thank you

thank you
Right, where do I begin? At the risk of sounding sorry for myself or wallowing in self-pity [which I aint], I'll reel out some info on what happened to me and how I feel now.

When I had my accident I was lying under an arctic trailer in Goole docks. Next came the pain. The damned thing tried to decapitate me. I ended up with 2 broken shoulder blades, one bust collar bone, 3 cracked neck vertibrae, 2 busted ribs, no front teeth and a bruise or two. I got slashed straight across the throat, right through my right carotid artery, double slash across to my left artery, but only chopped half way through that one.. Pretty lucky really. Oh yes, and smashed my voice box to a pulp as well. All this resulted in a tracheostomy which is a rather unpleasant way of breathing through a plastic tube stuck in my neck. Very frightening when it gets partially blocked, it makes you think you are drowning - not nice. I was told about a week after the accident that there was no way I should have lived, and but for extreme good luck, clever medics and several instances of "somebody up there likes me" I would have lost my life without a doubt.

That was the bad news, it gets better! Thanks to you lot on here, I received God knows how many texts, cards, letters, e-mails and visits from various dodgy miscreants. To say you lot really helped to pull me through is a huge understatement. You were brilliant. The nursing staff were some of the best, but what I received from members of the RRR. Com forum and one or two friends from the general T.T. Message board, especially in that first couple of weeks cannot be compared. Reading the texts was sometimes a pain, depending how I was propped in bed, plus a lot of them made me shed more tears than I ever have in my life. It wasn't just the pain that made me weep. The emotions I felt passed on from you all really got to me - big time. They raised me from low ebbs to great highs - I cannot thank you all enough. It all helped the healing process along nicely. The visits from Garry and Russ helped as well, they brought - and took - news back and forth and really helped in keeping my spirits up, even if the piccys they took made me look better than I looked or felt.

As to the future? At the moment I am just concentrating on my physio to try and get my arms working again, as the left one is very weak and the right one doesn't seem to want to work at all. I'm afraid it's up to father time and some intense exercising to try and sort that out. My birthday bash two weeks today, hopefully my arms might be better. The week after it's Scarborough, so I need to be reasonably fit by then. Think I will have to stay up top to watch the racing, but better than not at all. Failing that, it will be next season I'm afraid.

Once again, thank you, all of you for all your help and support, it was well needed and well appreciated.
The only thing left for me to say is this: please remind me not to do the fcuker again!
04-09-2004, 07:44 PM

Messages In This Thread
thank you - by Anonymous - 04-09-2004, 07:44 PM
Re: thank you - by Anonymous - 04-09-2004, 11:18 PM
Re: thank you - by Anonymous - 05-09-2004, 03:00 AM
Re: thank you - by Anonymous - 05-09-2004, 11:09 AM
Re: thank you - by Anonymous - 05-09-2004, 05:15 PM
Re: thank you - by Anonymous - 05-09-2004, 08:36 PM
Re: thank you - by Anonymous - 05-09-2004, 10:10 PM

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