Cock O' the North Meeting Results + Report + Special Announcement
Malcolm Offline

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Cock O' the North Meeting Results + Report + Special Announcement
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Clear blue skies and wall to wall sunshine greeted riders and official at Oliver’s Mount as practice got under way on time at 9.00am.

Practice and qualifying completed, a brief lunch break, then the action started with the first of nine races, heat 1 of the 600cc Supersport class over eight laps, which was won by Ryan Farquhar with Ivan Lintin second and Robert Wilson third.

Race two saw the three wheelers having their first outing of the day with a six lap first leg of two. The race was red flagged on the opening lap after an outfit flipped at Drury’s, both driver and passenger ok.

The restart over the full race distance saw Greg Lambert take the hole-shot into Mere Hairpin from the Bell family.

At the end of the first lap it was still Lambert, Bell and Conrad Harrison third 1.5 seconds behind the leader. Only a tenth of a second separated first and second.

Lambert and Bell had a coming together at Mere Hairpin let Harrison into the lead which he held at the end of the lap from Lambert and Atkinson. The Bells limped home to retire the pits.

Positions remained the same on lap three with the leader’s advantage increasing to 2.7 seconds.

Lap four and the lead had increased to 3.952 seconds.

Harrison still held the lead at the end of the fifth lap now by 5.6 seconds from Lambert with Atkinson third. At the chequered flag Harrison’s advantage was 3.8 seconds.

Race three was the first leg of the Superbikes, with Michael Pearson taking pole who held the end at the end of the opening lap of eight from Ryan Farquhar and Dean Harrison.

Positions remained the same end of lap two the lead now three-quarters of a second.

Lap three and Pearson had increased his lead to 9/10ths of a second from Farquhar as Harrison held a comfortable third place, some five seconds ahead of Jamie Hamilton in fourth.

Half distance and Ryan had reduced the lead to 0.462 of a second to Michael.

A lap later and the gap had widened slightly to half a second.
Lap six, and the gap was reduced to four/tenths of a second as positions remained the same.

Lap seven and the lead was further reduced to three/tenths of a second, with Harrison eight seconds back in third and Jamie Hamilton a further five seconds adrift in fourth.

At the flag, it was Michael Pearson ahead of Ryan Farquhar and Dean Harrison. The advantage - 0.256 of a second.

Race four saw the first leg of the Ultra Lightweight 125’s and the 400cc machines. Daniel Frear got the hole shot ahead of James Cowton and Chris Palmer, at the end of the first lap of eight it was the same with the leader enjoying a 1 second advantage.

The lead had doubled a lap later, with Palmer having eight seconds over Bob Farrington.

Lap three and another second was added to the leader’s advantage.
Half distance and it was still Frear, Cowton and Palmer, with the lead now up to four seconds.

Lap five, and the positions remained static with the lead now up to 5.8 seconds.

Three – quarters distance, and for once the lead had not increased remaining static at 5.6 seconds.

At the chequered cloth it was Daniel Frear from James Cowton with Chris Palmer third.

Race 5, the first leg for the SuperTwins. No surprise that Ryan Farquhar held pole position and took the hole shot into the Hairpin at Mere.

At the end of the first lap it was Jamie Hamilton 0.381 of a second ahead of Ryan Farquhar with Ivan Lintin third.

A lap later it was Farquhar in the lead by 0.310 of a second from Hamilton and Lintin. Ryan also set a new lap record on the second lap at 77.444mph.

Lap three – and another lap record for Ryan now at 77.994mph with Jamie Coward also inside the previous record, with Ivan Lintin maintaining third place 2.5 seconds down.

At half distance, and Ryan upped the record to 78.262mph with positions remaining static.

Lap five, and the pace slowed a little as the lead increased to 2.1 31 seconds.

Lap six, and the lead had increased to 3.8 seconds and at the chequered flag it was Ryan Farquhar, Jamie Hamilton and Ivan Lintin.

