From the TTMA

From the TTMA
The Isle of Man TT Marshals Association Ltd. (TTMA) would like to welcome everyone to the 2008 Manx Grand Prix. We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable fortnight.

Many people put in an awful lot of time and money so they can race here at the MGP, those competitors admit that it is often their families who have to sacrifice the most, but even they cannot fulfil their dream without the help of another dedicated band of followers and volunteers, namely the ‘Orange Army.’ The marshals who man the 37 and ¾ miles of closed roads. On many a corner, in hedgerows, tucked in gateways, standing alongside the tarmac and spread along the mountain stretches there are examples of those hardy souls, wearing their hi viz tabards. Armed with flags, TETRA radios, protective gloves or other articles supplied to assist with their duties, they watch the proceedings, ready to deal with anything that needs their assistance. Many a friend is made during those hours spent at the roadside and whilst doing such a worthwhile job.

You have made the trek over the Irish Sea to the MGP and have come to watch the races. As a spectator you often need to get to your chosen site long before roads close and in plenty time to secure the best viewing spot, but there is another way. Join the marshals and enjoy the very best views in the house! We have to be able to see what is going on along our chosen section of the course, so we are not hampered by other people who got there first, we arrive, and our marshalling locations are all ready designated. So how do you become one of the ‘Orange Army?’

To be a marshal you need to be 16 or over (Parent or Guardian’s consent required for 16 to 18 year olds) You need to be physically fit, although there are some jobs for the less able bodied as long as you are sufficiently trained to do those jobs. You come into the TT Marshals office at the back of the Grandstand and fill in a signing on form with your personal details and when and where you would like to marshal. We will show you an introductory DVD to help prepare you for your duties and then you will receive your hi viz tabard, warrant card, and marshalling pack. As a new marshal you will never be left on your own and you can rest assured that you will always be shown the ropes by a more experienced member of the team. By following in the footsteps of countless other volunteers who give up their time, you will be helping to contribute to the running of this unique event. You will also be eligible to come to the Marshal’s supper, this year to be held on Sunday 24th August at the Masonic Hall in Douglas. We provide you with a venue, a meal and a free drink, you provide us with some special company! Full details of any marshalling matters can be obtained from our office.

It is always important to mention the training the TTMA provides for marshals and prospective marshals. We run Incident Management Courses (IMC’s) throughout the year at various locations in the UK as well as on the Island. We are also hoping to run one or two IMC’s in Ireland before the TT next year. The one day course covers the powers and duties of a marshal, use of flags, TETRA radios, helicopter loading procedures and a TT course specific First Aid section, including instruction in crash helmet removal, fitting a cervical collar and use of the scoop stretcher. There is plenty of practical practice of these and other parts of the course, and it is free to attend, we even provide you with lunch. You will also be taught about protecting your own and other people’s safety and managing the scene of an incident. Skills learnt on our courses can help you in many other situations outside racing. Details of IMC dates and locations can be found on our website, or you can contact our office. New dates and venues are also advertised in our monthly newsletter emailed out to everyone on our database with an email address.

If you travelled to the Island and marshalled the TT this year, and are here to marshal the MGP too, please remember that you are eligible for a discount on your booking from the Steam Packet Company. Please contact the TTMA office for details of how to claim, but please note that this offer is direct with the ferry company and not through the TTMA, so we are only able to supply you with a reference for you to take to the Steam Packet where you can obtain your refund.

Despite the negative press in some corners surrounding the Prohibited and Restricted areas brought in before the TT this year, there was a general feeling that they were all well marked and visible, the same procedure will apply to the MGP. The organising of both the TT and the MGP is a year long cycle of preparation, much of it done by volunteers who put in many hours to make sure these events run, so it is important to remember that the changes that inevitably happen are done for genuine reasons, and not, as some would have us all believe, on a whim! Every area that the public are not admitted to enter is for a valid reason, so if you are asked to move by an official, including marshals, please remember that they are doing this with your safety in mind, we want you all to enjoy the racing as much as we do, but yours and others safety is of the utmost importance.

Lastly, the TTMA would like to thank all the generous sponsors and helpers that donate prizes for our raffles and prize draws, local companies who loan us vehicles to use as Response cars and all the other people who give up so much of their time to make this event what it is today. We could not function without so much being generously provided and it proves the true dedication to this event that so many people are prepared to support our cause.

Thank you for your support.

Terry Holmes. IOMTTMA Ltd. Vice Chairman.

Please contact us:

TTMA Office Email:
The Grandstand
Isle of Man Website:

Tel: 01624 618191
07-07-2008, 10:44 AM

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From the TTMA - by cargo - 07-07-2008, 10:44 AM

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