Parish walk drama

Parish walk drama
I know it's not the TT, and for once I am not even marshalling, but the Parish Walk is rivetting.
Last year I was up during the night following the progress of favourites, and today is not any less dramatic.
Robbie Callister is our local favourite, being a Castletown man, but Sean Hands has been storming ahead, breaking records as if they were trivial.
The weather here is awful. It's winter cold, with string winds driving icy rain, and walkers must be numb with cold, but they soldier on, with vaselined skin to prevent chafing from wet shorts etc.
There's even a man with a prosthetic leg out there somewhere... he was in the first 200 last I heard (there were 1598 starters!)
Then... drama... Sean has retired... must have burnt himself out, while Jock Waddington and the wily fox Robbie carry on... still a long way to go... 85 miles is a very long way.
21-06-2008, 07:08 PM

Messages In This Thread
Parish walk drama - by thewitch - 21-06-2008, 07:08 PM
RE: Parish walk drama - by boakesey - 22-06-2008, 10:41 AM

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