Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
Malcolm Offline

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Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
[Image: Pullyman.jpg]

Well now, who mentioned the TT ?

Well, it wasn’t me, but seeing that we’re on the subject, who thinks that there will be a TT next year?

As we all know, the TT cancelled this year.

And did the world come to an end? Did the ground open up and swallow Braddan Bridge? Did the Bungalow slide down the hill and into Laxey Bay?


Did anything happen? Yes. We all had a bit of peace and quiet.

So, what’s the odds on 2021?

Yes or no?

Will there be a TT or will it have to hibernate?

And, more to the point, dare I say the dreaded words, could this mean the end of the TT for ever?

Now I know that the unfinished symphony, or Douglas Promenade as we once used to call it, would not have been a help to the situation with the TT, but it cannot take the blame as the cause.

Like it or not, this superbug has to take the sole blame for the missing superbikes.

Think about it, if you are one of the organisers of the test match or the cup final, or even the Grand National, and you are faced with your particular event being put on hold for a year or two, it wouldn’t necessarily be the end of the world.

But if you are one of the organisers of the Isle of Man TT races and your event is cancelled for a year, then that is a major problem.

The event is unique.

It takes place on a closed road circuit of just under 40 miles over two weeks in late spring and early summer.

It involves the closing of some sections of the busiest public roads in the island, for some time each day, and involves high-speed motorcycles reaching up to 200 mph.

The TT is organised by the Auto Cycle Union and involves the recruitment of hundreds of part-time, unpaid marshals.

But every event has its own special problems, and the TT is no exception.

It is a high-speed road race that comes with a high cost. Hardly a year goes by without at least one competitor or spectator losing their life in a high-speed incident.

The event enjoys a faithful following, but unfortunately a growing number of objectors quote the danger the loss of lives and the inconvenience caused by the closed roads and traffic congestion.

So that’s it. We will just have to wait to see what will be the fate of the TT.

Will it be the prom, coronavirus or is it simply the time to say good bye?

I think that I speak with some experience when I say that, in my opinion, enough is enough.

Just let the TT come to a graceful and gentle end in a nice museum.

When I say ’from experience’, I don’t mean to imply that I have any knowledge or skill whatsoever that gives me the authority to make comment about the TT.

I can only speak with the voice and the wisdom of an (almost) 80-year-old man.

I have followed the TT for about 70 years. I was one of those young lads who would cycle up to the grandstand at five in the morning to see the stars and the bikes, then scrounge a mug of hot chocolate from the tea tent and hopefully a team badge from the factory van.

Then it would it would be off to Braddan Bridge to claim my regular perch on one of the cemetery tombs to watch the evening practice.

I was weaned on the TT, brought up on the TT and then, when me and Brown Eyes knelt before the altar, where else could we tie the knot but in Braddan Church?

We then moved to a TT roadside cottage in Greeba, where we stayed for the next 46 years.

I would miss the TT, but I would not miss the pain or the tragedy.

Life is too short and too precious, and I really would like to be around to see the new promenade finished.

A decade ago Pullyman - aka Michael Cowin - was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, a condition that affects people in different ways. Michael discovered writing and Island Life is featuring some of his musings. Sometimes topical, sometimes nostalgic, read about life as seen through the eyes of Pullyman

[Image: iomtodaynewlogo.jpg]

15-11-2020, 02:07 PM
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Manxman78 Offline

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RE: Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
I don't believe it will be the end of TT and I think if the TT is to continue into the future it needs to go ahead some time next year which could be late summer!, at the end of the day this is all speculation let's all wait for a confirmed decision by the Department of Enterprise in the very near future for the proper decision, and hopefully TT 21' will happen sometime next year!.
(This post was last modified: 15-11-2020, 03:09 PM by Manxman78.)
15-11-2020, 03:08 PM
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Manxman78 Offline

