Quite simply, there is no connection between the content of Cregwilly's posting content - "why not have a simple yes/no vote box on say steam packet or manx radio grandstand studio this year" and the Thread Topic, which is after all - "TT2015 Starting Order".
If he had directly stated he was talking about the Starting Order, then of course he was ON Topic. He did not, so was OFF Topic in my opinion.
I closed the thread initially because it was going off track, and it appeared that it was quite possibly heading off down that route once again.
In addition, from your latter comment on "the difference between past and modern bikes", there has been an additional posting from Cregnybaa, which continues your OFF Topic comment, again into an area that has nothing to do with the original Thread Topic, and it is for such instances that I closed the Thread in the First place.
Tell me how anyone in the future, is going to find any comments on that particular item theme, within a Thread Topic that is titled Starting Order, particularly if the Original Thread Topic content is overtaken by that latter topic ?
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Now, if this Thread is going to continue - KEEP TO THE TOPIC.