Race six, Lightweights, another eight lapper, which saw Chris Palmer taking the hole shot on the Mannin Collections 250 Honda, who held a 4.64 second lead over Phil Harvey with David Guiney third.

Lap two and the gap had increased to over seven seconds and at the end of the third lap the lead was up to 9.5 seconds with positions remaining the same. Guiney was ten seconds down on second place man Harvey.

Lap four and the lead was now 10.482 seconds. Lap five and Palmer was easing off slightly, even so he extended his lead by another half second as Guiney maintained his third position some 23 seconds adrift of Harvey.

Three-quarter’s distance and Palmer opened the throttle once again and increased his advantage to 11.469 seconds. Lap seven, and the gap was over 12 seconds. Chris Palmer took the chequered flag from Phil Harvey with David Guiney third.

Race seven, the second leg of the Sidecars over six laps. Ian & Carl Bell got the hole shot and led into Mere Hairpin, then Greg Lambert retired with mechanical failure then the race was red flagged. Whilst there was no personal injury a few of the machines need some TLC, and the race was postponed to a later time in the day.

Race 8 was next the second heat of the 600 Supersport machines, once again over eight laps, which was won by Dean Harrison after a race long battle with Michael Pearson, with Daniel Frear third.

Race 9 the Non Qualifiers Race for 175 – 1300cc machines, over eight laps.

Stephen Cobbold had pole position, but it was Adam Sheriff who got the hole shot, from Tom Robinson and Adam Child.

At the end of the opening lap it was Adam Child who led by 1.2 seconds from Adam Sheriff and Tom Robinson.

Lap two, and it was still Chad by nearly 3 seconds with Robinson third a further 7/10ths of a second down. Lap three and the lead was up to 4.295 seconds.

Half distance, and Child’s lead was up to 6.282 seconds as the remaining places stayed static.

Three seconds was added to Adam Child’s lead on lap five as Tom Robinson moved into second and by the chequered flag the difference between Adam Child (first) and Adam Sheriff (second) was 15.416 seconds, Sheriff demoting Tom Robinson to third on the final circuit

Race 7, the second leg of the Sidecars has been postponed until Sunday to allow teams to re-fettle their machines.

That’s the action over for Saturday

(This post was last modified: 25-07-2012, 05:26 PM by Malcolm.)
21-07-2012, 04:06 PM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: Cock O' the North Meeting Results
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Cock o’the North Road Races – Sunday

Bright and breezy were the conditions that greeted riders and officials for the second day of practice and racing at the Cock o’the North Continental Road Races at Oliver’s Mount, Scarborough.

Practice went off without incident with the Sidecar race that was postponed from Saturday being run at the conclusion of practice, prior to the lunch break.

Race 7, Sidecars second leg, held over from Saturday, run over six laps with Ian & Carl Bell getting the hole-shot and held the lead at the end of the opening lap from Greg Lambert and Conrad Harrison.

By the end of the second lap, the \Bells had opened a 4.6 second lead from the outfit of Lambert who had a one second advantage overt third place man Harrison.

At half distance the gap was up to 6.4 seconds for the leaders as Harrison closed the gap between third and second to half a second.
A further one and a have seconds were added to the Bells lead by the end of the fourth lap.

Positions remained the same at the end of the penultimate lap and at the chequered flag Bell took the victory by 9.5 seconds from Lambert with Harrison third.

Qualifying for the feature Cock o’the North Race followed prior to the lunch break with Michael Pearson taking pole position from Dean Harrison, Jamie Hamilton and Ryan Farquhar.

Race 10 for Superbikes, 2nd leg got underway on time at 1.00pm, with Ryan Farquhar having pole position and getting the hole shot into Mere Hairpin.

End of lap one saw Farquhar ahead of Dean Harrison and Michael Pearson, with Pearson moving into second half way round lap two and holding that place and the conclusion of the lap. 2.8 seconds was the gap. However Pearson pulled in to the Paddock at the start of the third lap to retire.

Lap 3 and it was Farquhar in the lead 3.99 seconds ahead of Dean Harrison with Ben Wylie now third.

