This site,
Malcolm Offline

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RE: This site,
Hi Carole,

Many thanks for your expression of support, it is very much appreciated.

I can happily inform you that you do not fall into the category of people that I refer to, and I wholeheartedly agree with you that there is nothing wrong with a bit of banter, as long as it doesn't go over the top and/or offend people.

Your postings are always welcome on the board as they are sensible, constructive and informative, and more to the point, related to the sport.

Take Care,


(30-09-2009, 01:34 PM)Carole Wrote: Malcolm,

Many of us, including myself have absolutely no idea why previous members have been banned. That is between you and them, and no-one elses business.
I myself only post when I have something constructive to say, but I visit the site regularly, as you know from your statistics. The fact that I do not always post is in no way an indication of taking sides.
The site has always been informative and interesting to me, and in fact I quite like it when some posters get a little "cheeky"- as long as it is not offensive.

Keep up the good work
Be right back. I am going to go find myself, and if I leave before I get back, make sure to tell me !! -
30-09-2009, 01:48 PM
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Jack Offline
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RE: This site,
(30-09-2009, 01:34 PM)Carole Wrote: ......

Keep up the good work
Errr what she said smilie, you know I've lurked for years and hope to carry on for many more Smile
Ride safe Ride free

30-09-2009, 05:49 PM
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tripod Offline

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RE: This site,
Carole has got it exactly right.
We need people who are prepared to spend their time and money running this type of site so the rest of us can enjoy it.
Any problems with the staff is no business of ours.
01-10-2009, 07:53 AM
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The Bag Offline
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RE: This site,
I'd like to start this by thanking Malcolm for the hard, time consuming work you have put in over the last 10? years with ttwebsite.

For those of you that have never been involved in running a website I can tell you that it is VERY time consuming. I used to run one and that didn't take a fraction of the effort that a site like ttwebsite does, but even then I'd find myself spending a minimum of 2 hours most days just doing stuff with it.

This site has, as Malcolm said, been run at HIS own expense for others to enjoy, I would even go as far as saying that this site was the pioneer road racing site, the first real one, the standard for others to follow and copy from?

This site is I think mainly used by people 'within the sport' as opposed to which is the MCN of racing websites, full of donut, burn out , knee down billys who really have no idea what it takes to race a bike, prepare a bike or run a website.

There have always been the kind of anonymous posters on all sites that post purely to wind people up and be rude. Most of the time they are pointed out and ignored but occasionally we get sucked in and once sucked in its hard to get out!! ;-)

Lets carry on as the 'club' we are called and enjoy it, not always agreeing but at least being constructive with our posts.

Long live ttwebsite, its regular, constructive posters/members and Malcolm!!

Russ Henley
Meanwhile back on planet earth..........
03-10-2009, 11:07 AM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: This site,

Many thanks for that, it is very much appreciated.

ps - PM sent to you.


(03-10-2009, 11:07 AM)The Bag Wrote: I'd like to start this by thanking Malcolm for the hard, time consuming work you have put in over the last 10? years with ttwebsite.

For those of you that have never been involved in running a website I can tell you that it is VERY time consuming. I used to run one and that didn't take a fraction of the effort that a site like ttwebsite does, but even then I'd find myself spending a minimum of 2 hours most days just doing stuff with it.

This site has, as Malcolm said, been run at HIS own expense for others to enjoy, I would even go as far as saying that this site was the pioneer road racing site, the first real one, the standard for others to follow and copy from?

This site is I think mainly used by people 'within the sport' as opposed to which is the MCN of racing websites, full of donut, burn out , knee down billys who really have no idea what it takes to race a bike, prepare a bike or run a website.

There have always been the kind of anonymous posters on all sites that post purely to wind people up and be rude. Most of the time they are pointed out and ignored but occasionally we get sucked in and once sucked in its hard to get out!! ;-)

Lets carry on as the 'club' we are called and enjoy it, not always agreeing but at least being constructive with our posts.

Long live ttwebsite, its regular, constructive posters/members and Malcolm!!

Russ Henley
Be right back. I am going to go find myself, and if I leave before I get back, make sure to tell me !! -
05-10-2009, 10:45 AM
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Chris Maybury Offline

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RE: This site,
I am a farther "infrequent" poster but always looked up to the senior members on here, particularly if there were any historic or technical related threads running.

I really appreciated the efforts put in by Admin and certainly those of former members who took the initiative to organise TT and MGP get-togethers of the clan. Such meeting were my only real personal contact with the Members.

I also subscribe to other boards (same avatar but different name) but still look up to this forum as a medium of intellegent views and discussions. However, I do despise unqualified, snidy remarks about anyone by people hiding behind the protection of anonymity and hence, never respond to such happenings.

