Important Notice
Malcolm Offline

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Important Notice
All of you are aware of the fact that over the past few weeks and months actually, I have been subjected to an ongoing barrage of abuse in one form or another, that led me to a decision that meant I was no longer going to continue with this Forum. 

A decision that has been very hard to make as TTwebsite has been alive and running for 15 years now and has been a part of my life on a daily basis throughout. Something that of course I would miss if it were to go completely, however I would not be lost as I have a lot of other things in my life that keep me occupied and which are certainly a lot more enjoyable than what the operation and maintenance of this Forum has been in the recent past.

The number of posts that have been made by the people who have shown their support, since I posted that I had taken enough and was prepared to close this Forum down, have proven to me that there still exists  some human decency in the motorcycle racing fraternity and it's supporters, and I thank you all for that support.

Sad to say, some of the people who had made my life on here unacceptable, have proven that there is an element of society who need to go away and find themselves a life elsewhere, and learn some common decency. For those who still lurk in the background on this Forum, be aware that you will be discovered and dispatched upon said discovery. Not only do I  have no time for you, the majority of humanity have no time for you. However it is so sad to say, that you will never learn or accept that.

To the point, as that is what you all want to hear.

I will carry on with this Forum and I will not close it down as was mentioned in one of my previous posts on here, as I am not prepared to let the morons force me into lose something that I have built and lived with over so many years.

The site will change, by way of introduction over a gradual phase in period, of controls that will make it harder for people to infiltrate and easier to detect them and have them ejected from the Forum NEVER to return.

I am 100% determined that no one will ever do to this Forum what they very nearly managed to do over the past few weeks and months.

In order to help me keep this Forum alive and clear of the idiots, I ask for a couple of volunteers to assist in the policing of the Forum. I will spend some time with them, teaching the background control and maintenance. A couple of people who can share the load so to speak. The Moderation activity is quite easy actually.

You may notice that there have been a few small alterations on the Forum over the past day or two, and these alterations/additions are being implemented in order to involve all of you in the policing of the Forum.

Graded Warnings, Reputation Voting and a new Probationary Grade Registration for people who have to prove themselves over a certain period of time, before they are granted full access to the Forum.

I am still working on them in order to ensure that they work correctly and as I have said, they will all be phased in shortly.

I have heard many of you offer to pay a registration type fee for access to the Forum. I cannot and will not implement that. From the very start of this Website, I stated that as long as I was the owner, I would provide this website and all its facilities free of charge to the people who join, and that still remains the same.

All I ask is respect for the provision of this facility and for each and everyone who uses it. For people to use it with decency and with regard for all others. If you cannot do that, then don't register and if you are registered, then please leave, because you are not wanted.

This is really your Forum,  so it is up to all of you to look after it, and I therefore ask you all to please get involved and do that. Let the morons know they are not wanted by the issuance of warnings and negative Reputation votes. 

Failure to eradicate this negative element from the Forum, will only result in a repeat of what has happened over this last week, and the majority you have shown that you do not want that to happen.

So, NO closure, but some changes, so let's move on and do so without the people who created this unhappy scenario.

Please bear with me over the next week or so, in order to allow me time to implement fully the modifications that I want to introduce.

(This post was last modified: 19-06-2015, 07:10 PM by Malcolm.)
19-06-2015, 05:51 PM
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