TT 2015 Starting Order
Steady the Edward Offline
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RE: TT 2015 Starting Order
I am slightly confused now Malcolm ? as to why you attach a off topic to CregWillys post I would have thought he was trying to make a constructive suggestion of a way of getting the authorities to change their minds and revert to the old system , for as I have said it is them that make the rules and need convincing not me , for even if they did revert back I would then say they were wrong , but as ever Malcolm you're the boss
02-01-2015, 08:10 PM
Steady the Edward Offline
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RE: TT 2015 Starting Order
I am slightly confused here Malcolm, why has the Cregwilly's post been given a off topic put on it I would have thought he was trying to put forward a constructive suggestion for a way of getting the authorities to revert back to the old system, that every one is wanting,

Oh well as we all know I am the one that is being stubborn and am in a minority of one on the side of the authorities on this and every one is starting to get very touchy so for the benefit of the forum I am standing down from this post but don't think for one minute that it is a sign of defeat it is definitely not, I on this occasion am on the side of the authorities and as long as they stick with it , I will be one happy man,
02-01-2015, 08:46 PM
Malcolm Offline

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RE: TT 2015 Starting Order
Quite simply, there is no connection between the content of Cregwilly's posting content - "why not have a simple yes/no vote box on say steam packet or manx radio grandstand studio this year" and the Thread Topic, which is after all - "TT2015 Starting Order".

If he had directly stated he was talking about the Starting Order, then of course he was ON Topic. He did not, so was OFF Topic in my opinion.

I closed the thread initially because it was going off track, and it appeared that it was quite possibly heading off down that route once again.

In addition, from your latter comment on "the difference between past and modern bikes", there has been an additional posting from Cregnybaa, which continues your OFF Topic comment, again into an area that has nothing to do with the original Thread Topic, and it is for such instances that I closed the Thread in the First place.

Tell me how anyone in the future, is going to find any comments on that particular item theme, within a Thread Topic that is titled Starting Order, particularly if the Original Thread Topic content is overtaken by that latter topic ?

As Site Forum Moderator, I will Moderate/Administer this site in accordance with how it has always been administered.

I  take this opportunity to remind you of a few relevant points from the T&C's for the Forum:-

TTwebsite strives to monitor these forums as closely as possible and will remove any unlawful, offensive, defamatory or inappropriate information. If you spot any such material in the forums please contact me by sending a PM. 

All messages submitted to these forums may be moderated.

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TT website reserve the right to modify and/or delete inappropriate postings.

If you have any general questions or concerns about how the forum operates, please contact me via the PM facility. (not via a posting within the Forum).

Do contact the moderators if you have any concerns, questions or complaints about the use of the forum.

Now, if this Thread is going to continue - KEEP TO THE TOPIC.

02-01-2015, 08:58 PM
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ian charlton Offline

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RE: TT 2015 Starting Order
By the way Eddy,just to keep history correct,the Gilera wasn,t a v8!
02-01-2015, 08:58 PM
Malcolm Offline

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RE: TT 2015 Starting Order
I think that this Thread has well and truly run its course and as such I am closing it off 

Be right back. I am going to go find myself, and if I leave before I get back, make sure to tell me !! -
02-01-2015, 09:03 PM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: TT 2015 Starting Order
I am back here this morning after a good nights sleep and constant thoughts whizzing around in my head, on the matter of "Off Topic" issues in the latter few postings within this thread.

To start with, I admit to having mis-interpreted the grammatical content and format of Cregwilly's posting, and for that I apologize to him. The "Off Topic" Smilie character has been removed from his posting.

Secondly, to Eddy  

Please refer to the above statement and where apologies maybe due, in relation to this, I ask you to please accept them. 

However the fact that you included an Off Topic comment within your later posting stands and my comments regarding how this Forum is Monitored also stands.

I closed the Thread off once, because it was drifting away from the original Thread Theme and comments received indicated that people thought that the Thread had run its course.

I re-opened the Thread for one reason and one reason only, and what transpired was that we appeared to be heading off in the same direction that created the closure of the Thread in the first place.

So, enough said on this matter now, the Thread is closed and WILL NOT be re-opened.

Be right back. I am going to go find myself, and if I leave before I get back, make sure to tell me !! -
03-01-2015, 11:49 AM
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