MGP TO BE Shorter ???
Malcolm Offline

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MGP TO BE Shorter ???
MGP TO BE Shorter ???

[Image: mgpblurb.jpg]

OK, so what do you think about this report ?

Voice your opinion on here and let the authorities know how you feel.

30-04-2012, 05:22 PM
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FCM Offline

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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
(30-04-2012, 05:22 PM)Malcolm Wrote:
MGP TO BE Shorter ???

[Image: mgpblurb.jpg]

OK, so what do you think about this report ?

Voice your opinion on here and let the authorities know how you feel.


A lot of Hotels only just survive on the Isle of Man and Need the MGP. If the even is made shorter then just watch the costs of the Boats and Hotels shoot up. Classic racing in Europe is big but those that do it wont come to the Island for two weeks due to costs and the fact that the Mountain put to many miles on the classics. Als o their is date clashes with some of the big classic meetings in Europe

30-04-2012, 05:26 PM
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larryd Offline
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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
It occurs to me to wonder if the Manx D.E.D Chief Executive, a Mr Colin Kniveton apparently, knows the first thing about our Sport in general and the Manx Grand Prix in particular.

It seems doubtful.

I can only hope that the Manx Motorcycle Club will have some success in educating him.

I cannot understand why the Manx Government do not put effort (significant effort) into publicising the MGP to the same extent as they do the TT.

I can remember, when I first rode the Manx in '78, being told that the race put a fortnight on to the "summer season"

"When you boys get on the boat", I was told, "every door along Douglas Prom shuts for the winter".

When the MGP goes, as it seems it very well might, you've lost two weeks of income, Mr Kniveton.

Or . . . . . . . . Is that what you want ???

Is that what your electorate want ???

Do you give a flying damn ???
30-04-2012, 08:51 PM
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FCM Offline

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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
The Islands Department of Tourism has more Staff than the Island has Hotels . If they sack a few then that would cover any shortfall the MGP has
30-04-2012, 09:06 PM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
Radical changes for MGP

[Image: manxradiomain.gif]

The Department of Economic Development has released proposals to radically change the Manx Grand Prix Festival from 2013.

The new-look meeting will be shortened to 10 days with racing taking place over the August Bank Holiday weekend.

The emphasis will be on classic bikes with three races but there will be two for modern machinery as well.

The biggest move will see the name change to incorporate the T.T. brand. The move does not affect the 2012 Manx Grand Prix which will run in it's current format.

The proposals have been welcomed by the Manx Motorcycle Club.

Minister John Shimmin says the move is designed to increase revenue for the island and create the most prestigious races for classic motorcycles in the world.

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01-05-2012, 08:34 AM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
Manx Grand Prix set to be shorter from 2013

More classic races and a reduced duration could be key features of a revamped Manx Grand Prix from 2013.

The comments were made by Motorcycle News (MCN) sports editor Gary Pinchin in an article last week in which he even suggested the new event might leave little room for the amateur racer and see the modern bikes – which currently make up well over half the race entries – sidelined.

Chief executive of the Department of Economic Development Colin Kniveton said the event would have to change. He told MCN the costs of running the MGP over the Mountain Course were much the same as running the TT but the event simply did not attract the same return in terms of visitor numbers.

[Image: colinkniveton.jpg]
DED chief executive Colin Kniveton

He said:

‘The analogy is that it’s a bit like preparing Old Trafford for a Man United v Arsenal Premiership game and a week later you incur the same costs preparing it for a Charlton v Huddersfield game. I’m not putting anyone down who races in the Manx but the players in the Charlton game won’t have the same attraction as Rooney and Van Persie.’

Mr Kniveton said the exact way forward still needed to be agreed with the Manx Motorcycle Club, which owns the Manx Grand Prix brand, but he told MCN heritage and history were key elements which seemed to have emerged from their discussion groups, which took place earlier in the year.

He added there was also a view to run the event over a shorter timescale but they hoped to cash in on the TT brand to attract more visitors over for it.

The department instigated a review of the Manx Grand Prix earlier this year which looked at the estimated economic return compared with the level of outlay from the government to support the event.

It found the event cost the government about £1.1m and when this was offset against income generated via such avenues as VAT for example the overall loss was about £300,000. The survey also found the event generated about £5.9m of income in the Manx economy as a whole, however Mr Kniveton said a return nearer to £10m was needed to justify the level of subsidy given.

Mr Kniveton said there was currently no wider awareness of the MGP and this made sponsorship difficult.

When the results of the event’s economic review were announced Mr Kniveton said changes would have to be made because the government subsidy could not be justified on the basis of current figures, but he told MCN the exercise was not about ending the MGP but about securing its future.

