
I can't thank Malcolm enough for the help he gave me at the Manx. What he did made the whole fortnight for me and I will be eternally grateful.
I'm only sorry I couldn't find the time to visit the "poo plant" but that will keep for another day.

Another star was Jill Foster (John's wife) once again she produced a spread fit for a king. The kindness and hospitality shown to Sandy me and the boys was wonderful and as ever the good company made for a perfect day. How JF stays so trim looking amazes me.

I did a small favour for DSM Berrie and was delighted to recieve a wonderful choclate cake in return Thanks Mrs DSM Berrie.

For moral support I must thank LarryD, Helen, MV, Don Simons, Elizabeth and Harry, Tom Loughridge. Gail, Hilary and John Muson, Ben the Plumber and his mum, dad, sister and Roo, Nigel. And I'm sure I've forgotten someone so thank you too

More than once I was able to help a fellow competitor and I too recieved help as well For me that is one of the things that make the Manx special.

For all the marshals who signed on thank you especially all the first timers come back next year we need you. I personally marched two guys to the marshalls office and got them signed on.........later after the race they were very glad to have done so and will again.

A thank you for Jules Ray and his wife we had a laugh and they supplied two great kids who helped my two enjoy paddock life. We'll see you next year mate

I was disapointed with my performance in the Junior. My head was just not right I know I can go faster than that. Having said that I have made my mind up not to ride a 600 next year. I will have "something else" I hope.
The Ultralightweight race was ruined for me by the weather I rode the wheels off the bike from the start to Guthries only to find fog rain and very slippery roads. Still I finished 27th ( I think) so that makes it my best ever result ?? I also had to ride my "slow" 400 as the good one didn't really ever run well all fortnight.

And so to next year.......... I have enough meetings done for the course licence so I'll be there again.

Finally I need to thank Sandy for all her patience she is a rock and never forgets to keep me supplied with coffee and every other need outside of actually fixing the bikes. If she wanted she could say no and my racing would be finished but she doesn't. She helps make the sacrifices that allow me to race.

Only 50 weeks to go.............can't wait
02-09-2007, 09:23 PM

Messages In This Thread
Thanks - by cargo - 02-09-2007, 09:23 PM
[No subject] - by MV - 03-09-2007, 07:24 AM
[No subject] - by gary the nurse - 03-09-2007, 08:24 AM
[No subject] - by Malcolm - 03-09-2007, 09:31 AM
[No subject] - by thewitch - 03-09-2007, 10:08 AM
[No subject] - by cargo - 03-09-2007, 05:58 PM
[No subject] - by larryd - 04-09-2007, 12:22 AM

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