Moodie man

Moodie man
I,ve heard that rider Jim Moodie will not be competing this year 2004 at the T.T well what a tragic loss to the races.
Ive been to the T.T for last six years and honestly dont think i,ll be returning as i find that less and less more famous riders are backing out. i feel the Isle of Man needs the revenue from the races and something needs to be done to encourage these riders back.Why not invite them back even to do live interviews or commentary etc.
Work hard to keep T.T alive!!
Bobby Paterson.
14-01-2004, 11:58 PM

Re: Moodie man
What do you mean less and less famous riders are coming back.
Everyone who rides the TT is famous to the TT fans!
Would you have heard of Moodie if he hadn't won TT's, or David Jeffries or Joey Dunlop?? ( a bit of an exaggeration maybe).
But TT riders are special in their own right and they become famous because of the TT. "Famous" riders in the past have packed it in but they were replaced by by others, Hislop, Jefferies etc. Achievements of "current" winners will never be undermined because "famous" people don't turn up. It is about racing not constantly breaking records.
15-01-2004, 01:22 PM

Re: Moodie man
That's very well said. There's too much "Celeb" nonsense everywhere these days. This is a grumpy old man posting, isn't it?
16-01-2004, 01:40 PM

Re: Moodie man
Jim made his decision for personal reasons, and everone has to stop when they feel the time is right. I always knew Steven Hislop would never race there again, cos he said to me " I have had all my lucky breaks". When the time comes only you know, and that was his moment.
Of course, his mate, Jim D would tell you another story!!
Long live the Purple Helmets. Steven gave that up too, cos he couldn't stand the celebrity....
16-01-2004, 09:34 PM

Re: Moodie man
I'm the Grumpiest Old Man!!
16-01-2004, 10:23 PM

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