Clerk of the course for the Manx Grand Prix Phil Taubman declined to comment on the proposals ahead of a meeting between the Manx Motorcycle Club and the Department of Economic Development, scheduled for Monday (yesterday).

By John Turner

[Image: iomonlinegif.gif]

01-05-2012, 09:03 AM
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an old man returns Offline

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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
It seems the proposal is no newcomers race, two modern races that are 600 and 650 and two classics 350 and 500 plus Classic Superbike.

The event is to run from the usual Saturday with practice running to the following Thursday. Friday morning practice, Friday afternoon Race One. Saturday Race Two and Three and Bank Holiday Monday races Four and Five.
Given that schedule I would expect Fridays race to be either 350 or 500 Classic Saturday morning 650 Saturday afternoon 350 or 500 Classic, Monday morning 600 Monday afternoon Classic Superbike, just a guess though.

Told there are absolutely no plans to include a classic race at the TT.

I was there many times a few years ago, returned in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. SUPPORT THE MGP
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2012, 10:41 AM by an old man returns.)
01-05-2012, 10:40 AM
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FCM Offline

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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
I think this year will be the last year I will see any of my bikes racing on the mountain. With the reduced entries for the TT and in my opinion, unless you are in the club, you wont get entries to the TT. Having a reduced program for the modern bikes at the MGP makes it uneconomical to race at the event.

All the hard work being done by some behind the scene's to promote the MGP and help new riders has now counted for nothing.
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2012, 05:00 PM by Malcolm.)
01-05-2012, 11:01 AM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
Manx Grand Prix organisers unveil shorter event for 2013

The new-look Manx Grand Prix will capitalise on the popularity of nostalgia, heritage and classic racing but it will also be a shorter event, coming to a climax on the August Bank Holiday weekend.

The idea is to cash in on visitors who want to take short breaks and it will also minimise the commitment and cost for competitors, officials and marshals, and lessen the disruption to residents and businesses.

Costs of staging the event for the government would also be reduced and these could then be reinvested in it.

Department of Economic Development chief executive Colin Kniveton said he was grateful to everyone who had contributed to the research process which was started by the government four months ago.

‘The proposals are built very much on our consultations and market and media feedback and it is anticipated that a revised format to the Festival would give the Isle of Man real potential to increase visitor numbers, media profile and commercial incomes.

‘Implementing these proposals would allow us to tap into the fast-growing nostalgia market that we have seen with events such as the Goodwood Revival and drive a tangible return on the ever increasing investment required to stage the event.’

The new format will come into play in 2013 and this year’s event will remain unchanged.

The Department has said it hopes to create the most prestigious series of races for classic motorcycles in the world, featuring modern day TT stars along with existing classic racing specialists bringing the most exotic classic racing motorcycles in the world to the Isle of Man.

The event would also include two Clubman’s TT titles which would be applied to two races for amateur riders on modern machinery. One would be a Supersport race for modern four cyclinder 600cc bikes and the other a Lightweight event for 650cc twins.

Designed as a more focused feeding ground for the current TT, the Clubman’s TT classes would incorporate a rider development structure with the opportunity for riders to receive sponsor-funded TT scholarships and guaranteed entry into the TT. There would also be three classic races including one for classic Superbikes which would form the finale.

Economic Development Minister John Shimmin MHK said:

‘In the current economic climate, we have a responsibility to maximize returns from the significant investment required to run events of this nature. Local businesses have clearly indicated the opportunities that the Manx Grand Prix provides and I look forward to maintaining the existing levels of dialogue with the Manx Motor Cycle Club in order to resolve any concerns that might exist with regard to the new proposals.’

The races would be supported by a festival of motorsport nostalgia including parade laps featuring legendary riders and machines from Mountain Course history, off road events including the Manx Classic Weekend Trial and exhibitions of exotic motorcycles and memorabilia.

The event would also include the Isle of Man Vintage Motor Cycle Club activities including the popular Festival of Jurby event that attracted more than 15,000 visitors last year.

The new format is expected to be more attractive to the motorsports media and be underpinned by a programme of commercial activity including international television coverage, sponsorship, brand licensing, digital activation and event ticketing.



