Manx Grand Prix in need of better marketing, say organisers
chris Offline

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RE: Manx Grand Prix in need of better marketing, say organisers
(28-02-2012, 11:53 PM)chris Wrote:
(28-02-2012, 06:31 PM)FCM Wrote: At this weekends newcomers trip to the IOM for the MGP over 26 riders turned up, including the 5 we brought over from Germany to join our Dutch riders at this years MGP. This was the first of the 2 planned trips this year and it was a great success.

What disappoints me is that on today's Manx Radio news they reported the story of 6 sidecar newcomers visiting the IOM last weekend, no mention of the 26 MGP newcomers who are the future of the TT. These MGP riders pay their own trips to the Island not like the newcomers to the TT who's trips are paid for.
I am also a bit confused why the Tourist Department here have a Motor sports and Promotions team, who only seem to promote the TT and not the S100 or TT. Can someone please clarify what this department really do with my taxes.
Got to agree with FCM, it would be nice to have some news/interviews on Manx Radio about the MGP Newcomers, I assume the Newcomers would be pleased to be interviewed.
When ever I have spoken to potential Newcomers from France/Italy, they all want to race in the TT, and when you suggest entering the MGP, they all say what is that, where is it held? Once you explain where, and what it is, most of them come and enter the MGP.
Pleased to report that Manx Radio did have some interviews with some MGP Newcomers along with MGP Winner Dave Moffitt today on Saturday Sport.
03-03-2012, 11:01 PM
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RE: Manx Grand Prix in need of better marketing, say organisers - by chris - 03-03-2012, 11:01 PM

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