cheers malcom

F---Wits in General
A "f---wit" is a person who has consistently failed to obtain any degree of 'clue'.

This will often be in a technical sense, such as 'top posting' to a website, quoting the entire text of a previous post or email in their reply and adding a few words in response, or continually just being a complete all round d-ckhead.

A f---wit is often the cause of an id-iot interface error

Spammers are always f---wits.

The term "f---wit" may now be used quite easily in non-technical circles and probably applies just as equally to many people we meet in everyday life. Rude people, devoid of manners. Loud people, especially those who use their mobile telephone in totally inappropriate environments and only know two voice volumes ('silent' and 'shouting').

Many f---wits drive buses. Actually, many f---wits just 'drive' - badly. However, not all drivers, of buses or otherwise, are f---wits.

F---wits park on pavements and in disabled parking spaces when they are not entitled to do so.

F---wits always believe they have 'right of way'.

F---wits drop litter in the street.

F---wits only generally care about themselves and this is evident in their overall attitude toward everything and everyone else.

F---wits always know absolutely everything in the history of everythingness.

F---wits talk lots and listen little.

F---wits never allow evidence to prevent them continuing to be a f---wit.

F---wits, basically, are f---wits. There is no cure.

You'll know when you meet a f---wit.

We, like most of you, are not impressed with idiots who mail us and post on our Bulletin Boards, bigotted, racist, sexist or homophobic abuse, and we warn them that if they continue with this practice, then we would propose that their postings be forwarded to a new site that has been launched just for them. Click on the Link Below to go there.

If you wish to add a potential F---Wit to the ever growing list, then please do not forget to include their full email address and/or IP Address, posting content and feel free to drop them a large note...

*** (Beware all the posts are unedited and we take no responsibility if you go there.) ***

F---Wits Here
28-01-2005, 02:29 PM

Messages In This Thread
cheers malcom - by Anonymous - 27-01-2005, 07:27 PM
Re: cheers malcolm - by Anonymous - 27-01-2005, 07:29 PM
Re: cheers malcolm - by Anonymous - 27-01-2005, 10:10 PM
Re: cheers malcolm - by Anonymous - 28-01-2005, 12:01 PM
Re: cheers malcolm - by Anonymous - 28-01-2005, 12:35 PM
Re: cheers malcolm - by Anonymous - 28-01-2005, 12:55 PM
Re: cheers malcolm - by Anonymous - 28-01-2005, 01:43 PM
F---Wits in General - by Anonymous - 28-01-2005, 02:29 PM
Re: F---Wits in General - by Anonymous - 28-01-2005, 02:47 PM
Re: F---Wits in General - by Anonymous - 28-01-2005, 03:51 PM
Re: F---Wits in General - by Anonymous - 28-01-2005, 06:23 PM
Re: F---Wits in General - by Anonymous - 28-01-2005, 06:38 PM
Re: cheers malcom - by Anonymous - 28-01-2005, 09:53 PM
Re: cheers malcom - by Anonymous - 29-01-2005, 12:55 AM
Re: cheers malcom - by Anonymous - 29-01-2005, 06:24 PM

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