Thanks for that!!!! It worked swimmingly once I figured how to get into my personal info on the old site. Without your help this technological dinosaur would never have figured out how to move my Avatar to this site. Another bonus is that now my Avatar is on my new computer. When my old computer crashed and burned it took my Avatar with it.
You rock!
Something I like better about this site already is that you can choose to change pages from either the top or bottom of a page. The old site I think you could only do it by scrolling all the way to the bottom of a page.
Ah, glad to be of help! My laptop crashed several weeks back, it is indeed a pain in the neck. Lost good company photo's too and needed some for CV, the Greek holliday shots would not do for that and then when old Forum closed I thought ow... right the avatar... yeah... so I worked that one out. Nice to hear it is helpful to others.