Enough is Enough
Carole Offline
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RE: Enough is Enough
(17-06-2015, 12:54 PM)Malcolm Wrote: It is with a heavy heart but a head that tells me I am correct in doing so, that I have to inform all of you that I am no longer prepared keep this Forum alive in the Public domain in it's present format, due to the circumstances that I am being subjected to.

14+ years of relatively trouble free operation, yet in the past few months the issues that I have had to face on a daily basis have escalated to a point where I am no longer prepared to tolerate it.

A variety of reasons have brought me to this conclusion, including:-

People who are intent upon abusing this facility by way of totally ignoring a basic code of decency.

People who believe that they have the God given right to use and abuse this facility as and how they like, once they have gained registration.

People who are intent upon "hiding" behind false names, false email addresses and proxy servers to gain registration.

People who do not have the common decency to provide the information that is requested at the time of registration and think it smart to use offensive Log-In names, and to use comments such as "Here" for Location, and "Can't be Arsed" when requested to provide some basic information about themselves.

People who have made comments within their posts without checking the truthfulness of such comments, (most of which I have been able to moderate/alter and/or delete), however some resulting in emails being received informing me of potential litigation action being taken against the Forum and myself in addition to the person who has made such comments.

People who have been banned from the Forum previously  for actions that have been contrary to the T&C's of the Forum and who re-apply or send private emails wanting to know why they have been banned and using foul and abusive language in their emails.

People who get angry and transmit abusive PM's and Emails whenever their posts have been moderated and/or deleted.

People who totally ignore PM's and Emails advising them of actions that have been taken regarding their posts or content, which have been unacceptable for a variety of reasons and thereafter simply continue without any change in their behaviour.

People who have openly contacted me on my private email address, and tell me that irrespective of whatever ban I have imposed upon them, they are going to take the necessary steps to make sure that they gain access to the Forum by hook or by crook at some point in the future.

The amount of time that I am having to spend policing the Forum in it's entirety from point of registration through all of the checks that have to be carried out on each and every registration not only to prevent SPAM and Hackers attempting to infiltrate the Forums, but also for the re-application of previously banned offenders. This takes most of the day time hours and most often way into the dark hours every single day of the week.

However, the most serious and most offensive act that has "Broken the Camels back" so to speak, is the series of abusive emails that I have received recently, culminating in seriously abusive language and the veiled threat of physical violence against me.

I am now proceeding to take the necessary steps to contact their Internet Service Providers to obtain the residence details of the perpetrators and further, as the actions are clearly contrary to the Telecommunications Act, I am taking the relevant action to have that invoked as far as it is possible to do so.

So, I am sorry folks, but I am not going to have myself subjected to this totally unacceptable behaviour from anyone, and it is very clear, that yet again, the minority have destroyed it all, for the benefit of the many.

I will withdraw the Posting access for everyone who is registered on the Forum database in the very near future, however will leave the Forum as a read only facility as there is far too much history attached to these Forums for them to disappear forever.

I shall continue myself to update the main section of TTwebsite with Press Releases and relevant information on the Teams and Events as previous. however in a few days from now, (Wednesday the 17th of June), there will be no interaction on the forums for ANY forum registrants.
Sorry to see it has come to this Malcolm, this forum board has been interesting and informative over the years, mostly because of your efforts. I will be sad to see the only TT related remaining pubic forum become read only. I myself did not post a lot, but only when I felt comment was needed, but have probably logged in most days to see what is being discussed, as I am sure many others have done. It is a disgrace that the few can ruin things once more for so many, but I perfectly understand why you have made the decision. its the same with "public" email addresses- I have the misfortune of filtering the "catch all" emails to our company, and the spam amounts to over 300 for a weekend, even with fairly sophisticated "spam traps" installed. what is must be like as moderator of a growing forum board heaven knows, but it not fun I am sure.
Good luck for the future, and thanks for letting us speak our mind in the past Malcolm.
Life's too short- live it to the max and enjoy yourselves
(This post was last modified: 17-06-2015, 01:13 PM by Carole.)
17-06-2015, 01:13 PM
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Deek Offline
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RE: Enough is Enough
This is very sad. While I don't post a lot, I really enjoy reading the informative posts. I will miss it.

