Sandy and I had a grand day out yesterday in London.
We went to the Palace theatre on Sfaftsbury Ave to see the Monty Python inspired Spamalot. which is a lovingly ripped off stage version of Monty Python and the Holy Grail
And absolutly marvelous it was too you'd need to have some insight to the movie and enjoy Monty Python to catch some of the "in" jokes but I laughed so much there were tears in my eyes
Dispite it being the story of King Arthur and his search for the Holy Grail the opening scene is set in Finland ? And the fish slapping dance ? Python fans will understand this LOL
Even the Black Knight scene is there and of course the Knights who say Ni along with killer rabbits and an bale of hay ???????
The show stars Peter Davidson( Doctor Who ) and Bill Ward (Charle Stubbs Cornation Street)
Well worth the price of a ticket.
If you hate Monty Python don't go but if like me and Sandy you love it then go