Not the MGP night out!

Not the MGP night out!
Last night I had another meeting in the Cat... this time it was a briefing with the Isle of Man Celtic Match Races team whose mother (oops... manager) I am.
The whole thing started well... I jumped in a taxi and the driver looked at me and said "The Cat?".
Just let's put the record straight here... that was my 3rd visit to the Cat in my life... but it was the same taxi driver who took me there last time!
We had an interesting, if noisy and confusing, meeting, and the team will be finally announced on Sunday night and the boat booked etc.
This team is amazing... wait till you see who they all are...very proud of them.
If you can, get yourself to Knockhill on the 4th and 5th October for the Celtic Match Races and the Jock Taylor Memorial Races. It is always one of the best meetings of the year, anyway, but having the Celtics as well.. superb!
P.S. Bring your party hat!
12-09-2008, 10:08 AM

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Not the MGP night out! - by thewitch - 12-09-2008, 10:08 AM

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