* Cookstown 2020 Race Update *
Malcolm Offline

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* Cookstown 2020 Race Update *
* Cookstown 2020 Race Update *

The directors of CDMCC held a meeting this evening in regards to the organisation and preparation for our event scheduled to be held on the 11th & 12th of September 2020.

After discussions with various organisations, it was agreed at the meeting that the club will be running the event with various restrictions in place for 2020.

Due to restrictions which will still be in effect at the timing of when event is due to be held.. One tough decision the club have had to make is to run the event as a closed event, with restricted Spectator numbers to accommodate social distancing regulations, allowing limited numbers in vantage points throughout the course.

Online pre booked wristband will be available in due coarse.

We as a club would prefer to have our event run as normal, but in these trying times, we have to take various decisions and make changes for this year at least, to try and bring some road racing for the riders and spectators in 2020 all be it in limited circumstances. But we will continue to work with various organisations and keep the public up to date with any decisions made.

Riders will be aware their entry's for April will carry forward to September date, and for anyone else who wishes to send their entry's in, the closing date will be the 18th of July.

As a club we will remain committed to bring some racing in 2020,until we are told otherwise.

Any queries from riders please continue to contact race secretary or Kitty Harland

20-05-2020, 12:48 AM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: * Cookstown 2020 Race Update *
[Image: CookstownBurrowsComments.jpg]
The Cookstown 100 has been postponed until September due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Copyright: jpimedia

John Burrows: I'd love Cookstown 100 to go ahead but logically I can't see how it can happen

On Wednesday, the organisers of the national road race – postponed from April due to the coronavirus pandemic – reaffirmed their commitment to running the event from September 11-12, with limited numbers of spectators granted access to the 2.1-mile Orritor course in Co Tyrone.

The Cookstown Club plans to make a restricted number of admission wristbands available online ‘in due course’ to keep crowd numbers down.

In a statement, the organisers said:

“One tough decision the club has had to make is to run the event as a closed event, with restricted spectator numbers to accommodate social distancing regulations, allowing limited numbers in vantage points throughout the course.

“The online pre-booked wristband will be available in due course.”

However, ex-racer Burrows says that while he would ‘fully support the event’ if it did go ahead, he struggles to see how social distancing measures could be efficiently policed.

“I’d be surprised if it happened,” Burrows told the News Letter.

“For example, how would we get parked up in the paddock. It’s always jammed, so I can’t see how we would congregate in the paddock and maintain social distancing.

“Also, if the Cookstown 100 is the only road race we have this year, then you’re going to have massive crowds wanting to attend. The event always gets a decent crowd as it’s usually the first race of the season, and if it goes ahead in September then everybody is going to want to go to it.

“How would you police it and stop fans coming and trying to get into the course who miss out on the wristbands? I don’t think it would be possible,” he added.

“As a team, we would be fully supporting the event and I’d be going there with two riders and two bikes. I’d be delighted to be there too, but logically I just cannot see how it would happen.

“I have massive respect for the club in what they are trying to do and everyone obviously wants to see it happen, but teams alone will bring a lot of people with them and there is limited space in the paddock, so I’m just confused as to how it can happen with social distancing restrictions likely to still be in place at the time.”

Along with the Cookstown meeting, the Tandragee 100 is the only other Irish road race that has not been cancelled in 2020.

[Image: newletterlogo.jpg]
Kyle White

21-05-2020, 12:25 PM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: * Cookstown 2020 Race Update *
[Image: Cookstown3.jpg]

Cookstown 100: Motorcycling Ireland 'alarmed and annoyed' by racing plans

Motorcycling Ireland and the Ulster governing body appear to be at odds over whether the Cookstown 100 should take place in September.

Cookstown 100 organisers announced earlier this week that the event - postponed from April - would now take place in the autumn.

However, Motorcycling Ireland released a strongly worded statement on Friday.

"They do not have our authority or support to promote these events," said Motorcycling Ireland.

Motorcycling Ireland added that it was "alarmed and annoyed" by the intention to run the meeting.

"We also feel that they are bringing our sport unnecessarily into the public spotlight when the governments of Ireland are still trying to keep this epidemic under control," continued Motorcycling Ireland's statement.

"We have accepted that, as for 2020, our sport will not be adding any pressure on the various health and public departments throughout Ireland and would hope the Ulster Centre follows that lead as we look forward to joint planning for our return in 2021."

In response, Cookstown 100 organisers said they still planned to try to run their event with 1500-2000 spectators.

The Ulster Centre of the Motor Cycle Union of Ireland does have the option of not acceding to Motorcycling Ireland's directive.

Speaking in a personal capacity on Friday evening, Ulster Centre chairman John McClure did not directly address Motorcycling Ireland's comments.

"We are all concerned at this world pandemic and it's going to be a different world going forward," said Mr McClure.

"Every country in the world are doing things different and within those countries different measures are being implemented.

"The truth is no-one knows what's going to happen and when it will end.

"One thing is however sure. If we give up trying there's no point in anything.

"If any events were to go ahead it would only be with the support and agreement of our government, local councils and the wonderful NHS."

Motorcycling Ireland announced in March that all its 2020 events were cancelled for the foreseeable future to ease the pressure on health and medical services during the Covid-19 pandemic.

[Image: bbcsportni.jpg]
23-05-2020, 04:02 PM
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