Deaths at the TT

Deaths at the TT
Having had a fantastic few days at the TT's this year and thrashed the hell out of my TL1000, I have returned to normality and to be frank I am missing it like hell already !
I was talking to my mates about the racing this year and we all remarked on the fatalities this year....Is it that I have been mis informed or have things (touch wood) gone fairly well this time round ?
I was gutted at the death of Dave Jeffries and visited the crash site, but apart from his, the death of the chap in the parade lap and that of a civilian on Mad Sunday, I haven't heard of any others....Have you ?

Back next year for sure!!!

All the best,

05-06-2003, 12:20 PM

Re: Deaths at the TT
I was taking the "Jelly Wrestlers" round for a lap in the car on Tuesday and we had just passed the 33rd with a group of motorcyclists riding front and back of us, when we noticed that our group was totally alone.

We stopped at Creg-ny-baa for coffees and were amazed that no one followed us down from Kates.
Very quickly a police motorcyclist arrived and closed the road from Creg to Kates..

We had our coffees and drove carefully down to Hillberry which was also shut in the "up" direction..

It was not until it was announced on radio later that we knew there had been a very big accident "just" behind us.

We had been the last group to get round !!

Some friends were stuck up on the mountain mile for about three hours.............

Van and motorcyclist I believe, rider +

Any idea what was the story behind this ???
05-06-2003, 12:50 PM

Re: Deaths at the TT
Sadly, the rider was another fatality between vehicles driving in opposite directions

I don't believe in making the Mountain one-way all week as it encourages 'forceful riding', but how can we curb the enthusiasm of some of the fans without a massive show of Police strength?
05-06-2003, 03:55 PM

Re: Deaths at the TT
Thanks Bill, I eventually received the report and must have seen that van coming past me as I went through 32nd/33rd-----There was one particular van with his headlights FULL on--Could that have blinded someone perhaps ??
05-06-2003, 10:16 PM

Re: Deaths at the TT
Everyone gets reved up after the racing. I have had big bikes go past on the outside of the car on the rear wheel, along past Ginger Hall on the wrong side of the road, completly blind. The Police can only cover so much. Making it one way all week is a bit of a green flag for bikes and cars but it might be the only way to reduce the annual carnage which is not doing the TT much good. How about, one way and heaps of advertised radar traps? It is a very difficult problem as many of the bikes come over for the very reason to have a blast around the course. Perhaps the first thing to do is to accept this fact, then try to engage with it somehow.
06-06-2003, 12:28 AM

Re: Deaths at the TT/ban cars
I am one of many who would like a ban on cars and vans going over the top on mad sunday.
All too often a lap is spoilt by a line of slow moving cars with people waving at bikers (Gooseneck is an example) They cause a dangerous chicane on bends especially.
The other danger is the idiots and posers in their expensive cars taking on bikes.
I saw a local BMW forced a bike to brake very hard as it raced toward the dreaded cone chicane.
Last year I nearly fell of when I saw a Tours coach labouring up the mountain mile. That was totally irrisponsible.
Either they get a bike and join us or keep out of the way.
I'm not a fast rider but I do enjoy a good run over the top.
If you agree should we suggest this to Dave Cretney.
Well Ive got that of my chest
06-06-2003, 12:09 PM

Re: Deaths at the TT/ban cars
You could have something there Ed, it is a bike event after all. As long as they are all going in the same direction.
07-06-2003, 01:55 AM

Re: Deaths at the TT/ban cars
Divert cars to the coast road? Interesting. Maybe just for Mad Sunday. I guess more bikes would go even faster and crash without any cars to blame.
07-06-2003, 10:23 AM

Re: Deaths at the TT/ban cars
I have always believed that cars should be banned from the mountain on Mad Sunday, however, being a public road, some of the locals may object but I imagine that number would be very few. Cars certainly cause problems on that day and I cannot understand why they insist on being part of it, but yes, the bikes may go faster if they weren't dodging in between the four wheelers, which is a bit of a worry too.
07-06-2003, 10:16 PM

Re: Deaths at the TT/ban cars
How about cars not allowed in outside lane when it's one-way? There's few things more annoying than the Ford Capri's with sheepskin seat covers (or whatever the modern equivalent is) doing out-braking manoeuvres on the Mountain.

Actually, a blast over the Mountain on other evenings, when it's quiet, is a lot more fun. Unless you really need to be looked at by the spectators. In which case, maybe you should be racing.
08-06-2003, 09:09 AM

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