IoM Speed Restrictions

IoM Speed Restrictions
After reading the reports in the MCN last week and reading the responses this week about the proposed speed restrictions for this years TT races it got me thinking about why i love going to the Iom for the TT....the responses in the MCN were saying more or less that the TT will be ruined if the proposed limits come into force and that they wont be going back if they cant rip round the course at break neck speeds....these people surely must be in the minority and although i like nothing better than opening up my ZX9R round the island any limits imposed would make no difference to me at all , just riding round the course at 40 or 50 mph and thinking of the name of the particular section im on and which TT greats past and present have rode the same piece of tarmac is enough to give me goose bumps, stopping on Mad Sunday and soaking up the atmostphere with a pint in my hand is worth much more than being able to ride at whatever speeds you can muster legally...given the choice ( if i hd to pick one ) the atmostphere would win every time.
Then theres the crazy night life,where else in the world can you drink till the morning whilst watching amateur stuntmen try to do themselves harm ( thankfully only a small proportion succeed ), where else in the world would a policeman hold up traffic while someone completes his burnout,which other bike event can you sit and watch probably the best racers on the planet whisk by inches from your nose and then bump into them later that night , them being as drunk as you are.
To think some people would be willing to give all this up just because they cant ride that 30 or 40 mph more....never in a million years!!
02-04-2003, 03:47 PM

Re: IoM Speed Restrictions
You're not wrong, Neil. 140mph+ riding is for racers on closed roads, not the wanqueurs showing off on M Sunday, etc. How slow and how extensive are the proposed limits?
02-04-2003, 07:54 PM

Re: IoM Speed Restrictions
They are talking of a blanket 70 mph throughout the island,obviously slower through towns which puts the IoM on a par with mainland UK.

02-04-2003, 08:03 PM

Re: IoM Speed Restrictions
You're right , Neil! It's the wonderful atmosphere on the IoM during TT fortnight which drives me every year to the TT. We have speed limits all over the world , apart from parts of our motorways here in Germany. It's wonderful to sit in front of the tent with a can of beer looking in the fire or watching races and meet all the wonderful people there.
Only 8 weeks!!!
Have all a safe journey!
02-04-2003, 08:22 PM

Re: IoM Speed Restrictions
Must admit- I do a bit more than 70, even on the Mainland.
02-04-2003, 08:30 PM

Re: IoM Speed Restrictions
I think you're all getting a bit ahead of yourselves on this one ! David Cretney was on Manx Radio yesterday and stated that following discussions with Transport Minister John Shimmin, there was no question of a blanket speed restriction being imposed for this year's TT or at any other time in the forseeable future. Whether this will still be true in 5 years or so is another matter, as I can't help feeling that with the volume of traffic now on the Manx roads and the state of some of the roads, 70mph is fast enough. That's not to say that I would necessarily be in favour of such a move but you have to move with the times and face facts. And the facts are that the roads on the Isle of Man are getting more dangerous all the time, and not just at TT time.
02-04-2003, 10:47 PM

Re: IoM Speed Restrictions
Just like on the mainland,its an excuse to hoover peoples wallets out.Unlike the mainland,people dont have to put up with it,they simply dont join the hour long line at the terminal to book again...
02-04-2003, 11:33 PM

Re: IoM Speed Restrictions
Yes David,with wee Gail and yourself loose out there,I have to agree on that point!
03-04-2003, 07:11 AM

Re: IoM Speed Restrictions
I am writing to the Tourist Board to suggest they give Neil W a well put...just what makes it all special. Personally, having seen two fatalities over the years...both times it was the person NOT speeding who was killed, I couldn't care less about a speed limit. If you want to do 140, take on DJ in the race.
03-04-2003, 10:09 AM

Re: IoM Speed Restrictions
I go faster commuting than I do on the Island.
03-04-2003, 10:03 PM

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