I am also the custodian of a small membership Motocross website in the Middle East and understand the diciplines needed to maintain and up-to-date presentation.

Things have been cetainly much quieter in recent months and this may explain my own in my lack of apparent activity here.
***A Balanced Meal is a FULL PINT in Each Hand***
(This post was last modified: 06-10-2009, 03:05 PM by Chris Maybury.)
06-10-2009, 03:03 PM
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oggy Offline

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RE: This site,
I have been away from the site for a while because I was fed up of the way some comments made took the thread off in a rant about the the "comment" and totally lost the plot on the thread. When I found this site the official TT forum was exactly the same and I stopped visiting it for a while but now in the main it is OK again let's hope the same happens here. I like some others don't know the history of the people that appear to be banned but have been a bit surprised by who some of them are, not the trouble makers I remember. I personally read the sarcastic posts and move on because I think reacting is what they want and without it wilt at the end of the day it is an open forum which should mean we are all entitled to our own opinion. I intend viewing more and hopefully become a regular again because the information from the stalwarts sometimes astounds me especially if it is mostly stored knowledge, keep up the good work, you know who you are.
08-10-2009, 11:29 PM
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shaun hogg Offline

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RE: This site,
well said Russ , could not agree more , i very rarely post on any of the road race sites now because of all the poo that flies around on them , this as you correctly say was the first real TT & MGP information site & in the good old days was a very lively site , full of good information comments and whats happening information etc , but as with all the sites i think it has deteriorated into the usual slanging match site this is by no means a reflection of the good admin that Malcolm does , which i appreciate is very difficult on an open forum of like minded people allegedly , i think that forums in general have gone away from there original concept which was for a bit of banter etc , now you just get gripers or wind up merchants on whose problems with organisers etc should be aired with the concerned parties & not here , we all know who they are riders & sponsors in drag . This was for me the first site for any information regarding the TT & MGP & is still the site to come for if you are looking for sense i think , long may it continue , & i will post more , pity there where not more quizzes etc , but maybe i will knock one up . There is a challenge ?

Malcolm you do a great job , keep it up any help i can give i will thanks Shaun .
09-10-2009, 12:17 AM
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George Offline
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RE: This site,
(09-10-2009, 12:17 AM)shaun hogg Wrote: well said Russ , could not agree more , i very rarely post on any of the road race sites now because of all the poo that flies around on them , this as you correctly say was the first real TT & MGP information site & in the good old days was a very lively site , full of good information comments and whats happening information etc , but as with all the sites i think it has deteriorated into the usual slanging match site this is by no means a reflection of the good admin that Malcolm does , which i appreciate is very difficult on an open forum of like minded people allegedly , i think that forums in general have gone away from there original concept which was for a bit of banter etc , now you just get gripers or wind up merchants on whose problems with organisers etc should be aired with the concerned parties & not here , we all know who they are riders & sponsors in drag . This was for me the first site for any information regarding the TT & MGP & is still the site to come for if you are looking for sense i think , long may it continue , & i will post more , pity there where not more quizzes etc , but maybe i will knock one up . There is a challenge ?

Malcolm you do a great job , keep it up any help i can give i will thanks Shaun .

Agreed that Malcolm has a hard job trying to control and watch everything that is posted on this forum. But Shaun you know quite well that it is the forums that have made it possible to have ago or in your words GRIPES by riders or sponsors in drag (was this aimed at me) at those in the Ivory tower. The press here now, are paid by the TT & MGP DTI so what can be said in the press is limited. We all witnessed the poo hole that riders at this years MGP had to put up with and it was only after pictures and complaints were posted on forums was any action taken, which in the end the help given was still poor. It is also known that if riders complain in person they are threatened with the possibility of any start money offered being taken away from them.
We have also seen the many improvements made regarding health and safety at the TT, a great deal of this was due to the publicity given on forums.

Forums should be used not just for results and news about the races but also as a place for all to voice any problems the feel need said regarding the races and the tracks that are used.
(This post was last modified: 12-10-2009, 09:15 PM by George.)
12-10-2009, 08:35 PM
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Stella Offline
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RE: This site,
Never have had personally a problem with constructive criticism on any forums.

Just when there is not too much constructive to comment on, and do feel at a loss re PM`s of someone who clearly knows all about me but does not then end his pm by letting me know who he is.

Bit strange that ......
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12-10-2009, 09:16 PM
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Tomcat Offline

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RE: This site,
I won't add anything on why I choose not to post here any more, as Malcolm has already alluded to it. His forum, his choice, but my choice to disagree.

I am grateful to the hard work Malcolm put in in the past to create this place but essentially a forum is no more than its people and when that changes so does the forum. Nuff said, enjoy your new forum folks.
20-10-2009, 06:09 PM
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