the signing on fee so riders under the ACU are covered, alternative insurance is also available for riders from other areas.

Every competitor is covered by insurance in every competition but this insurance pays out minimal amounts for death,or losing an eye, a leg, an arm, etc. It also covers the competitor for repatriation expenses.
It does not cover for anything else.
01-07-2009, 06:53 PM
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shaun hogg Offline

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RE: Charity events
My two penneth on this subject which i can se from all angles i think , firstly having lost my brother in 1989 i know the insurance pay out which we recieved after his death was minimal , but that didnt matter as this was his chosen avenue & all riders have some sort of personal insurance although i dont think you would expect much of a pay out & a high premium in this game , which we all know is extremely dangerous & also extremely selfish on the riders part , because they all think they are invincible & in the case of injury or worse it is the family who are left to pick up the pieces , however we all get as much pleasure out of it as they do .

Since phil was killed in 89 i have been heavily involved in fund raising for our ambulances which are under the manx motorsport medical services charity administerd by doc stevens , our fund has been running since 1991 although david was looking after the Rob Vine fund prior to that , our fund is to provide immediate care to injured riders by way of rescue ambulance , immediate care packs which are situated all around the course & paramedics , who all give up there time volutarily to help here , taking holidays just to support the TT & MGP

I think our fund is an invaluable & absolutely necessary part of the racing here as is the Helicopter fund .

However on reading some of the posts on this subject aqbout central funds for injured riders , i am not so sure how this would work or could work , we do of course have the ACU benevolent fund which helps , we also used to have in the hotels i remember an aid for the injured riders fund which i think was linked to the Acu where all the hoteliers payed a annual fee of i think £20 or so , obviously there are no hotels now to speak of so that has gone , which probably accumulated quiet a few quid years ago , personally i would be happy to pay into an annual fund for the riders who get injured as inevitably they will here some worse than others unfortunately , say a £50 annual fee as a rough guide , the unfortunate thing with such a fund is you could not really offer a lot to injured riders , but a small amount is better than no amount .

This brings me on to my next segment which is supporting individual riders by fund raising etc , this has of course been highlighted by the terrible accident invloving Nicky Crowe & Mark Cox & also the accident involving TM John Mcbride , the fund raisers set up to help these guys are set up by family & friends of the guys who are asking for help , if they did not need it they would not ask & because they are all local we see it more & feel it on a more personal level , i know John McBride quite well although i have nver spoken to Nicky Crowe he has provided some of the greatest sidecar driving we have ever witnessed on this Island & given great entertainment to the spectators along with Mark & varous other passengers over the years , last year with Moly was the stuff of epics . i think we all know Nicky is in a very bad way at the moment .

The point i am making is that whilst i agree on a central fund which i am sure many supporters would subscribe to , the main support comes from family & friends & locallity which is where the main fund raising is done & where the people know the competitors personally , which is exactlly what ishappening at the moment , Rosie & Hayley are working there socks off to hepl Nicky & Mark & the TMs are planning events to hep John Mc because he is one of theirs & needs help it is a natural reaction to support a local person , we see all the time various funds to help riders injured everywhere & i can guarantee that nine times out of ten if you dont know the rider you wont dip your hand in your pocket to hepl , which is natural i do it myself.

I think the overall here is the people who want to help & there friends or loved ones should not have to justify it to anyone , at the end o f the day you dont have to if you dont want to & if no one got of there ass they would have nothing .

As said just my point not preaching or having a go at anyone . Shaun Hogg
02-07-2009, 12:16 AM
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tripod Offline

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RE: Charity events
Well done Shaun, that's what I meant to say.
02-07-2009, 07:43 AM
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RE: Charity events
(30-06-2009, 06:03 PM)DCLUCIE Wrote: Interesting debate as it seems that there is no central place to go to for support or even advice as to what you can or maybe able to aply to for help.

I wonder what others on here think?

Hi All,

I have just had a phone call from Wyn to explain the extent of what the ACU Ben Fund actually supports. Basically its all the support a rider could need for helping his/her family in their recovery. Wyn also gives advice on what to do and the ins and outs of everything.

I apologise to Wyn, who we all know does great work over here.

So what we are really saying is there are people there to fully support riders and families after an accident such as Nick's or Mark's. So why are we not doing more for these funds and sticking all the cash we have into this one fund?

Sorry again to Wyn and her team, so lets get behind the Ben fund.
When people say one thing and mean another its called politics, when organisers say one thing and mean another its called a mistake, when the ACU say one thing and mean another its called information.
(This post was last modified: 02-07-2009, 11:39 AM by DCLUCIE.)
02-07-2009, 11:34 AM
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RE: Charity events
Thank you, Dave... just what I tried unsuccessfully to say! Wyn does an amazing job in her roles at the TT, MGP, Southern and all other motorcycle sports events, and we need to support her now, with fundraising.
02-07-2009, 11:47 AM
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RE: Charity events
What some people might not know that I have just found out, is that the ACU Ben fund is not just for riders, it is for anyone who is a member, or has been a memeber of the ACU. This includeds riders, officials, marshals and others too many to mention. So support not just your riders through this fund but everyone else as well who gives their time up for the sport we all love. If they fall on hard times or need help in any way this fund can support them.

So it really does cover all people in any hard circumstances that they may find themselves in. A definate fund to support then.

