Help the Marshalls

Help the Marshalls
Without going into it at the moment, but I can tell you that an Idea to help out the Marshalls could be getting looked into as we speak so to say.

My proposals would be as follows.

1. I would like to see an extra day during race week for practice if needed say the Tuesday.

2. Active Marshalls would have their cards stamped every time they turn out and if they did the whole meeting would receive 10 signatures. The signed card could then be transfered for a tax rebate ie 10 days tax free on thier earnings from thier normal employment and this could be done on a sliding scale, it may not amount to much but its a help. Some will say what about the marshalls that are retired from work, they could receive a small increase on thier state benifits. The way for this to work is for the IOM Government departments to work together similar to whats done between the DTL and Tax department over homestay payments which is tax free and the insurance is covered by the DTL ( we all have to work together why should homestay be treated any different to the marshalls, they are both needed for the success of the races).

3. Off island marshalls. They too would have to get their cards signed for all turn outs and the cards transfered for a travel rebate from the DTL with the help of the IOMSP. Marshall 10 practice/races receive 50% rebate on travel per marshall (again on a sliding scale). This too could work as the IOMSP need the races as well as the DTL.

4. During the event all marshall,scrutineers ect would be invited to the Villa (DTL owned) for a special night, say a show and buffet, any extra space at this event tickets could be sold on.

For this to work all departments have to work together and get in right if not we could or should I say we will lose what we had.

Working on say 500 marshalls the costs would be something in the region of £25000-00 (based on average rebates of £50 per person) and say another £20000-00 for the marshalls night at the Villa, Total costs £45k which works out at 50p per head of population of the IOM who inturn receive a lot more from new money into the Island.

As to the problem of extra insurance as said in another thread if marshalls are paid, this is a non starter as they are not being paid as such, they are receiving their own moneys back.

Not much to ask for against what we get.
04-04-2008, 10:23 AM

Messages In This Thread
Help the Marshalls - by FC - 04-04-2008, 10:23 AM
RE: Help the Marshalls - by sticky - 04-04-2008, 10:47 AM
RE: Help the Marshalls - by GREEBA#94 - 04-04-2008, 12:14 PM
RE: Help the Marshalls - by Rocket Man - 04-04-2008, 10:12 PM
RE: Help the Marshalls - by FC - 05-04-2008, 10:55 AM
RE: Help the Marshalls - by FC - 07-04-2008, 12:22 PM
RE: Help the Marshalls - by Tomcat - 07-04-2008, 08:11 PM

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