FAO Malcolm

FAO Malcolm
Brilliant coverage again Malcolm thanks.
07-06-2003, 07:27 PM

Re: FAO Malcolm
A big thanks from me as well Malcolm, it must have been hard work, you can get yourself a large drink now, you deserve it.

07-06-2003, 08:21 PM

Re: FAO Malcolm
To all of you who visit TTwebsite.

I have tried to do my best this year, taking into consideration the fact that I was refused a Press Pass. It was not so much the refusal of a pass, but the manner in which it was refused that "cheesed" me off big style. I shall never forget the manner in which I was informed that I could not have a Press Pass, and if retribution can be just, then I shall have a great big smile on my face, if I ever get another.

Why I was refused, I still cannot fathom, as I know that there were others who were on "holiday" who received passes, and even websites who have nothing to do with the TT who were permitted to have passes.

Without being bitter about what has happened this year,I can only assume that TTwebsite was not wanted for reasons that only officialdom can explain. - Anyone like to answer that ?

Nevertheless, I shall continue to do what I do, and provide to you the public, with my side of things that happen.

I have to thank a few people for helping me this year, notably Bill Snelling of Amulree Publications - many thanks "wee man" and Carol Grose for providing the photographs that I have been able to upload.

Best of all this year, I was lucky enough to co-sponsor Chris Palmer in the 125cc Ultralightweight which I was absolutely delighted to see him win. Notice the TTwebsite stickers on his bike.

I do not take anything out of this sport, which is something that so many others cannot claim to do. I put my money where my mouth is and put money into this at my own expense, for the simple reason that I am one of you.

I am not looking to make money from this great event, I just want to see it run correctly and in a manner where the people who provide the show, are recompensed correctly, for what they do.

So there we go, I have had my moan for this year.

Someone further down the board has expressed, that they wish I could be the official site for the TT, this I fear will never happen, as I can only assume that I do not belong to the correct fraternity.

I have tried, but have been knocked back twice in the last couple of years, but I have some great ideas to enhance this event and some serious interested parties (but I shall not be divulging this to anyone until someone is prepared to talk to me seriously).

So to all of you, I hope you had a great TT, you will all come back again and that next year, the festival will be better than ever.

As a postscript, I would just like to say that I was so saddened by the passing of DJ, as I have personaly considered him to be the best thing that ever happened to the TT in recent years. He was simply megga on those big bikes, wrestling them around the course in a manner that I have never seen before. He was made for the TT.

Big man, rest in peace and make sure that you keep "em lit" up there.


08-06-2003, 01:20 AM

Re: FAO Malcolm
Thanks Malcolm, from over 3000 miles away. Although I can plug into Radio TT, It is not very PC to do so in my office. Your up to the minute postings were very much appreciated. Yes, there are other web sites but sometimes I get fed up with so much immature slanging off and the swear words used for everything.
It is always good to tune into your website for "Intellegent Intellegence!"

You have built up a good good following and I sincearly hope that you are allowed to develop things further to enhance the service and, maybe take off some of the pressure from you. Even as an "armchair" racer, I do know what dedication does go into your work.

Hope to see you in 2004! Chris
08-06-2003, 07:10 AM

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