TT TV Contract

RE: TT TV Contract
CH1 Wrote:"Giving you freedom to flourish"

That is the Government message and one I think should be remembered. North one has come in with a good tender document and a vision of promoting the Isle of Man through the TT.

For the Isle of Man and the TT to Flourish, we need promotion, this can come from many areas, it's just here we are talking about the TT. I personally think the TT needs to be pushed further for it's own survival and this starts with TV and getting it in as many homes as possible. As the Island flourishes so will our economy, that then gives us more money in the pocket, gives the Gov more in theirs and gives them more to spend...........and so on and so on.

Not every TT fan can get to the Isle of Man, year in year out to sit on a hedge and watch, do you not get a buzz when watching this DVD? As for the cost of getting that's a very different subject and after being charged £148 for my wife and I to go to Liverpool as foot passengers for 36 hours, I don't want to go down this road.............

Good Luck North One I hope it all works out well for you.......


Freedom to Flourish as you put it yes, but do you understand what it means. Its about attracting new businesses to set up on the Island and for the ones that already have to give them the help to flourish on the world stage. Now if NorthOne were to set up shop with a facility and new employment on the island that would be fine smilie.

But you have hit the nail on the head, your own words quote >
and after being charged £148 for my wife and I to go to Liverpool as foot passengers for 36 hours, I don't want to go down this road.............. That's what the problem is travel costs, promoting fans to stay off the Island and watch the races Broad casted by NorthOne on Pay per view while sat in their own homes, is that going to help the Tourist and associated trades on the Island to flourish No. The DTL has to find a solution to attract visitors here to all the race meetings at a cost that is affordable to the man in the street, the same fans that after a day a the races will venture into our towns, spend a few quid in a cafe, have a few pints with friends putting new money in the tills..
The Isle of Man has to decide do we want a tourist industry of sort or just a financial bolt hole. If its tourist the fine look at alternatives, maybe go down the line of being a duty free island something that would benefit the tourist trade and financial centres. More British tourist stayed at home last year to take their holidays than ever before, that is the market to target, but to achieve this the Islands Government need to make an massive investment in new facilities IE Hotels, marinas, shopping centres, restaurants, entertainment complexes, doing this may provide the opportunity to have what all crave, a bike museum. Holidays in Britain are making a comeback, and the problems in the cheap flights to the sun are helping the British tourist industry, fuel cost another factor.
The Island has lost a lot over the years, one example the fishing industry and real Kippers, it was sold off cheap, the Island used to be the big player regarding the sale of kippers around the world they were famous, but like everything else No vision by the Government.
For the anti smokers, the island has its own Government and can do what it wants well almost. Build new pubs and restaurants with purpose build facilities for smokers out of the rain and comfort, allow tobacco companies to sponsors the races like they used to (F1 still do and need it). Duty free, being able to have a smoke with your beer will attract visitors and would create a lot of tax revenue for the Islands Government.
For all this to work we need a Government with Vision and dreams but sadly we cant seem to elect one.
Our old friend Mr Albert Gubay wanted to build a marina in Ramsey using his own money but was turned down flat by the Government, and look whats happened to Ramsey its dead on its feet and falling apart, other marinas on the Island are full and have a llong waiting list from off island owners, even Peel marina, not finished yet but sold out and look at all the work being done in Peel. That's the type of men we need running the Island men of wealth and dreams that have the money to back their plans.
12-09-2008, 04:29 PM

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RE: TT TV Contract - by FC - 12-09-2008, 04:29 PM
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RE: TT TV Contract - by Stella - 16-09-2008, 10:57 PM

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