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RE: Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
An announcement is going to be made on TT 21' between now and Christmas 🎄 as soon as i know I will let you all know what the outcome is!. fingers crossed.
(This post was last modified: 15-11-2020, 03:15 PM by Manxman78.)
15-11-2020, 03:14 PM
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sculptor Offline
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RE: Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
Good on you Pulleyman for a well written article which I'm sure will generate plenty of discussion. I too have been going to the TT for over 40 years (I'm not quite as old as you!) and have seen many ups and downs but I feel recent years have shown us that it's still, as Murray Walker said, "The greatest race in the world" . Some of the old viewing spots are now out of bounds and miscreants are no longer birched but the wonderful atmosphere is still obvious as soon as you step off the boat You say that you "wouldn't miss the pain or the tragedy", with which I'm sure everyone would concur but that has always been a part of the TT and whilst efforts are made to improve safety, be it the track or their equipment, people testing the boundaries of their own limits don't always know where the 'edge' is until they've gone beyond it. The policing is excellent and done with a spirit rarely seen elsewhere (Watch 'Police Brutality, Proper community policing at the Isle of Man TT.' on YouTube) which I'm sure will make you smile. Having attended quite a few MotoGPs at great cost over the years where the chance of getting within 100 metres of either the racing or the riders is impossible, the TT is a breath of fresh air, especially for the younger generation, where you can see the bikes and talk to the riders and mechanics For FREE. Covid has been an unprecedented 'hiccup' which will adversely affect many people's lives and leisure but hopefully I'll be across to buy you a pint in 2021. If I succumb in the meantime I hope my friends will take my ashes over and (wind and police allowing), gently spread them round the track
(This post was last modified: 15-11-2020, 08:22 PM by sculptor.)
15-11-2020, 08:11 PM
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sculptor Offline
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RE: Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
Thanks Malcolm for the epithet under my 'tag' ...."Junior Member" !! It puts a spring in my step !
15-11-2020, 08:16 PM
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Splashdown Offline
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RE: Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
There was no TT run in 1940, or 41,or 42, or 43, or 44, or 45, or 46.
It came bouncing back. However, I don't think it would survive an EIGHT year absence in the present age.
Fingers crossed.
15-11-2020, 11:14 PM
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AntG Offline

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RE: Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
I think as long as riders want to compete it will still be around and let's face it, even if the IOM doesn't NEED the TT no sane person turns down the chance to make extra money so I think as long as there's money to be made it will continue in some capacity.

I do think the event needs a bit of an overhaul though, does it really need 3 1000cc races? Why not drop the Superstock in favour of a Junior Supersport/Moto3 race?

I like the Sidecars but I've had a feeling that they're on borrowed time for a while now, feel free to correct me but it seems like the Sidecar grid is shrinking quite significantly as the years go by as the competitors decide to call it a day and there isn't enough "young blood" coming into the class.
16-11-2020, 09:25 AM
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Chrisp955 Offline
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RE: Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
Putting my 2pence worth in.
There is plenty of peaple in government that make a career out of the TT and some big government salaries rely on it. They will not let the jobs go without a struggle.
In my opinion it will be the day they carnt get the appropriate number of Marshalls that the insurance and H&SE require. I'm as guilty as anyone in that I come over every year but have  never give a thought to being a Marshall. In these times peaple are not as willing to give up there free time especially when you see the scrafices peaple make to spend 2 weeks of there yearly holidays marshaling at the TT often for some gobsh#ite to give them a mouth full. So hats of to the lads and girls thst do make the effort.
16-11-2020, 11:30 AM
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SeaCol Offline

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RE: Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
I don’t think having a smaller capacity Moto3 race would be very popular with spectators, unfair I know, but from my experience even when the Supertwins are racing a lot of the crowd seem to drift away back to the pub. Like most sports, most people turn up to see the ‘elite’ sports stars so I do not see dropping the Superstock as being a good idea. The revised Supersport class may refresh things. I hope it continues at least ‘til the end of my days being nearly as old as Pullyman.
16-11-2020, 12:02 PM
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Revvin rich Offline
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RE: Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
A well put together essay and some of the topics I agree with i know not everyone on the island approves of the TT but it's made the island a very famous island its brought a lot of revenue to the people of the island not everybody I add I've been going there since 1962 and missed it only twice and nearly all that time I've been made welcome by the locals if it doesn't happen next year fair enough hopefully the new vaccine will sort this awful disease out and it will run in 2022 also can I add to you all the marshals a great big thank you to which without you the races would not run . Keep Safe everyone and long live the TT
16-11-2020, 12:06 PM
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BrianW Offline

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RE: Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
To stick my two pennyworth in I agree with Chrisp 955 it will be the insurance and lack of marshalls that will kill my beloved TT, I am a newcomer here having only started in 1979 - but not missed since ( 2001 and 2020 excluded) I too think that the days of the 125's, 250 and 350 races plus the senior, 500, 750,850,1000,1100 or whatever the limit as superior to the same bikes different race names of today BUT I get it that the factories need to sell bikes and 1000's are what they sell, 600's are dying so there is room for change there, I love the supertwins and would welcome a 300 race to ease people into the races - yes I know that's what the Manx was for but if the TT is under threat what chance the Manx surviving ? I do worry that if the Island and residents have 2 TT free years they may opt not to resume, but I hope the TT continues, it is welcomed by many if not all Islanders, I guess it is a balance between those that benefit from it and those that are inconvenienced by it. Time will tell I guess.
16-11-2020, 09:52 PM
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AntG Offline

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RE: Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
Also I notice in the original article he asks "did the world come to an end?"

