Banking Scam BEWARE

Banking Scam BEWARE
BEWARE---I have had a seies of e-mails from, what seems at first read, my banks....

I have been requested to supply my membership number, passcode and memorable word "because some of our members no longer have access to their e-mail addreses and "we" must verify it....."

I have, of course, consulted with my banks to be told it is a BIG SCAM and to do absolutely nothing!!..I have sent a photocopy to my banks to show them and they say I am not the only one to have received these..

SO Beware....THIS IS NOT OFFICIAL..Consult with your bank before doing anything..

e-mail comes from ""

Fill in bank name !!

Any other people reporting this ?????
27-10-2003, 01:39 PM

Re: Banking Scam BEWARE 2
It also applies to Amazon, Paypal and the like..

27-10-2003, 01:40 PM

Re: Banking Scam BEWARE 2

I have not had one.

I heard these guys were only targeting MILLIONAIRES, is that true.

By the way I had Allan Dugdale over to stay a week ago, E-mail me your address and I will post you a good photo he took of Joey's memorial, seem to remember you wanted one.

27-10-2003, 07:16 PM

Re: Banking Scam BEWARE 2
The nuisance e-mail we are receiving constantly here in addition to all those scams is the very authentic looking Microsoft one with attachement for upgrading with patches, etc. This attachment contains the swen virus which is creating havoc in Australia and our biggest server has real problems at present. I have to agree Ian, that the way some of these e-mails are worded they seem like the real thing.
27-10-2003, 09:35 PM

Re: Banking Scam BEWARE 2
Ian, I represent interests in Nigeria and I would like your help, we have $684,000,000 that we have embezzled from the Nigerian Government. If you would be kind enough to send me all your bank account numbers together with your pin numbers and if possible a copy of your signature, I will deposit into your account 33% of the above sum for your trouble. You could also direct us to donate it to the charity of your choice, such as the John Foster retirement fund.
Trust me I am an Australian!

27-10-2003, 11:43 PM

Re: Banking Scam BEWARE 2
Give me the money !! Ah will invest it, man !

More e-mails this morning which I have passed on to local radio, national radio and the banks which have been used in this case..You will note they have actually had the nerve to add a link to the bank !!

If you get one of these e-mails contact your bank by phone !!
28-10-2003, 11:55 AM

Re: Banking Scam BEWARE 2
all i can say is: thank god my bank account is empty:-]
29-10-2003, 12:48 AM

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