Saturday Classic Trial all day; evening MGP practice

Sunday Classic Trial all day

Monday Evening MGP practice

Tuesday Evening MGP practice

Wednesday Evening MGP practice

Thursday Evening MGP practice

Friday Afternoon MGP practice; Evening racing Lightweight Clubman’s TT

Saturday Afternoon racing 350cc Classic Race; Evening racing Clubman’s Supersport TT

Sunday Festival of Jurby

Monday Afternoon racing 500cc Classic Race; Evening racing Classic Superbike Race


[Image: iomonlinegif.gif]
01-05-2012, 05:19 PM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
Mixed reaction to MGP changes

There's been mixed reaction to the Department of Economic Development's proposals to shorten, re-brand and restructure the 2013 Manx Grand Prix.

The story is also getting much media attention.

North One Television is a partner in the T.T. races.

Chief Executive Officer Neil Duncanson says the T.T. brand is one of the strongest in world sport and a classic meeting will generate enormous interest.

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[Image: manxradiomain.gif]
01-05-2012, 05:22 PM
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FCM Offline

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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
And what will happen to all the Trophies that have been donated to the event over the years.
01-05-2012, 05:29 PM
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chris Offline

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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
(01-05-2012, 11:01 AM)FCM Wrote: I think this year will be the last year I will see any of my bikes racing on the mountain. With the reduced entries for the TT and in my opinion, unless you are in the club, you wont get entries to the TT. Having a reduced program for the modern bikes at the MGP makes it uneconomical to race at the event.

All the hard work being done by some behind the scene's to promote the MGP and help new riders has now counted for nothing.

Agree with FCM 100%.
May 1st 2012 was the day the MGP died. RIP
01-05-2012, 10:56 PM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
Revised MGP must be supported says MMC chairman

The Chairman of the Manx Motor Cycle Club, which runs the Manx Grand Prix race meeting, is admitting they either support the proposals for a revised schedule from 2013 or go out of existence.

Yesterday, the Department of Economic Development announced it intends to use the T.T. brand in a new name and reduce the duration of the event down to 10 days, with racing over the August Bank Holiday weekend. An emphasis will also be put on classic machinery.

Club Chairman Harvey Garton is appealing for feedback from the public and says they will continue to talk to the department about the changes.

He acknowledges the past several weeks have been very difficult

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[Image: manxradiomain.gif]
02-05-2012, 09:38 AM
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Oldbloke Offline
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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
We have just sent our comments by Email to the following:

If you feel as aggrieved by these proposals as we do, then do the same.

The comments were polite and explanatory describing what we see as the failures of this proposal, including our reluctant conclusion that after 15 years visiting, 2012 will probably be our last and our view that the Manx GP will disappear completely - if anything survives it will be called the "TT Autumn Fest" or some similarly fashionable twaddle.

If you also have a regular place you stay, and are coming to the same conclusion as we are that you will not be coming again after this year, then copy your email to them - they deserve to know that their livelihoods are being affected.

Rick & Jane Nuth
02-05-2012, 10:14 AM
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FCM Offline

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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
From what I have heard the MMCC are under pressure from the Islands Government to accept their proposals. The MMCC would also like your support to try and keep the newcomers races alive and would one and all of you to contact them at or send your comment direct to the IOM Government or as many of the Bike Mags as possible.

You have less than 4 weeks to save the MGP.

Yesterday the Two officers from the Tourism department gave out IOM Steam Packet arrival figures as follows

TT Period 32000 arrivals and MGP 10000

Well from the steam packets own figures the arrivals were TT 32000 and MGP 27000, so what going on did 17000 arrival from the MGP just come to ride the horse trams.
(This post was last modified: 02-05-2012, 12:28 PM by FCM.)
02-05-2012, 12:25 PM
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George Offline
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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
Bloody hell, you leave the UK for a break and all Hell breaks lose.

What bloody fool come up with these ideas or is this a late April fools trick

No way the Manx Club would go for this unless they had their arms stuck deep up their holes by the TT cronnies over there in the White Elephant House.

Good buy MGP it was nice to have know you and all the stars you have made bright, must get used to the Dark days once again (1940 I think)
02-05-2012, 02:05 PM
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an old man returns Offline

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Received in response to my email to DED
Thank you for your email and for taking time to express your views about our proposals for the Manx Grand Prix Festival.

The review did not start out with any pre-determined conclusions. We commissioned the review because we felt that the event was under-performing, considering the investment of over £1.1million that Government puts into it. The Isle of Man Government is currently trying to overcome the loss of a significant amount of annual revenue and we were interested in finding a way to grow the event and, by doing so, make it more sustainable. One of the possible outcomes of any event review is to end support for it; this option was quickly discarded and all our efforts have been directed towards growing the MGP Festival by re-investing in it.