Half distance saw Farquhar leading by 4.8 seconds as the gap between second and third extended to 11 seconds.

By lap six the advantage had grown to 6.2 seconds, as positions remained unchanged and at the chequered flag Farquhar took the victory by 5.88 seconds from Dean Harrison with Ben Wylie third a further 13 seconds behind.

Race 11 the third leg of the Sidecars saw the Bells retire on the grid at the end of the warm-up lap, leaving Greg Lambert to head the field for one lap before Conrad Harrison took over to lead the field home to the chequered flag followed by French driver Frank Lelias and Dave Atkinson.

Race 12 was the first leg of the 600 Supersport class, over eight laps. Daniel Frear had pole position, but it was Ryan Farquhar who grabbed the hole shot into Mere and continued to lead at the end of the first lap, 1.2 seconds ahead of Frear and Dean Harrison with Michael Pearson fourth and in close pursuit.

Pearson moved into third at the end of the second lap.
The Red Flags were shown on lap 3. Ben Wylie came off at Memorial, thankfully OK.

The restart was over six laps and Ryan got the hole shot and led the pack into Mere Hairpin, then the red flag was shown again! Two machines collided on the grid, Gary Graves and Ivan Lintin – both ok.

The programme moved on to race 14, the Ultra Lightweights (125) and 400cc race, again over eight laps.

Daniel Frear got the hole shot, but it James Cowton that was leading half way round on the opening lap and led the field at the end of the first lap half a second ahead of Frear with Chris Palmer third.

Dan Frear took over the lead on lap two and was in front at the end of the lap by 0.407 of a second, with Palmer still third.

Lap three and the gap had been reduced by a tenth of a second as positions remained static.

Half distance and the gap had increased to0.609 of a second with third place man Chris Palmer 11 seconds adrift.

Lap five and the leaders advantage had grown to 3.5 seconds with Palmer still third now 13 seconds down.

By lap six the distance between first and second had grown to 6.221 seconds.

At the chequered flag Daniel Frear took the win by 9.283 seconds from James Cowton, with Chris Palmer third.

Race 14 was next run over a reduced distance of six laps. Ryan Farquhar held pole, but it was Daniel Frear who led into Mere, however by half way round on the opening lap it was Farquhar, Michael Pearson and Frear. At the end of the lap Farquhar held the lead by 0.297 of a second from Pearson and Dean Harrison.

Pearson took the front position on the second lap, by 0.205 of a second from Farquhar, then Harrison, James Cowton and Frear, all covered by less than a second.

Half distance and Farquhar was back in front from Pearson with Frear now third and Harrison fourth.

Lap four and Harrison was back in third and Cowton moved up to fifth. The penultimate lap saw the leading gap stand at 1.745 seconds, and at the chequered flag it was Ryan Farquhar from Michael Pearson and Dean Harrison.

Race 16 was next, the second leg of the SuperTwins over six laps and once again it was ‘Flyin’ Ryan who led into Mere Hairpin and led at the end of the lap from Daniel Frear and Michael Pearson.

Ryan’s lead was reduced to half a second on the second lap, whilst Ivan Lintin was closing on Michael Pearson for third.

Half distance and Ryan had put 1.457 of a second between himself and Dan Frear.

Ivan Lintin retired to the paddock at the end of the fourth lap.
At the Chequered flag it was Ryan from Daniel and Michael Pearson.

Race 15 the second leg of the Supersport 600 race had one notable non-starter, Ryan Farquhar. The red flag was out on the opening lap! Ben Wylie and Adam Child had a coming together at the Esses – both OK!!

The restart, over the full race distance, eight laps saw Dean Harrison lead from the start and lead at the end of the first lap from Michael Pearson and Daniel Frear.

By lap two Harrison had built up a 3 second lead over Pearson, as Frear and James Cowton battling for third only 2/10th of a second apart.
Lap three and the lead was up to six seconds, as the battle for third continued apace.

Half distance and James Cowton had moved to second, one second ahead of Michael Pearson, with Dan Frear fourth. Harrisons lead was over nine seconds.

