(25-11-2014, 11:40 AM)badlyoverdrawnboy Wrote: Yipee think I've made it - thanks Malcolm
One of the reasons that DED probably killed the old forum is that with facebook they have loads more ways of making dosh out of posters - as soon as you enter anything on there you are tracked and advertised to - I put in my profile I liked miles davis and carole king and get about 10 spam entries a day flogging their stuff, I also was hunting for a cooker recently - bought one then have been plagued ever since by pop up cooker adds.
One thing they haven't thought of is that its quite difficult to control postings on facebook and they will have an awful job sensoring stuff - come TT week we could have a field day with live utube vids etc - one good point is I won't be logging on again so I will avoid the inane PR speak, BS announcements (Norton win an award for building a bitza worse than the doner bike) adverts for watches nobody had ever heard of (cept some chavs from Morecombe for a week or so!) It will be really good to be on a site with a proper moderator to keep the trolls out, will make a difference from the dopey half wit thought police on the other site
I hope the right honourable, his lordship, sir Gary Thompson VC, DFC, OBE, MBE etc pops on here and keeps everyone onboard (pun intended!) long may he reign.
I don't see how Facebook can even come close to offering the functionality of a proper forum. If you have ever tried to find archived stuff on there you will soon realise that it is just not up to the job. Even posts from last week are lost in the mists of time.
I am so glad that we don't have chavs in Morecambe as they all seem to live in a town with a similar name - lucky us.
I am going as fast as I want.