Thank you Malcolm for your efforts and I can't blame you that your patience has run out.

Too many idiotic keyboard warriors in this world. Ruined it.
17-06-2015, 01:25 PM
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taxman Offline

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RE: Enough is Enough
(17-06-2015, 01:03 PM)taxman Wrote: That's awful Malcolm and the people concerned should be ashamed of themselves. It highlights some of the reasons why the IOMTT forum was closed however. Good luck and thanks for your time and effort to make the place what it is.

Apologies for positing in the wrong place!! As if you haven't enough to do! Icon_biggrin

No worries it was my fault for not closing the access to the Thread that you posted in.Bonk
(This post was last modified: 17-06-2015, 01:37 PM by Malcolm.)
17-06-2015, 01:29 PM
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studiosoft Offline
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RE: Enough is Enough
Sadly - the type of behaviour you are experiencing is becoming a regular problem for many forum operators.
People have complained for years that they do not have freedom of speech but now that the internet has given everyone a voice, it appears that some people cannot handle complete freedom.
I run a number of forums myself and have noticed an increase in members joining just to abuse others - I imagine they have the same mind set as the vandals who wreaked havoc in our local park and spoilt the enjoyment of the majority.

Thanks Malcolm, for trying to build a community we can all share and if the only course of action left open to you is to stop all posting, nobody can blame you for doing it.
I am going as fast as I want.
17-06-2015, 01:33 PM
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tatuus Offline
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RE: Enough is Enough
Real shame 😡
I was almost getting to the stage of posting without doing something wrong. The Internet is a weird place where people with no social skills can act like heroes or the bullies the once bullied them
17-06-2015, 01:54 PM
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Maca944 Offline
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RE: Enough is Enough
What more can I add? I just joined the forum and haven't really contributed yet, but did enjoy the discussions and stories. Reading what Malcolm had to deal with I honestly can't believe he hasn't decided way earlier to take these measures. I sincerely hope that the law offers opportunities to deal with these 'armchair heroes'.

So thanks Malcolm for all your work and a real shame it has to end like this!
17-06-2015, 02:08 PM
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Steady the Edward Offline
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RE: Enough is Enough
Am very sad to hear this and am away from home and only on my phone which makes it hard to respond , properly ,

To Malcom I am sorry it has come to this and do hope that you can find in your heart to reconsider for I think you have far far more on your side than against you , but I wish you well , you have my email address please keep in touch

For any one else that wishes to keep in touch with me my contact details are
On FB as Eddy Daynes
mobile 07837509203
17-06-2015, 02:19 PM
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NSR500 Offline
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RE: Enough is Enough
I only found this forum after the demise of the previous one, what a shame to lose an informative forum that all genuine TT fans rely on.
As for the idiots that make life hard why dont they all go and take up football supporting as a hobby and leave the real fans with a decent place to post and get to know the people from the form.

Anyway, good luck Malcolm, lets hope the ISP can find the idiots and ban them from the internet for life........
17-06-2015, 02:31 PM
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Big thumpa Offline

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RE: Enough is Enough
Sad news indeed some people are just so up themselves these days ,Hope you get the pond life mate cheers Malcolm

Sucking Rabbits outa Hedges Icon_mrgreen
17-06-2015, 02:41 PM
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warrior Offline

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RE: Enough is Enough
I'm so sorry to hear this Malcolm, but I fully understand your reasons, running this site is something you enjoy, and what should be enjoyable has now become a daily chore thanks to a minority.

Hopefully i'll catch up with you during the MGP for a coffee in the paddock.
17-06-2015, 03:41 PM
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ericcane Offline
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RE: Enough is Enough
Sorry to hear this but totally respect the reasons behind it.As usual,the minority ruin things for the rest of us.
17-06-2015, 04:01 PM
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Raynetjr Offline

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RE: Enough is Enough
Malcolm - sorry about the troublemakers, I thought they would've learnt their lesson when the 'other place' was culled - hope they get caught - ideally they'd spend time in the cell next to the friendly chap from Bristol 😀.