Lap five and Pearson is now only 0.200 of a second down on Cowton.
Lap six – Harrison has a 13 second lead over Pearson with Frear third.
Lap seven and positions remained static for once.

At the flag it was Harrison, Frear and Pearson, Frear grabbed second by 3/100ths of a second.

Race 17, the final leg for the Sidecars saw Ian and Carl Bell enjoy a start to finish victory over Conrad Harrison and Lee Patterson, with Frank Lelias and Mike Aylott third.

Next was race 18, the feature race – The Cock o’the North over ten laps.

Michael Pearson pulls off the grid after the warm-up lap.

Dean Harrison led at the end of the opening lap from Ryan Farquhar and Jamie Hamilton.

Positions same on lap two, but lap three Farquhar was in front, and Hamilton retired to pits, letting Kiaran Hankin into third.
By half distance Ryan’s lead was up to 1.7seconds from Dean Harrison and Kiaran Hankin.

With two laps to go, Ryan had increased his advantage to 4 seconds over Dean Harrison, who in turn had a 19 seconds in hand on third place man Hankin.

At the chequered flag Ryan Farquhar took the victory by 4.7 seconds from Dean Harrison and Kiaran Hankin.

Race 19 – Lightweights 2nd leg over six laps, which gave Chris Palmer a start to finish victory, his 89th race victory at Oliver’s Mount.

Phil Harvey took a well deserved second place with David Guiney third.

The final race of the day and the 2012 Cock o’the North Road Races, for Non Qualifiers was red flagged after an incident at Farm Bends

(This post was last modified: 22-07-2012, 07:40 PM by Malcolm.)
22-07-2012, 12:25 PM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: Cock O' the North Meeting Results + Report
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Steve Hix, a 38-year-old road racer from Holbeach, Lincolnshire has died from injuries sustained in an accident at Oliver’s Mount, Scarborough on July 22.

Steve started racing in 1999 after several years as a mechanic for Barry Rudd.

He had considerable success at many circuits, in particular his home circuit of Cadwell Park.

This season he was contesting the ACU Clubmans’ Championship, run in conjunction with the Derby Phoenix club’s 751-1300cc series.

After the first three rounds he was leading the competition, but had to miss the Cadwell Park event on June 30 because he was on honeymoon with Michelle, who he married on June 16.

Steve slipped to second in the standings as a result.

A cheerful larger than life and popular character he will be sadly missed.

He is survived by his wife, Michelle and a son Bradley and daughter Sashia.

The Auto 66 Club extends its sincere condolences to families, relative and friends of Mr Hix at this very sad time.

The organisers are carrying out a full investigation into the circumstances of the accident.

25-07-2012, 05:25 PM
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ammo Offline

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RE: Cock O' the North Meeting Results + Report
(25-07-2012, 05:25 PM)Malcolm Wrote:
[Image: auto66clubbig.gif]


Steve Hix, a 38-year-old road racer from Holbeach, Lincolnshire has died from injuries sustained in an accident at Oliver’s Mount, Scarborough on July 22.

Steve started racing in 1999 after several years as a mechanic for Barry Rudd.

He had considerable success at many circuits, in particular his home circuit of Cadwell Park.

This season he was contesting the ACU Clubmans’ Championship, run in conjunction with the Derby Phoenix club’s 751-1300cc series.

After the first three rounds he was leading the competition, but had to miss the Cadwell Park event on June 30 because he was on honeymoon with Michelle, who he married on June 16.

Steve slipped to second in the standings as a result.

A cheerful larger than life and popular character he will be sadly missed.

He is survived by his wife, Michelle and a son Bradley and daughter Sashia.

The Auto 66 Club extends its sincere condolences to families, relative and friends of Mr Hix at this very sad time.

The organisers are carrying out a full investigation into the circumstances of the accident.


A very sad ending to what had been a very good meeting.

RIP Steve.

Sincere condolences to family and friends.

25-07-2012, 08:52 PM
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