I was also thinking that the real fault of the deminishing support for these type of funds, is many fold. I think the 'older' funds seem to fade into the background of our memory when newer funds roll in and start off all full of enthusiasm. I remember a few years back a big push for one particular charity, not bike related, which pushed and pushed so hard it nearly destroyed a few other smaller charities here on the Island that also did very valued work.

Maybe the message is its great to have funds for individual riders and please support them, but please don't forget the ones like the ACU Ben fund, JD Injured Riders and also Phill Hogg Motorsport who all do great work and all benefit all sports and sports people through out motorsport as a whole.
When people say one thing and mean another its called politics, when organisers say one thing and mean another its called a mistake, when the ACU say one thing and mean another its called information.
02-07-2009, 12:40 PM
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Arthur Lawn Offline

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RE: Charity events
Maybe the message is its great to have funds for individual riders and please support them, but please don't forget the ones like the ACU Ben fund, JD Injured Riders and also Phill Hogg Motorsport who all do great work and all benefit all sports and sports people through out motorsport as a whole.
Do'nt forget there is the TT Riders Association and Friends of TT Riders Association which is a charity existing for the sole purpose of assisting current and past TT riders in times of need.
Find out what the TT Riders Association is all about by visiting their website and if you are a current competitor or a past competitor become a member.If a supporter join the FoTTRA.
(This post was last modified: 02-07-2009, 07:39 PM by Malcolm.)
02-07-2009, 05:34 PM
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ancient Offline

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RE: Charity events
how right you are arthur.i was parked next to a rider in the paddock some years ago.i loaned him my road bike to get a lap in,unfortunately in practice he was killed at the nook.allan robinson and another drove out to eastern europe with money for the mans family on behalf of the T.T.R.A..they never broadcast there help that i am aware of,but its very real.
02-07-2009, 10:21 PM
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happychick123 Offline
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RE: Charity events
First off; let me say I am nothing to do with any fundraising thats going on.
Secondly; I am nothing to do with racing apart for loving to watch it.
I have logged on to here due to being told that this topic was started and some of the things stated have been told to me before hand.
I have read through the comments and I am shocked at some of them to say the least.
Nick Crowe and Mark Cox by all accounts are in a bad way, their friends and family have started fundraising.
Now, this did start off as a normal fundraiser and it still is a normal fundraiser not a charity, ie; friends and family doing the work. I do believe they have even been begging for people to help a bagpack in the ramsey area on facebook and radio, so they havent been handed everything they have had to go out there and get it, which having been involved in fundraisng in the past for various things, I know can be harder than it seems its alot of very hard, hard work, which these people are doing.
Now this fundraising has took off, well done to them! some people have come along to say " well hang on....all that money is being raisied here, its alot, there are others that need help too " Would you be saying that if they had kept this to a bottle in the local pub and a fundraising night, NO.... you wouldnt! The fact is these 2 people need alot of money badly and quickly and someone has done it for them and again, I say well done to them.
But what right has anyone to now say your getting to much now from all that hard work helping a mate (as if.. they could get to much) so share it round.
You all forget that most charity's were started off by these people helping friends and family and in some cases are turned into something bigger for years after !!!!!!! People who know fundraising will know these people have a certain time frame to get this money in before it sadly becomes old news, which the fundraisers will know full well. Then the donations step back to all the main charity's.
I have also read from one main fundraiser that the money raised will be held, used by the boys to help them until they sort themselfs out and any money then left over will be used for other things to do with the TT and Manx. In other words they do not intend to use money if its not needed !
I understand there are others out there that need help but speaking from a pubic view if a bucket is put in front of me I decide if I put my money in, which is the case for everyone donating to this fund. So far, I have only had 1 bucket in front of me, for Nick Crowe and Mark Cox and its their friends and family that have done it with a lot of hard work involved.
Please do not knock the help these people do, because that seems to be coming across in some posts, there are lots of friends and family's that do things like this and sometimes they can do better than a well set up charity can, short term.
Any new fundraiser gets more mentions than the old ones sad but it always goes like that but to knock people for promoting their fundraising over others is abit harsh. you get what you put in and to get money you have to get it out there and then do the follow up on it or you dont get money!
With my comments, I do not intend to knock any efforts, made by others to fundraise for any others who need some help and also hope they do well.
To give them their due on this one they have moved fast and built it up as they have gone and keep in mind that they have done this for their friends and family and they will be only using what they need to use, plus its all the more money left in the kitty of these other charity's for other use.
(This post was last modified: 03-07-2009, 04:49 AM by happychick123.)
03-07-2009, 03:56 AM
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RE: Charity events
I am not going to say anything further on this. It was started with all good intentions of maybe looking at an additional fund to start for riders who need help to dip into if they needed anything extra. It was not designed in anyway to upset anyone who is or has done great work out there to benefit the riders who need help either now or in the future. I apologise to everyone if they have taken this thread in the wrong way, believe me it was not started with that intention and never has been intended to do so. It has obviously hit a lot of nerves and I think that should be where it ends.

Thankyou happychick for your comments and all I can say is I hope the fund raising for everyone goes well.
When people say one thing and mean another its called politics, when organisers say one thing and mean another its called a mistake, when the ACU say one thing and mean another its called information.
03-07-2009, 09:45 AM
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