Well the answer to that is for some people yes it did come to an end, just because some people weren't affected by the cancellation it doesn't mean everything was fine and dandy for all. I'm sure the hospitality industry over in the Isle of Man has felt a massive knock, some of the local charities which visitors so generously donate to will have lower incomes.
17-11-2020, 10:26 AM
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bsa499 Offline
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RE: Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
Well said AntG! I found the content of the opening piece of this particular thread strange to say the least. However, rather than criticising and burying the Mountain Course events, let’s praise and improve them. In my opinion the current mix of classes lacks variety in both sight and sound. I love the sidecars, they provide real variety and to lose them would be a significant loss to the TT but obviously not to the MGP_CTT. Having said that the MGP_CTT does provide real variety. Whether the 2021 Mountain Course events take place remains to be seen but, as the regulations have yet to be published, there is time for a rethink now. IoM Government Department of Tourism and Leisure, ACU Events Ltd and TT Races Co-ordinating Committee please take note. Today’s and tomorrow’s Mountain Course event organisers need to continually improve the events to keep the ever fickle public happy. Also the Mountain Course events aren’t exclusively about the riders and their teams, the IoM residents, the marshals, the scrutineers, the scoreboard operators, the paddock organisers, the fans etc etc all play their part and all deserve due consideration. Finally I find it inconceivable that the Isle of Man Government could even consider ending a world class event that brings fame and fortune to the Island. Mountain Course events were dangerous, are dangerous and will remain dangerous. BUT WHAT EVENTS THEY ARE!!!
17-11-2020, 02:42 PM
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Manxman78 Offline

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RE: Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
The island has felt a significant impact with out the TT & MGP & S100 this year especially the tourism and hospitality hotels have and are still suffering significant financial problems and the isle of man in general has been hit hard because of TT 2020 being
cancelled, I understand that alot of people around the world have lost either a family member(s)'to this terrible disease and people's business around the world have suffered as a result of covid 19, but I can reassure every one that the TT is needed on the island as it's part of the heritage and financialy needed to keep business growing into the future and a massive income to the island and for the government so I can't see the isle of man TT disappearing any time in the near future, and hopefully this will be the case, the isle of man government are still funding the hospitality industry ie hotels because the island's borders remain closed to visitors, the department of Enterprise and Minister Skelly are working hard to come up with a solution for the TT, which we will all find out what there decision will be on TT 21, and an announcement is going to be made before Christmas regarding TT 21 I really hope we have a TT next year it's in the hands of the department of Enterprise and Minister Skelly, fingers crossed, and hopefully we will all know in the coming weeks if there will be a TT 21!!!!, Keep praying everyone.
(This post was last modified: 17-11-2020, 06:31 PM by Manxman78.)
17-11-2020, 06:30 PM
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Sam Pato Offline
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RE: Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
I'm not very close to the events these days but just viewing from the outside - the investment that's gone into the development (rebranding?) of the MGP would appear to be a clear signal from the Govt as to the value to the IOM of the TT and MGP both economically and culturally. The critical issue of Marshall's and Insurance is a concern but hopefully something that can be managed. I'm more glass half full than half empty.
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18-11-2020, 01:46 AM
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dommyman Offline
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RE: Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
I read Manx newspapers, which I have sent over regularly, and the Government are having many discussions on which way a new access road could be built, so it does not look like they are going to do away with the TT for a while yet.
20-11-2020, 10:02 PM
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captainsparkledotcom Offline

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RE: Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
Some ideas aren't going down too well!  Confused
21-11-2020, 11:34 AM
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bud62 Offline
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RE: Pullyman: Is this the end of the TT ?
Well the sidecar class could get interesting in 2022 as the rules have been amended to allow parallel twin engines up to 900cc.

Great idea as no Japanese factory is making a Supersports 600 anymore.
02-12-2020, 10:12 PM
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