Thank you for having accepted me onto your site - without your link to the Metzeler Village I may have missed out on a cracking few days of racing.  Rest assured there are many of us here that enjoyed the craic and welcomed the information so please remember the good points and don't dwell on the bad points.
Best of luck for the future and I'll be looking forward to your updates.

Regards, john
17-06-2015, 04:09 PM
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dommyman Offline
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RE: Enough is Enough
Oh dear !  So sorry to read this, but I don't blame Malcolm.  Why should anyone have to put uo with all that, when all they are doing is trying to provide a service for genuine TT Fans.  This was a great place to keep in touch with everybody, and now lost because of a few morons, well done whoever you are.
17-06-2015, 04:16 PM
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Moose Offline
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RE: Enough is Enough
Very sorry to hear this Malcolm, but understand the position you must find yourself in. From the outside we obviously can't know half of what you have to go through. Thank you very much for all that you've done up to now.

I've appreciated the experience, memories and depth of knowledge exhibited by many of the posters here and in the 'other place' before it was also closed. It would be a great shame if all that was lost. As others have said, Malcolm perhaps you can reconsider once things have settled down, and may be the forum could be reconstituted in some more secure format. I realise it may be too late in the day, but I would be willing to help to keep things going. If not, then thank you and all the best for the future.
17-06-2015, 04:43 PM
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Blademan Offline
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RE: Enough is Enough
Malcolm.... I can only reiterate everything everyone has said on this thread, really sorry that all genuine road race fans are loosing this great website and Forum, hopefully this will be resurrected one day in the near future, many thanks for all your hard work.
17-06-2015, 05:20 PM
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tigerted Offline

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RE: Enough is Enough
Malcolm I cannot seem to find your thread about the closure but by what I can make out from this thread is that some idiots have made your life so intolerable that you have decided to close this forum.
They are the same sort of people that have caused us to have to drive over road humps every day because of their irresponsible driving and also the same idiots that think it is appropriate to film crashing motorcyclists and post them onto Youtube.
I fully understand you making the decision you have but at the same time I am upset knowing that the forum is to close. So I would just like to thank you for all of your efforts to give us TT fans the information we require to enjoy it through out the year.
17-06-2015, 05:53 PM
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Alfie Noakes Offline

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RE: Enough is Enough
All I can say is thanks very much for all your efforts/time, dedication and letting me on here in the first place. I can't figure out for the life of me how anybody can behave like that and call themselves a fan of motorcycling at the same time. Thanks Malcolm .. best rgds to all the proper people.
17-06-2015, 06:00 PM
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Steady the Edward Offline
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RE: Enough is Enough
(17-06-2015, 02:19 PM)Steady the Edward Wrote: Am very sad to hear this and am away from home and only on my phone which makes it hard to respond , properly  ,

To Malcom I am sorry it has come to this and do hope that you can find in your heart to reconsider  for I think you have far far more on your side than
against you , but I wish you well , you have my email address please keep in touch

For any one else that wishes to keep in touch with me my contact details are


On FB as Eddy Daynes

mobile 07837509203
Ps I am also on the between-the-hedges forum the old marshals forum 
17-06-2015, 06:03 PM
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andyrsv Offline
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RE: Enough is Enough
All the best to Malcolm for his hard work and decency, I don,t post often but enjoy the forum.The people the TT is drawing now are not genuine fans judging by whats been happening the last few years, they will slowly ruin everything for people who love the place.
17-06-2015, 06:15 PM
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Tripster1050 Offline
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RE: Enough is Enough
Having recently found the site I'm absolutely gutted about this decision. Loads of great information and advise, great people and even ability to find accommodation etc. for TT. Real shame and annoying
Sorry for the grief you have had to endure Malcolm
17-06-2015, 06:38 PM
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