Re: Jobsworths
I am not a committee member of the Joey Dunlop Injured Riders Fund but I am in a position to be familiar with much of the Fund's business and therefore feel qualified to speak on its behalf on this occasion.
I feel it is necessary to remind everyone that this was the first year of ACTIVE fund raising at a TT meeting.Last year was a non-event,of course,although the JDIRF did maintain a daily presence at the Hailwood Centre selling its items to raise funds and generally making those who did bother to visit them,very welcome.
Obviously then ,this year,with the added pressure of security companies making their presence felt,there were bound to be mistakes and misjudgements but ,more importantly, lots learned for the future.
I have been informed by committee members that for TT 2003 they will no longer be operating from the Hailwood Centre, but from a retail outlet situated within the general trading area as visited by many fans without any interference from security personnel.The committee are fully aware of the anger and frustration felt by many members of the public whilst trying to access the Hailwood Centre, and wish it to be known that the situation will be much improved next year.
Speaking once again off my own bat,I fully agree with the thoughts of the originator of this thread. If the security people are there to prevent undesirables stealing from vans etc,thats wonderful,but to be constantly challenged by the same person half a dozen times during the same practice session whilst you are running round trying to get a stubborn bike fired up is very annoying.After a few days of practice at the TT or MGP ,the same familiar faces are present at every session,yet the security staff can't or won't show common sense and let them get on with what they have to,get out to practice in the right frame of mind without going out there wound up because of petty-mindedness.I can also state that I DID see others in the paddock on many occasions who had obviously slipped the net by obtaining a pass from someone--probably in the beer-tent--who have most certainly been in trouble with the Manx police more than once for crimes of theft,burglary or dishonesty.What the hell were they doing in there? Looking for autographs????
Anyway Im getting on one now.Sorry! But I just mainly wanted to post to say that the situation regarding access will be different next year for those fans who wish to purchase from the JDIRF and thereby contribute to this effort.
10-06-2002, 08:45 PM |