Another potential outcome of the review, given that the results of the market research suggested that the classic machinery and nostalgia market is where the growth potential lies, could have been an event that concentrated solely on classic machines and classic racing. However, it was also suggested by the Manx Motorcycle Club and others, that it would be desirable to retain modern racing in order to provide additional variety within the Festival. We listened to these views and, as a consequence, included the Clubman’s TT within the event. This gives club racers the opportunity to compete in the races and also provides an opportunity for up and coming riders to move up to the TT with the assistance of sponsorship and a manufacturer supported entry. We have compromised.

I know that a lot of existing competitors will feel that we have ignored their wishes and concerns. This is not true. However, we cannot just listen to one element; we have to take all the stakeholders into account. The Manx Grand Prix Festival is, primarily, a tourist attraction for the Isle of Man. This has always been the case. We have to listen to the views of the Tourism industry on the Island; we did this during the review and we have been encouraged by their response to the proposals, which they feel offer the best opportunity to see growth in the event. Recent press releases from the Sefton Hotel Group and Manx illustrate this. You mention TV coverage and Grenada have been quick to express an interest.

The success of the event is dependent upon many factors. It is not enough just to fill grids full of riders; the races have to have commercial appeal, media appeal and be exciting for spectators. The event has to attract sufficient numbers of people to make the investment justifiable now and in the future and attracting media exposure is a significant element in making this happen. We also have to try and retain the loyalty to the event of all the volunteers who currently play such an important role in delivering the races and organising the support Festival attractions. This is a complicated task and is going to take a lot of hard work and some patience.

The proposals are, I hope, worthy of some serious consideration before anyone decides that the new event will not enjoy their support. We now need to work out exactly what the new event will feature in terms of teams, riders, Festival events and a finalised programme. It is our aim to provide something, in conjunction with Manx Motorcycle Club and the many other contributors to the Festival, that appeals to a wide range of motorcycle enthusiasts and gives them a compelling reason to holiday on the Island.

Regards and best wishes,

Colin Kniveton.

Colin N Kniveton MSc FCMA
Chief Executive
Department of Economic Development
St George's Court
Upper Church Street
Isle of Man IM1 1EX
British Isles

Tel: +44 (0)1624 686401

The revised MGP is not perfect in some ways but at least there will still be an event. Lets hope the powers that be listen to opinions expressed, in particular by John McBride.
I was there many times a few years ago, returned in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. SUPPORT THE MGP
(This post was last modified: 02-05-2012, 02:21 PM by an old man returns.)
02-05-2012, 02:20 PM
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Oldbloke Offline
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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
When I contacted the Manx Motorcycle Club they asked me to send emails to as well to make comments on the proposals. The Department for Economic Development also seems to be in on the act and they are at

In answer to the Government reply above, I have considered the proposals and they have two major problems for me (as I outlined in my email to them)
1) as a spectator, it is neither a week nor a fortnights holiday - the short stay just for the racing makes the ferry expensive pro rata and I miss out on my island holiday (the non-racing days) - the long stay (10 days) makes the accomodation more expensive. Both options are going to be more difficult to find self catering accomodation which is what we normally use.
2) I have no wish to see TT stars on classic machinery - that was done when the bikes were new - today I want to see the genuine enthusiast with a chance of success

Not convinced that this is the way forward. If media interest is what is going to count, then we may be faced with a variant of the MotoGP/WSBK Middle East farce of racing on the TV with (virtually) no spectators.

Not convinced the Manx GP will survive. I think this proposal should be caled something like "TT Autumn Fest" so as not to confuse it with the real Manx GP. As for being a compelling reason to visit the island - far less than the current format.

02-05-2012, 02:37 PM
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FCM Offline

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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
Well said.

Just spoke to a journalist in the UK who have now picked this story up, and have now spoken to several top TT riders who have voiced their support to keep the MGP for the new breed of rider.

I can see many of the TT riders boycotting any plans to have them ride at the MGP if it causes loss of racing for others. And one name really did make me smile. So we could see someone left with a full fan of poo.
02-05-2012, 03:24 PM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: MGP TO BE Shorter ???
Farquhar in Favour of MGP Change

Irish star rider Ryan Farquhar says he is broadly in favour of the proposed changes to the Manx Grand Prix from 2013.

Ryan has raced classic bikes with great success at recent meetings as well as supporting other riders on modern machinery.

He believes the MGP is no longer the best place for potential newcomers to the T.T. as the difference in speed between the two events is wider than it has ever been.

Farquhar says he has always been a fan of the Manx Grand Prix but change will be good for road racing in general if all the details of the new schedule are worked out correctly.

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[Image: manxradiomain.gif]

02-05-2012, 03:54 PM
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