Joey Dunlop Foundation Klaffi night.
Joey Dunlop Foundation Committee members were amazed at the demand for tickets to a Night with Klaffi. The maximum entry is a 130 , however we have had requests for a 139 tickets , Suzanne has started a reserve list.
Kevin Quirk , JDF Chairman said that ' The response from the Sidecar Fans was incredible and it is a shame that many people will be disappointed not to get a ticket. This is a brilliant start to our Fund Raising in 2007 and again we need people outside the small committee to organise fund raising events on our behalf'
During the last week Klaffi's guests have been confirmed. They are Dave
Molyneux , Nick Crowe and their new passengers plus Dan Sayle the fastest passenger around the TT Course will be a guest of Andy Faraghers.
In addition to our guest speakers there will reminders of the early years of
sidecar racing around the TT Course , the TT Sidecar trophy will be on
display plus we are trying to arrange a special sidecar race featuring our
If you would like to organise a fund raising event please contact Kevin
Quirk ,Bruce Baker or Richard Milky Quayle, (or contact thewitch here, and I will pass on your details)
04-11-2006, 07:28 PM |